


TEXT PDF24.1 Basis and purpose.
TEXT PDF24.2 Other applicable rule parts.
TEXT PDF24.3 Permissible communications.
TEXT PDF24.5 Terms and definitions.
TEXT PDF24.10 Scope.
TEXT PDF24.11 Initial authorization.
TEXT PDF24.12 Eligibility.
TEXT PDF24.15 License period.
TEXT PDF24.16 Criteria for comparative renewal proceedings.
TEXT PDF24.50 Scope.
TEXT PDF24.51 Equipment authorization.
TEXT PDF24.52 RF hazards.
TEXT PDF24.53 Calculation of height above average terrain (HAAT).
TEXT PDF24.55 Antenna structures; air navigation safety.
TEXT PDF24.100 Scope.
TEXT PDF24.101 Multiple ownership restrictions.
TEXT PDF24.102 Service areas.
TEXT PDF24.103 Construction requirements.
TEXT PDF24.129 Frequencies.
TEXT PDF24.130 Paging response channels.
TEXT PDF24.131 Authorized bandwidth.
TEXT PDF24.132 Power and antenna height limits.
TEXT PDF24.133 Emission limits.
TEXT PDF24.134 Co-channel separation criteria.
TEXT PDF24.135 Frequency stability.
TEXT PDF24.200 Scope.
TEXT PDF24.202 Service areas.
TEXT PDF24.203 Construction requirements.
TEXT PDF24.229 Frequencies.
TEXT PDF24.232 Power and antenna height limits.
TEXT PDF24.235 Frequency stability.
TEXT PDF24.236 Field strength limits.
TEXT PDF24.237 Interference protection.
TEXT PDF24.238 Emission limits.
TEXT PDF24.239 Cost-sharing requirements for broadband PCS.
TEXT PDF24.241 Administration of the Cost-Sharing Plan.
TEXT PDF24.243 The cost-sharing formula.
TEXT PDF24.245 Reimbursement under the Cost-Sharing Plan.
TEXT PDF24.247 Triggering a reimbursement obligation.
TEXT PDF24.249 Payment issues.
TEXT PDF24.251 Dispute resolution under the Cost-Sharing Plan.
TEXT PDF24.253 Termination of cost-sharing obligations.
TEXT PDF24.301 Narrowband PCS subject to competitive bidding.
TEXT PDF24.302 Competitive bidding design for narrowband PSC licensing.
TEXT PDF24.303 Competitive bidding mechanisms.
TEXT PDF24.304 Withdrawal, default and disqualification penalties.
TEXT PDF24.305 Bidding application (FCC Form 175 and 175-S Short-Form).
TEXT PDF24.306 Submission of upfront payments and down payments.
TEXT PDF24.307 Long-form applications.
TEXT PDF24.308 License grant, denial, default, and disqualification.
TEXT PDF24.309 Designated entities.
TEXT PDF24.320 Definitions.
TEXT PDF24.403 Authorization required.
TEXT PDF24.404 Eligibility.
TEXT PDF24.415 Technical content of applications; maintenance of list of station locations.
TEXT PDF24.430 Opposition to applications.
TEXT PDF24.431 Mutually exclusive applications.
TEXT PDF24.701 Broadband PCS subject to competitive bidding.
TEXT PDF24.702 Competitive bidding design for Broadband PCS licensing.
TEXT PDF24.704 Withdrawal, default and disqualification penalties.
TEXT PDF24.706 Submission of upfront payments and down payments.
TEXT PDF24.708 License grant, denial, default, and disqualification.
TEXT PDF24.709 Eligibility for licenses for frequency Blocks C and F.
TEXT PDF24.710 Limitation on licenses won at auction for frequency Blocks C and F.
TEXT PDF24.711 Upfront payments, down payments and installment payments for licenses for frequency Block C.
TEXT PDF24.712 Bidding credits for licenses for frequency Block C.
TEXT PDF24.714 Partitioned licenses and disaggregated spectrum.
TEXT PDF24.716 Upfront payments, down payments, and installment payments for licenses for frequency Block F.
TEXT PDF24.717 Bidding credits for licenses for frequency Block F.
TEXT PDF24.720 Definitions.
TEXT PDF24.804 Eligibility.
TEXT PDF24.815 Technical content of applications; maintenance of list of station locations.
TEXT PDF24.830 Opposition to applications.
TEXT PDF24.831 Mutually exclusive applications.
TEXT PDF24.833 Post-auction divestitures.
TEXT PDF24.839 Transfer of control or assignment of license.
TEXT PDF24.843 Extension of time to complete construction.
TEXT PDF24.900 Purpose.
TEXT PDF24.901 Scope.
TEXT PDF24.902 Definitions.
TEXT PDF24.903 Capabilities that must be provided by a broadband PCS telecommunications carrier.

