Title 46--Shipping



TEXT PDF5.3 Purpose of regulations.
TEXT PDF5.5 Purpose of administrative actions.
TEXT PDF5.11 Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection.
TEXT PDF5.15 Investigating Officer.
TEXT PDF5.19 Administrative Law Judge.
TEXT PDF5.27 Misconduct.
TEXT PDF5.29 Negligence.
TEXT PDF5.31 Incompetence.
TEXT PDF5.33 Violation of law or regulation.
TEXT PDF5.35 Conviction for a dangerous drug law violation, use of, or addiction to the use of dangerous drugs.
TEXT PDF5.51 Construction of regulations.
TEXT PDF5.55 Time limitations for service of a complaint.
TEXT PDF5.57 Acting under authority of license, certificate or document.
TEXT PDF5.59 Offenses for which revocation of licenses, certificates or documents is mandatory.
TEXT PDF5.61 Acts or offenses for which revocation of licenses, certificates, or documents is sought.
TEXT PDF5.65 Commandant's decisions in appeal or review cases.
TEXT PDF5.67 Physician-patient privilege.
TEXT PDF5.69 Evidence of criminal liability.
TEXT PDF5.71 Maritime labor disputes.
TEXT PDF5.101 Conduct of investigations.
TEXT PDF5.103 Powers of investigating officer.
TEXT PDF5.105 Course of action available.
TEXT PDF5.107 Service of complaints.
TEXT PDF5.201 Voluntary deposits in event of mental or physical incompetence.
TEXT PDF5.203 Voluntary surrender to avoid hearing.
TEXT PDF5.205 Return or issuance of a license, certificate of registry, or merchant mariners document.
TEXT PDF5.301 Issuance of subpoenas.
TEXT PDF5.303 Service of subpoenas on behalf of the respondent.
TEXT PDF5.305 Quashing a subpoena.
TEXT PDF5.307 Enforcement.
TEXT PDF5.309 Proof of service.
TEXT PDF5.401 Payment of witness fees and allowances.
TEXT PDF5.501 General.
TEXT PDF5.521 Verification of license, certificate or document.
TEXT PDF5.567 Order.
TEXT PDF5.569 Selection of an appropriate order.
TEXT PDF5.701 Appeals in general.
TEXT PDF5.707 Stay of effect of decision and order of Administrative Law Judge on appeal to the Commandant; temporary license, certificate, or document.
TEXT PDF5.713 Appeals to the National Transportation Safety Board.
TEXT PDF5.715 Stay of effect of Decision of the Commandant on Appeal: Temporary document and/or license pending appeal to National Transportation Safety Board.
TEXT PDF5.801 Commandant's review.
TEXT PDF5.803 Record for decision on review.
TEXT PDF5.805 Action on review.
TEXT PDF5.807 Commandant's Decision on Review.
TEXT PDF5.901 Time limitations.
TEXT PDF5.903 Application procedures.
TEXT PDF5.905 Commandant's decision on application.
