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Become a Member of the
Anacostia Watershed Society

As an AWS member, your donation goes to support a variety of programs and services geared toward protecting and restoring the Anacostia River and its watershed. AWS seeks to fulfill its mission of creating a swimable and fishable river through education, restoration, and advocacy. Becoming a member today means that you will be kept well informed of these programs and other special events AWS may have to offer.


Becoming A New Member

If you would like to become a new member of AWS, please download and complete our membership form today. A basic membership is available for a tax-deductible donation of $30.00; however, we accept donations of any amount.

Use the links below to access the membership form using Adobe Acrobat Reader:

Download a printable Membership Application
Get a free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader

Membership Benefits

The greatest benefits on offer to AWS members are our collective successes in protection, advocacy, activism, and education throughout the watershed. With a membership donation of $30, additional perks include:

  • Personalized membership card.
  • Special updates and alerts with steps you can take to help preserve and protect the Anacostia and its watershed.
  • A subscription to "Voice of the River," the newsletter detailing AWS efforts.

Please call 301-699-6204 or email us for assistance or for further information about membership.


AWS volunteer plants a tree with his grandaughter.
An AWS member and his grandaughter
participate in an AWS tree planting event.

An AWS member cruises the
Anacostia in an AWS canoe.

Address Changes and Membership Questions

  • Have you recently moved?
  • Do you have questions about your membership?
  • Do we have your e-mail address?
  • Would you like to receive updates on AWS projects & events via e-mail?
  • Would you like us to send someone a packet of introductory information about AWS?

Renew Your Membership or make an Additional Donation Online

Make an online contribution to the Anacostia Watershed Society

We now have online access for making a tax deductible contribution to the Anacostia Watershed Society through Network for Good. If you'd like to make a donation, please click on the link below.


Donating Equipment

AWS programs are very demanding of our equipment. We are always in need of new canoes, paddles, kayaks, life vests, wet bags, and other items for our outdoor programs. Unfortunately, we don't have the resources to replace these as they become worn out. We also welcome new and used computers and office furniture. If you have any extra that you'd like to see help with the Anacostia restoration efforts, please contact us about making a donation. Thank you for your help!

Call 301.699.6204 or email us to donate equipment.

2008 AWS Holiday Campaign

Donate Online!
Click the DONATE button on our
Network for Good Charity Badge to the right.

A Note from Acting President, Jim Connolly...

Dear Friend of the River,

As 2008 draws to a close and the Anacostia Watershed Society finishes its 19th year of service to local communities and the environment, I want you to know how encouraged I am by your ongoing support of our activities and programs.  The outlook for restoring the Anacostia River and its tributaries to a swimmable and fishable condition has never been brighter than it is today; and, as you read on, I trust you will realize the we cannot achieve that bright, healthy, pollution-free future without you.  As you weigh each of your holiday giving options this year, please keep the Anacostia in your mind and close to your heart.

Earlier in the fall, I was invited to speak about AWS’s work to a gathering of riverkeepers and conservationists from around the world called the International River Symposium.   Honored by the all-expense-paid invitation, I packed up my slide show and flew south of the equator to the conference site in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. What I learned after I arrived there amazed me.   Of the hundreds of polluted urban rivers in the world, our own Anacostia stands above the average when it comes to measuring the success of existing environmental restoration efforts.   Compare the relative beauty and renewal of life along the Anacostia to the unrelenting miles of concrete that channeled Germany’s Isar River or the effluent waste of 4 million people flushing untreated into Brazil’s Velhas River each year, and I am confident you will draw a similar conclusion.  It’s obvious how such improvements have come to pass...[Read More]


AWS's 2008 Holiday
Campaign Is On!

Donate Today!

Still want to do more for the watershed?


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Anacostia Watershed Society