Title 29--Labor



TEXT PDF1601.1 Purpose.
TEXT PDF1601.2 Terms defined in title VII of the Civil Rights Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
TEXT PDF1601.3 Other definitions.
TEXT PDF1601.4 Vice Chairman's functions.
TEXT PDF1601.5 District; area; supervisory authority.
TEXT PDF1601.6 Submission of information.
TEXT PDF1601.7 Charges by or on behalf of persons claiming to be aggrieved.
TEXT PDF1601.8 Where to make a charge.
TEXT PDF1601.9 Form of charge.
TEXT PDF1601.10 Withdrawal of a charge by a person claiming to be aggrieved.
TEXT PDF1601.11 Charges by members of the Commission.
TEXT PDF1601.12 Contents of charge; amendment of charge.
TEXT PDF1601.13 Filing; deferrals to State and local agencies.
TEXT PDF1601.14 Service of charge or notice of charge.
TEXT PDF1601.15 Investigative authority.
TEXT PDF1601.16 Access to and production of evidence; testimony of witnesses; procedure and authority.
TEXT PDF1601.17 Witnesses for public hearings.
TEXT PDF1601.18 Dismissal: Procedure and authority.
TEXT PDF1601.19 No cause determinations: Procedure and authority.
TEXT PDF1601.20 Negotiated settlement.
TEXT PDF1601.21 Reasonable cause determination: Procedure and authority.
TEXT PDF1601.22 Confidentiality.
TEXT PDF1601.23 Preliminary or temporary relief.
TEXT PDF1601.24 Conciliation: Procedure and authority.
TEXT PDF1601.25 Failure of conciliation; notice.
TEXT PDF1601.26 Confidentiality of endeavors.
TEXT PDF1601.27 Civil actions by the Commission.
TEXT PDF1601.28 Notice of right to sue: Procedure and authority.
TEXT PDF1601.29 Referral to the Attorney General.
TEXT PDF1601.30 Notices to be posted.
TEXT PDF1601.34 Rules to be liberally construed.
TEXT PDF1601.35 Petitions.
TEXT PDF1601.36 Action on petition.
TEXT PDF1601.70 FEP agency qualifications.
TEXT PDF1601.71 FEP agency notification.
TEXT PDF1601.74 Designated and notice agencies.
TEXT PDF1601.75 Certification of designated FEP agencies.
TEXT PDF1601.76 Right of party to request review.
TEXT PDF1601.77 Review by the Commission.
TEXT PDF1601.78 Evaluation of designated FEP agencies certified by the Commission.
TEXT PDF1601.79 Revocation of certification.
TEXT PDF1601.80 Certified designated FEP agencies.
TEXT PDF1601.91 Request for title VII interpretation or opinion.
TEXT PDF1601.92 Contents of request; where to file.
TEXT PDF1601.93 Opinions--title VII.
