Title 22--Foreign Relations



TEXT PDF201.01 Definitions.
TEXT PDF201.02 Scope and application.
TEXT PDF201.03 OMB approval under the Paperwork Reduction Act.
TEXT PDF201.10 Purpose.
TEXT PDF201.11 Eligibility of commodities.
TEXT PDF201.12 Eligibility of incidental services.
TEXT PDF201.13 Eligibility of delivery services.
TEXT PDF201.14 Eligibility of bid and performance bonds and guaranties.
TEXT PDF201.15 U.S. flag vessel shipping requirements.
TEXT PDF201.20 Purpose.
TEXT PDF201.21 Notice to supplier.
TEXT PDF201.22 Procurement under public sector procedures.
TEXT PDF201.23 Procurement under private sector procedures.
TEXT PDF201.24 Progress and advance payments.
TEXT PDF201.25 Bid and performance bonds and guaranties.
TEXT PDF201.26 Expenditure of marine insurance loss payments.
TEXT PDF201.30 Purpose.
TEXT PDF201.31 Suppliers of commodities.
TEXT PDF201.32 Suppliers of delivery services.
TEXT PDF201.40 Purpose.
TEXT PDF201.41 Audit and inspection.
TEXT PDF201.42 Reexport of USAID-financed commodities.
TEXT PDF201.43 Diversion clause.
TEXT PDF201.44 Vesting in USAID of title to commodities.
TEXT PDF201.45 Termination or modification of a loan, grant or implementing document.
TEXT PDF201.46 Compensation to supplier if shipment is prohibited.
TEXT PDF201.47 Use of marine insurance loss proceeds.
TEXT PDF201.50 Purpose.
TEXT PDF201.51 Methods of financing.
TEXT PDF201.52 Required documents.
TEXT PDF201.53 Final date for presentation of documents.
TEXT PDF201.60 Purpose and applicability of this subpart.
TEXT PDF201.61 Meaning of terms in this subpart.
TEXT PDF201.62 Responsibilities of borrower/grantee and of supplier.
TEXT PDF201.63 Maximum prices for commodities.
TEXT PDF201.64 Application of the price rules to commodities.
TEXT PDF201.65 Commissions, discounts and other payments, credits, benefits and allowances.
TEXT PDF201.66 Side payments.
TEXT PDF201.67 Maximum freight charges.
TEXT PDF201.68 Maximum prices for commodity-related services.
TEXT PDF201.69 Cooperating country taxes and fees.
TEXT PDF201.70 Purpose.
TEXT PDF201.71 Terms of letters of credit.
TEXT PDF201.72 Making payments.
TEXT PDF201.73 Limitations on the responsibilities of banks.
TEXT PDF201.74 Additional documents for USAID.
TEXT PDF201.75 Termination or modification.
TEXT PDF201.80 Purpose.
TEXT PDF201.81 Rights of USAID against borrower/grantees.
TEXT PDF201.82 Rights of USAID against suppliers.
TEXT PDF201.83 No waiver of alternative rights or remedies by USAID.
TEXT PDF201.84 Limitation on period for making refund requests.
TEXT PDF201.85 Legal effect of USAID approvals and decisions.
TEXT PDF201.86 Waiver and amendment authority.
TEXT PDF Appendix Appendix A to Part 201--Supplier's Certificate and Agreement With the Agency for International Development (AID 282).
TEXT PDF Appendix Appendix B to Part 201--Application for Approval of Commodity Eligibility (AID 11).
