Title 12--Banks and Banking



TEXT PDF208.1 Authority, purpose, and scope.
TEXT PDF208.2 Definitions.
TEXT PDF208.3 Application and conditions for membership in the Federal Reserve System.
TEXT PDF208.4 Capital adequacy.
TEXT PDF208.5 Dividends and other distributions.
TEXT PDF208.6 Establishment and maintenance of branches.
TEXT PDF208.7 Prohibition against use of interstate branches primarily for deposit production.
TEXT PDF208.20 Authority, purpose, and scope.
TEXT PDF208.21 Investments in premises and securities.
TEXT PDF208.22 Community development and public welfare investments.
TEXT PDF208.23 Agricultural loan loss amortization.
TEXT PDF208.24 Letters of credit and acceptances.
TEXT PDF208.25 Loans in areas having special flood hazards.
TEXT PDF208.30 Authority, purpose, and scope.
TEXT PDF208.31 State member banks as transfer agents.
TEXT PDF208.32 Notice of disciplinary sanctions imposed by registered clearing agency.
TEXT PDF208.33 Application for stay or review of disciplinary sanctions imposed by registered clearing agency.
TEXT PDF208.34 Recordkeeping and confirmation of certain securities transactions effected by State member banks.
TEXT PDF208.36 Reporting requirements for State member banks subject to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
TEXT PDF208.37 Government securities sales practices.
TEXT PDF208.40 Authority, purpose, scope, other supervisory authority, and disclosure of capital categories.
TEXT PDF208.41 Definitions for purposes of this subpart.
TEXT PDF208.42 Notice of capital category.
TEXT PDF208.43 Capital measures and capital category definitions.
TEXT PDF208.44 Capital restoration plans.
TEXT PDF208.45 Mandatory and discretionary supervisory actions under section 38.
TEXT PDF208.50 Authority, purpose, and scope.
TEXT PDF208.51 Real estate lending standards.
TEXT PDF208.60 Authority, purpose, and scope.
TEXT PDF208.61 Bank security procedures.
TEXT PDF208.62 Suspicious activity reports.
TEXT PDF208.63 Procedures for monitoring Bank Secrecy Act compliance.
TEXT PDF208.64 Frequency of examination.
TEXT PDF208.71 What are the requirements to invest in or control a financial subsidiary?
TEXT PDF208.72 What activities may a financial subsidiary conduct?
TEXT PDF208.73 What additional provisions are applicable to state member banks with financial subsidiaries?
TEXT PDF208.74 What happens if the state member bank fails to continue to meet certain requirements?
TEXT PDF208.75 What happens if the state member bank or any of its insured depository institution affiliates has received less than a ``satisfactory'' CRA rating?
TEXT PDF208.76 What Federal Reserve approvals are necessary for financial subsidiaries?
TEXT PDF208.77 Definitions.
TEXT PDF208.100 Sale of bank's money orders off premises as establishment of branch office.
TEXT PDF208.101 Obligations concerning institutional customers.
