Title 46--Shipping



TEXT PDF201.1 Scope of rules.
TEXT PDF201.2 Mailing address; hours.
TEXT PDF201.3 Authentication of rules, orders, determinations and decisions of the Administration.
TEXT PDF201.6 Documents in foreign languages.
TEXT PDF201.7 Information; special instructions.
TEXT PDF201.8 Use of gender and number.
TEXT PDF201.9 Suspension, amendment, etc., of rules.
TEXT PDF201.15 Appearance in person or by representative.
TEXT PDF201.16 Authority for representation.
TEXT PDF201.17 Written appearance.
TEXT PDF201.18 Practice before the Administration defined.
TEXT PDF201.19 Presiding officers.
TEXT PDF201.20 Attorneys at law.
TEXT PDF201.22 Firms and corporations.
TEXT PDF201.24 Suspension or disbarment.
TEXT PDF201.25 Statement of interest.
TEXT PDF201.26 Former employees.
TEXT PDF201.30 Parties; how designated.
TEXT PDF201.31 Public counsel.
TEXT PDF201.32 Substitution of parties.
TEXT PDF201.41 Form and appearance of documents filed with the Administration.
TEXT PDF201.42 Subscription, authentication of documents.
TEXT PDF201.43 Service by parties.
TEXT PDF201.44 Date of service.
TEXT PDF201.45 Certificate of service.
TEXT PDF201.46 Copies of documents for use of the Administration.
TEXT PDF201.51 Computation.
TEXT PDF201.52 Additional time after service by mail.
TEXT PDF201.53 Extension of time to file documents.
TEXT PDF201.54 Reduction of time to file documents.
TEXT PDF201.55 Postponement of hearing.
TEXT PDF201.61 Petition for issuance, amendment, or repeal of rule or regulation.
TEXT PDF201.62 Notice of proposed rule making.
TEXT PDF201.63 Participation in rule making.
TEXT PDF201.64 Contents of rules.
TEXT PDF201.65 Effective date of rules.
TEXT PDF201.71 Commencement of proceedings.
TEXT PDF201.72 Notice.
TEXT PDF201.73 Joinder of proceedings.
TEXT PDF201.74 Declaratory orders.
TEXT PDF201.75 Petitions--general.
TEXT PDF201.76 Applications for Government aid.
TEXT PDF201.77 Amendments or supplements to pleadings.
TEXT PDF201.78 Petition for leave to intervene.
TEXT PDF201.79 Motions.
TEXT PDF201.80 Answers to applications, petitions, or motions.
TEXT PDF201.85 Commencement of functions of Department of Transportation Office of Hearings.
TEXT PDF201.86 Presiding officer.
TEXT PDF201.87 Authority of presiding officer.
TEXT PDF201.88 Postponement or change of place by presiding officer.
TEXT PDF201.89 Disqualification of presiding officer.
TEXT PDF201.91 Filing of motions, answers.
TEXT PDF201.92 Ruling on motion.
TEXT PDF201.93 Review of ruling, appeal.
TEXT PDF201.101 Prehearing conference.
TEXT PDF201.102 Prehearing rulings.
TEXT PDF201.103 Opportunity for agreement of parties and settlement of case.
TEXT PDF201.109 Discovery and production of documents.
TEXT PDF201.110 Depositions: request for orders to take; time of filing.
TEXT PDF201.111 Contents of order.
TEXT PDF201.112 Record of examination; oath; objections.
TEXT PDF201.113 Submission to witness, changes, signing.
TEXT PDF201.114 Certification and filing by officer; copies.
TEXT PDF201.115 Waiver of objections and admissibility.
TEXT PDF201.116 Time of filing.
TEXT PDF201.117 Inclusion in record.
TEXT PDF201.118 Witness fees; expenses of taking depositions.
TEXT PDF201.121 Application for subpoena ad testificandum.
TEXT PDF201.122 Application for subpoena duces tecum.
TEXT PDF201.123 Standards for issuance of subpoena duces tecum.
TEXT PDF201.124 Service and quashing of subpoenas.
TEXT PDF201.125 Attendance and mileage fees.
TEXT PDF201.126 Service of subpoenas.
TEXT PDF201.127 Subpoena of Administration employees, documents, or things.
TEXT PDF201.131 Presentation of evidence.
TEXT PDF201.132 Conduct of the hearing.
TEXT PDF201.133 Appeal from ruling of presiding officer.
TEXT PDF201.134 Separation of functions.
TEXT PDF201.136 Evidence admissible.
TEXT PDF201.137 Rights of parties as to presentation of evidence.
TEXT PDF201.138 Unsponsored written material.
TEXT PDF201.139 Documents containing matter both material and not material.
TEXT PDF201.140 Records in other proceedings.
TEXT PDF201.141 Stipulations.
TEXT PDF201.142 Further evidence required by presiding officer during hearing.
TEXT PDF201.143 Exceptions to rulings of presiding officer unnecessary.
TEXT PDF201.144 Offer of proof.
TEXT PDF201.146 Receipt of documents after hearing.
TEXT PDF201.147 Official transcript.
TEXT PDF201.148 Corrections of transcript.
TEXT PDF201.149 Copies of data or evidence.
TEXT PDF201.150 Record for decision.
TEXT PDF201.151 Objections to public disclosure of information.
TEXT PDF201.155 Briefs; request for findings.
TEXT PDF201.156 Requests for extension of time for filing briefs.
TEXT PDF201.157 Reopening of a case by presiding officer prior to decision.
TEXT PDF201.158 Decisions, authority to make and kinds.
TEXT PDF201.159 Decisions; contents and service.
TEXT PDF201.160 Decision based on official notice.
TEXT PDF201.161 Exceptions to, and review by the Administration of initial or recommended decisions.
TEXT PDF201.162 Replies to exceptions.
TEXT PDF201.163 Request for extension of time for filing exceptions and replies thereto.
TEXT PDF201.164 Certification of record by presiding officer.
TEXT PDF201.166 Oral argument.
TEXT PDF201.167 Submission to Administration for final decision.
TEXT PDF201.171 Stay of Administration's decision.
TEXT PDF201.172 Time for filing petition to reopen.
TEXT PDF201.173 Reopening by Administration and modification or setting aside of decision.
TEXT PDF201.174 Petition for reopening.
TEXT PDF201.175 Answers to petition to reopen.
TEXT PDF201.181 General matters.
TEXT PDF201.182 Improper pressures.
TEXT PDF201.183 Ex parte communications.
TEXT PDF201.185 Effective date and applicability of rules.
