Title 46--Shipping



TEXT PDF503.1 Statement of policy.
TEXT PDF503.11 Materials to be published.
TEXT PDF503.12 Effect of nonpublication.
TEXT PDF503.13 Incorporation by reference.
TEXT PDF503.21 Mandatory public records.
TEXT PDF503.22 Records available at the Office of the Secretary
TEXT PDF503.23 Records available upon written request.
TEXT PDF503.24 Information available via the internet.
TEXT PDF503.31 Records available upon written request under the Freedom of Information Act.
TEXT PDF503.32 Procedures for responding to requests made under the Freedom of Information Act.
TEXT PDF503.33 Exceptions to availability of records.
TEXT PDF503.34 Annual report of public information request activity.
TEXT PDF503.41 Policy and services available.
TEXT PDF503.42 Payment of fees and charges.
TEXT PDF503.43 Fees for services.
TEXT PDF503.51 Definitions.
TEXT PDF503.52 Senior agency official.
TEXT PDF503.53 Oversight Committee.
TEXT PDF503.54 Original classification.
TEXT PDF503.55 Derivative classification.
TEXT PDF503.56 General declassification and downgrading policy.
TEXT PDF503.57 Mandatory review for declassification.
TEXT PDF503.58 Appeals of denials of mandatory declassification review requests.
TEXT PDF503.59 Safeguarding classified information.
TEXT PDF503.60 Definitions.
TEXT PDF503.61 Conditions of disclosure.
TEXT PDF503.62 Accounting of disclosures.
TEXT PDF503.63 Request for information.
TEXT PDF503.64 Commission procedure on request for information.
TEXT PDF503.65 Request for access to records.
TEXT PDF503.66 Amendment of a record.
TEXT PDF503.67 Appeals from denial of request for amendment of a record.
TEXT PDF503.68 Exemptions.
TEXT PDF503.69 Fees.
TEXT PDF503.70 Policy.
TEXT PDF503.71 Definitions.
TEXT PDF503.72 General rule--meetings.
TEXT PDF503.73 Exceptions--meetings.
TEXT PDF503.74 Procedures for closing a portion or portions of a meeting or a portion or portions of a series of meetings on agency initiated requests.
TEXT PDF503.75 Procedures for closing a portion of a meeting on request initiated by an interested person.
TEXT PDF503.76 Effect of vote to close a portion or portions of a meeting or series of meetings.
TEXT PDF503.77 Responsibilities of the General Counsel of the agency upon a request to close any portion of any meeting.
TEXT PDF503.78 General rule--information pertaining to meeting.
TEXT PDF503.79 Exceptions--information pertaining to meeting.
TEXT PDF503.80 Procedures for withholding information pertaining to meeting.
TEXT PDF503.81 Effect of vote to withhold information pertaining to meeting.
TEXT PDF503.82 Public announcement of agency meeting.
TEXT PDF503.83 Public announcement of changes in meeting.
TEXT PDF503.85 Agency recordkeeping requirements.
TEXT PDF503.86 Public access to records.
TEXT PDF503.87 Effect of provisions of this subpart on other subparts.
