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Republic of Macedonia

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Pop Star Partners with USAID for Macedonian Schools

In mid-March, USAID’s new Primary Education Project (PEP), a five-year initiative targeted toward all public primary schools in Macedonia, embarked on a National Information Tour that traveled to schools eight cities—Skopje, Tetovo, Ohrid, Bitola, Kavadarci, Strumica, Kocani and Kumanovo—throughout the country.

“We wanted to speak directly to our clients and partners across Macedonia to inform them of our plans to assist the Ministry of Education and Science to develop a quality primary education service that will foster economic growth and stability in Macedonia. We also informed school directors and mayors about how they can apply for USAID funds to renovate buildings and improve classrooms to stimulate learning and creativity.” said Dr. Keith Prenton, Chief of Party for the project.

During the tour, specialists undertook a needs analysis survey in the regions surrounding each of the eight cities. Project staff made local presentations about planned activities to mayors and officials, school directors, education advisors, and teachers and conducted fact-finding visits to selected schools in each city.

During the school visits, students attended presentations by their slightly older peers—representatives from Macedonian secondary schools who talked about USAID’s role and mission in Macedonia. Staff from OXO, an NGO and USAID partner, spoke to the young audiences about energy efficiency. Macedonian pop star and special PEP partner, Tose Proeski, traveled to several schools to stress that quality education as an important national issue for all Macedonian citizens.

The National Information Tour visited public primary schools in eight cities across Macedonia Pop star Tose Proeski spoke to media, schoolchildren and communities about the value of a good education
The National Information Tour visited public primary schools in eight cities across Macedonia Pop star Tose Proeski spoke to media, schoolchildren and communities about the value of a good education

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