Title 34--Education



TEXT PDF303.1 Purpose of the early intervention program for infants and toddlers with disabilities.
TEXT PDF303.2 Eligible recipients of an award.
TEXT PDF303.3 Activities that may be supported under this part.
TEXT PDF303.4 Limitation on eligible children.
TEXT PDF303.5 Applicable regulations.
TEXT PDF303.6 Act.
TEXT PDF303.7 Children.
TEXT PDF303.8 Council.
TEXT PDF303.9 Days.
TEXT PDF303.10 Developmental delay.
TEXT PDF303.11 Early intervention program.
TEXT PDF303.12 Early intervention services.
TEXT PDF303.13 Health services.
TEXT PDF303.15 Include; including.
TEXT PDF303.16 Infants and toddlers with disabilities.
TEXT PDF303.17 Multidisciplinary.
TEXT PDF303.18 Natural environments.
TEXT PDF303.19 Parent.
TEXT PDF303.20 Policies.
TEXT PDF303.21 Public agency.
TEXT PDF303.22 Qualified.
TEXT PDF303.23 Service coordination (case management).
TEXT PDF303.24 State.
TEXT PDF303.25 EDGAR definitions that apply.
TEXT PDF303.100 Conditions of assistance.
TEXT PDF303.101 How the Secretary disapproves a State's application or statement of assurances.
TEXT PDF303.110 General requirements and timelines for public participation.
TEXT PDF303.111 Notice of public hearings and opportunity to comment.
TEXT PDF303.112 Public hearings.
TEXT PDF303.113 Reviewing public comments received.
TEXT PDF303.120 General.
TEXT PDF303.121 Reports and records.
TEXT PDF303.122 Control of funds and property.
TEXT PDF303.123 Prohibition against commingling.
TEXT PDF303.124 Prohibition against supplanting.
TEXT PDF303.125 Fiscal control.
TEXT PDF303.126 Payor of last resort.
TEXT PDF303.127 Assurance regarding expenditure of funds.
TEXT PDF303.128 Traditionally underserved groups.
TEXT PDF303.140 General.
TEXT PDF303.141 Information about the Council.
TEXT PDF303.142 Designation of lead agency.
TEXT PDF303.143 Designation regarding financial responsibility.
TEXT PDF303.144 Assurance regarding use of funds.
TEXT PDF303.145 Description of use of funds.
TEXT PDF303.146 Information about public participation.
TEXT PDF303.147 Services to all geographic areas.
TEXT PDF303.148 Transition to preschool programs.
TEXT PDF303.160 Minimum components of a statewide system.
TEXT PDF303.161 State definition of developmental delay.
TEXT PDF303.162 Central directory.
TEXT PDF303.164 Public awareness program.
TEXT PDF303.165 Comprehensive child find system.
TEXT PDF303.166 Evaluation, assessment, and nondiscriminatory procedures.
TEXT PDF303.167 Individualized family service plans.
TEXT PDF303.168 Comprehensive system of personnel development (CSPD).
TEXT PDF303.169 Personnel standards.
TEXT PDF303.170 Procedural safeguards.
TEXT PDF303.171 Supervision and monitoring of programs.
TEXT PDF303.172 Lead agency procedures for resolving complaints.
TEXT PDF303.173 Policies and procedures related to financial matters.
TEXT PDF303.174 Interagency agreements; resolution of individual disputes.
TEXT PDF303.175 Policy for contracting or otherwise arranging for services.
TEXT PDF303.176 Data collection.
TEXT PDF303.180 Payments to the Secretary of the Interior for Indian tribes and tribal organizations.
TEXT PDF303.200 Formula for State allocations.
TEXT PDF303.201 Distribution of allotments from non-participating States.
TEXT PDF303.202 Minimum grant that a State may receive.
TEXT PDF303.203 Payments to the Secretary of the Interior.
TEXT PDF303.204 Payments to the jurisdictions.
TEXT PDF303.300 State eligibility criteria and procedures.
TEXT PDF303.301 Central directory.
TEXT PDF303.320 Public awareness program.
TEXT PDF303.321 Comprehensive child find system.
TEXT PDF303.322 Evaluation and assessment.
TEXT PDF303.323 Nondiscriminatory procedures.
TEXT PDF303.340 General.
TEXT PDF303.342 Procedures for IFSP development, review, and evaluation.
TEXT PDF303.343 Participants in IFSP meetings and periodic reviews.
TEXT PDF303.344 Content of an IFSP.
TEXT PDF303.345 Provision of services before evaluation and assessment are completed.
TEXT PDF303.346 Responsibility and accountability.
TEXT PDF303.360 Comprehensive system of personnel development.
TEXT PDF303.361 Personnel standards.
TEXT PDF303.400 General responsibility of lead agency for procedural safeguards.
TEXT PDF303.401 Definitions of consent, native language, and personally identifiable information.
TEXT PDF303.402 Opportunity to examine records.
TEXT PDF303.403 Prior notice; native language.
TEXT PDF303.404 Parent consent.
TEXT PDF303.405 Parent right to decline service.
TEXT PDF303.406 Surrogate parents.
TEXT PDF303.419 Mediation.
TEXT PDF303.420 Due process procedures.
TEXT PDF303.421 Appointment of an impartial person.
TEXT PDF303.422 Parent rights in administrative proceedings.
TEXT PDF303.423 Convenience of proceedings; timelines.
TEXT PDF303.424 Civil action.
TEXT PDF303.425 Status of a child during proceedings.
TEXT PDF303.460 Confidentiality of information.
TEXT PDF303.500 Lead agency establishment or designation.
TEXT PDF303.501 Supervision and monitoring of programs.
TEXT PDF303.510 Adopting complaint procedures.
TEXT PDF303.511 An organization or individual may file a complaint.
TEXT PDF303.512 Minimum State complaint procedures.
TEXT PDF303.520 Policies related to payment for services.
TEXT PDF303.521 Fees.
TEXT PDF303.522 Identification and coordination of resources.
TEXT PDF303.523 Interagency agreements.
TEXT PDF303.524 Resolution of disputes.
TEXT PDF303.525 Delivery of services in a timely manner.
TEXT PDF303.526 Policy for contracting or otherwise arranging for services.
TEXT PDF303.527 Payor of last resort.
TEXT PDF303.528 Reimbursement procedure.
TEXT PDF303.540 Data collection.
TEXT PDF303.560 Use of funds by the lead agency.
TEXT PDF303.600 Establishment of Council.
TEXT PDF303.601 Composition.
TEXT PDF303.602 Use of funds by the Council.
TEXT PDF303.603 Meetings.
TEXT PDF303.604 Conflict of interest.
TEXT PDF303.650 General.
TEXT PDF303.651 Advising and assisting the lead agency in its administrative duties.
TEXT PDF303.652 Applications.
TEXT PDF303.653 Transitional services.
TEXT PDF303.654 Annual report to the Secretary.

