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Republic of Macedonia

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e-Schools Project Brings Technology into Macedonia’s Classrooms

In modern society, computer technology goes hand-in-hand with education and child development. Interactive educational software, online libraries, virtual chat-rooms where teachers and students can exchange ideas and methodologies–-all are effective tools that help children learn better, faster.

The USAID e-Schools Project, which ended March 31, 2008, helped Macedonia leap into the 21st century by installing 6,000 computers (donated by the Chinese Government) and 430 servers in all of its primary and secondary schools. The project also trained over 10,000 teachers in Information Technology (IT) and helped to integrate IT into their curriculum. For the youngest students, e-Schools developed the very first educational software “ToolKID” in Macedonian and Albanian, now used by over 2,000 K-4 teachers. Another project innovation was the creation of the first educational web portal in Macedonia where teachers can access supplemental online teaching materials. Most importantly, the project has promoted a better understanding of the importance of IT by the Government, which is now committed to continue modernizing education in its country.

Macedonian schoolchildren work in their new computer lab, established through USAID's e-Schools Project.
Macedonian schoolchildren work in their new computer lab, established through USAID’s e-Schools Project.
Photo Credit: e-Schools

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