Title 33--Navigation and Navigable Waters



TEXT PDF20.101 Scope.
TEXT PDF20.102 Definitions.
TEXT PDF20.103 Construction and waiver of rules.
TEXT PDF20.201 Assignment.
TEXT PDF20.202 Powers.
TEXT PDF20.203 Unavailability.
TEXT PDF20.204 Withdrawal or disqualification.
TEXT PDF20.205 Ex parte communications.
TEXT PDF20.206 Separation of functions.
TEXT PDF20.301 Representation.
TEXT PDF20.302 Filing of documents and other materials.
TEXT PDF20.303 Form and content of filed documents.
TEXT PDF20.304 Service of documents.
TEXT PDF20.305 Amendment or supplementation of filed documents.
TEXT PDF20.306 Computation of time.
TEXT PDF20.307 Complaints.
TEXT PDF20.308 Answers.
TEXT PDF20.309 Motions.
TEXT PDF20.310 Default by respondent.
TEXT PDF20.311 Withdrawal or dismissal.
TEXT PDF20.401 Initiation of administrative proceedings.
TEXT PDF20.402 Public notice.
TEXT PDF20.403 Consolidation and severance.
TEXT PDF20.404 Interested persons.
TEXT PDF20.501 Conferences.
TEXT PDF20.502 Settlements.
TEXT PDF20.601 General.
TEXT PDF20.602 Amendatory or supplementary responses.
TEXT PDF20.603 Interrogatories.
TEXT PDF20.604 Requests for production of documents or things, for inspection or other purposes.
TEXT PDF20.605 Depositions.
TEXT PDF20.606 Protective orders.
TEXT PDF20.607 Sanctions for failure to comply.
TEXT PDF20.608 Subpoenas.
TEXT PDF20.609 Motions to quash or modify.
TEXT PDF20.701 Standard of proof.
TEXT PDF20.702 Burden of proof.
TEXT PDF20.703 Presumptions.
TEXT PDF20.704 Scheduling and notice of hearings.
TEXT PDF20.705 Failure to appear.
TEXT PDF20.706 Witnesses.
TEXT PDF20.707 Telephonic testimony.
TEXT PDF20.708 Witnesses' fees.
TEXT PDF20.709 Closing of the record.
TEXT PDF20.710 Proposed findings, closing arguments, and briefs.
TEXT PDF20.801 General.
TEXT PDF20.802 Admissibility of evidence.
TEXT PDF20.803 Hearsay evidence.
TEXT PDF20.804 Objections and offers of proof.
TEXT PDF20.805 Proprietary information.
TEXT PDF20.806 Official notice.
TEXT PDF20.807 Exhibits and documents.
TEXT PDF20.808 Written testimony.
TEXT PDF20.809 Stipulations.
TEXT PDF20.901 Summary decisions.
TEXT PDF20.902 Decisions of the ALJ.
TEXT PDF20.903 Records of proceedings.
TEXT PDF20.904 Reopening.
TEXT PDF20.1001 General.
TEXT PDF20.1002 Records on appeal.
TEXT PDF20.1003 Procedures for appeal.
TEXT PDF20.1004 Decisions on appeal.
TEXT PDF20.1101 Finality.
TEXT PDF20.1102 Petitions to set aside decisions and provide hearings for civil penalty proceedings.
TEXT PDF20.1103 Availability of decisions.
TEXT PDF20.1201 Application.
TEXT PDF20.1202 Filing of pleadings.
TEXT PDF20.1203 Commencement of expedited hearings.
TEXT PDF20.1205 Motion for return of temporarily suspended license, certificate of registry, or document.
TEXT PDF20.1206 Discontinuance of expedited hearings.
TEXT PDF20.1207 Pre-hearing conferences.
TEXT PDF20.1208 Expedited hearings.
TEXT PDF20.1209 Appeals of ALJs' decisions.
TEXT PDF20.1301 Purpose.
TEXT PDF20.1303 Authentication and certification of extracts from shipping articles, logbooks, and the like.
TEXT PDF20.1305 Admissibility and weight of entries from logbooks.
TEXT PDF20.1307 Use of judgments of conviction.
TEXT PDF20.1309 Admissibility of respondents' criminal records and records with the Coast Guard before entry of findings and conclusions.
TEXT PDF20.1311 Admissions by respondent.
TEXT PDF20.1313 Medical examination of respondents.
TEXT PDF20.1315 Submission of prior records and evidence in aggravation or mitigation.
