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Data and Safety Monitoring Example Plans
    Posted: 07/08/2002    Reviewed: 01/26/2005


St. Jude Children's Hospital Cancer Center

Duke University Comprehensive Cancer Center

Norris Cotton Cancer Center at Dartmouth

Univ. of Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Center

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Maintenance Rituximab for Follicular Lymphoma

Azacitidine Improves Survival in MDS

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Data and Safety Monitoring Guidelines
A guide to the formulation of DSM plans for all phases of cancer clinical trials, in accordance with NIH requirements.
Duke University Comprehensive Cancer Center

The following Institutional Data and Safety Monitoring Plan (in PDF format) is from Duke University Comprehensive Cancer Center, Darell Bigner, M.D., Ph.D., Acting Director. The plan appears in its entirety.

Once you are viewing the PDF, you can click on the titles listed in the table of contents to jump to that section of the plan.

Duke Comprehensive Cancer Center DCCC Protocol Review and Monitoring System (PDF)

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