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Learn More About Hunger

While the entire Hunger Notes website is devoted to helping our readers learn more about hunger and poverty, this department focuses specifically on learning resources of various types.

Hunger Fact Sheets  Brief fact sheets on hunger worldwide and in the United States.

Hunger Quizzes  Information and questions on key hunger issues, such as how many people are hungry and what does long-term hunger feel like.

Key Issues Affecting Poor People  Hunger Notes presents special reports on several key issues affecting poor people including harmful economic systems, trade, and development assistance.

Links to Other Websites  HN has tried to select the best websites that can tell you more about developing countries and the forces that determine why people are hungry and poor. 

World Hunger Pictures  Pictures of hungry and poor people with the stories that accompanied the pictures.

Education about Hunger and Poverty Issues  Sites that provide educational materials.

Study Tours Abroad / Work with Poor People  Got some free time? Study/work tours enable you to visit developing countries and people there.

Combining Learning, Action and Fundraising: Hunger Banquets, Crop Walks... Ways to host, or to participate in, events that enable participants to increase their understanding of, and take a concrete step to reduce, world hunger. 

Hunger Notes Archives Publication of past issues of Hunger Notes. [Not yet completed.]  Many articles are as relevant today as the day they were written.

Hunger Fact Sheets

World:  Hunger Notes.

The United States: Hunger NotesFeeding America (especially Hunger and poverty statistics), Food Research and Action Committee, and Poverty USA, a website developed by the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. 

Education about Hunger and Poverty Issues

Certainly see our links to other websites page.  Also

Church World Service has good print and on-line materials on hunger-related issues. (Located on Learn More About Hunger and Poverty links page)

Feeding Minds, Fighting Hunger  is an "international classroom" for exploring the problems of hunger, malnutrition and food insecurity. The basic part of the site consists of three session lesson plans, with materials on world hunger for primary, intermediate and secondary level classes.  In four languages: Spanish, French, Italian, and English. 

Food First's brief description of 12 Myths About Poverty and Hunger. A must-read.

Global Issues Good information on a large number of global issues including the causes of poverty, trade, debt, human rights and conflict.

The Mennonite Central Committee is an excellent source for print and media information on poverty, social justice and hunger issues. We have bookmarked the Resource Catalog homepage. See the pull down category list on the right hand side.

Religious and Ethical Perspectives on Hunger and Poverty.  Lawrence M. Hinman's site Ethics Updates has a section on World Hunger and Poverty and Welfare.

Combining Learning, Action and Fundraising: Hunger Banquets, Crop Walks...

Crop Walk Done by local groups in affiliation with Church World Service.

Hunger Banquet. The banquet mimics the distribution of food in the world, with some eating very well and most not eating very well at all. Hunger banquets are done locally to raise money and awareness about hunger. Frequently done in affiliation with Oxfam America, whose campaign is also known as Fast for a World Harvest

Study tours abroad/Work with poor people

The Center for Global Education at Augsburg College, Minneapolis, has been providing quality cross-cultural educational opportunities in Latin America, Southern Africa and other sites across the globe since 1982.

Also see Global Citizens Network, Global Volunteers, Global Service Corps and two sites with links to organizations with short-term volunteer programs, International Volunteer Programs Association and Volunteer Abroad.

Hunger Notes special reports

There are key issues affecting poor people. Hunger Notes has tried to follow several of these and for 2009 offers the following special reports:

Food as a Human Right (2009)

Global issues: the world financial, food and hunger crisis

Global issues: the earth, the environment, and poor people

Global issues: harmful economic systems: the major barrier to people's welfare and development

Global issues: trade, hunger and poverty

Global issues: development assistance

A special report which is still of interest is:

Armed Conflict and Hunger (2003)



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