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Republic of Macedonia

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School Renovations Result in More Funds for Education

On October 25, 2007, the students of the “7 Marsi” primary school in Celopek, within the municipality of Brvenica, Macedonia, will mark the newest addition to their school building – new energy-efficient windows. The renovation was part of the USAID-funded Primary Education Project.

The school had been losing a quarter of its heat during the winter due to poorly insulated window frames; the resulting expense burdened the municipal budget. USAID’s PEP contributed $35,000 to replace 51 old wooden frames with new energy efficient aluminum windows. Savings from the lower heating bills may now be reinvested in education by the municipality.

“Safety of the students and efficiency of the learning environment is priority number one for the municipality. Renovation of this school is one of the first steps towards improving the overall education in the region,” said Xhelal Ramadani, the Mayor of Brvenica, during the ribbon-cutting ceremony. “Having the school employees and parents join together with USAID enabled the project to be implemented smoothly. On behalf of my municipality and our students, I express sincere gratitude to USAID and the American people for their support.”

USAID Primary Education Project will renovate up to 100 primary schools during its four years of implementation. Applications for the second round of renovations in 32 schools are currently being accepted. The project’s renovation component supports the creation of better learning environments and decentralization of school facilities to municipal governments.

Installation of energy-efficient windows and heating systems are among the renovations being made to Macedonia's primary schools through USAID's Primary Education Project
Installation of energy-efficient windows and heating systems are among the renovations being made to Macedonia’s primary schools through USAID’s Primary Education Project

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