Title 31--Money and Finance: Treasury


TEXT PDF10.0 Scope of part.
TEXT PDF10.1 Director of Practice.
TEXT PDF10.2 Definitions.
TEXT PDF10.3 Who may practice.
TEXT PDF10.4 Eligibility for enrollment.
TEXT PDF10.5 Application for enrollment.
TEXT PDF10.6 Enrollment.
TEXT PDF10.7 Representing oneself; participating in rulemaking; limited practice; special appearances; and return preparation.
TEXT PDF10.8 Customhouse brokers.
TEXT PDF10.20 Information to be furnished.
TEXT PDF10.21 Knowledge of client's omission.
TEXT PDF10.22 Diligence as to accuracy.
TEXT PDF10.23 Prompt disposition of pending matters.
TEXT PDF10.24 Assistance from or to disbarred or suspended persons and former Internal Revenue Service employees.
TEXT PDF10.25 Practice by former Government employees, their partners and their associates.
TEXT PDF10.26 Notaries.
TEXT PDF10.27 Fees.
TEXT PDF10.28 Return of client's records.
TEXT PDF10.29 Conflicting interests.
TEXT PDF10.30 Solicitation.
TEXT PDF10.31 Negotiation of taxpayer checks.
TEXT PDF10.32 Practice of law.
TEXT PDF10.33 Tax shelter opinions.
TEXT PDF10.34 Standards for advising with respect to tax return positions and for preparing or signing returns.
TEXT PDF10.50 Sanctions.
TEXT PDF10.51 Incompetence and disreputable conduct.
TEXT PDF10.52 Violation of regulations.
TEXT PDF10.53 Receipt of information concerning practitioner.
TEXT PDF10.60 Institution of proceeding.
TEXT PDF10.61 Conferences.
TEXT PDF10.62 Contents of complaint.
TEXT PDF10.63 Service of complaint; service and filing of other papers.
TEXT PDF10.64 Answer; default.
TEXT PDF10.65 Supplemental charges.
TEXT PDF10.66 Reply to answer.
TEXT PDF10.67 Proof; variance; amendment of pleadings.
TEXT PDF10.68 Motions and requests.
TEXT PDF10.69 Representation; ex parte communication.
TEXT PDF10.70 Administrative Law Judge.
TEXT PDF10.71 Hearings.
TEXT PDF10.72 Evidence.
TEXT PDF10.73 Depositions.
TEXT PDF10.74 Transcript.
TEXT PDF10.75 Proposed findings and conclusions.
TEXT PDF10.76 Decision of Administrative Law Judge.
TEXT PDF10.77 Appeal of decision of Administrative Law Judge.
TEXT PDF10.78 Decision on appeal.
TEXT PDF10.79 Effect of disbarment, suspension, or censure.
TEXT PDF10.80 Notice of disbarment, suspension, censure, or disqualification.
TEXT PDF10.81 Petition for reinstatement.
TEXT PDF10.82 Expedited suspension upon criminal conviction or loss of license for cause.
TEXT PDF10.90 Records.
TEXT PDF10.91 Saving clause.
TEXT PDF10.92 Special orders.
TEXT PDF10.93 Effective date.
