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Russian Students Learn About U.S. Federalism

From May 1-7, 2006, the Moscow School of Political Studies (MSPS) and University of Missouri conducted an annual seminar on American federalism and public policy.  A group of 30 MSPS students from 17 regions of Russia and high-level officials and experts from Washington, D.C. discussed a variety of issues of national and international importance.

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, National Security Council Special Assistant and advisor to the President Thomas Graham, USAID Assistant Administrator Drew Luten, and a number of other prominent speakers addressed the group of young Russian leaders.  After two intensive days in Washington, D.C., the group traveled to St. Louis to study the practical aspects of federalism and speak with county and city officials as well as local charitable foundations and business development organizations.

MSPS students pose on the steps of U.S. Supreme Court before meeting with Justice Scalia
MSPS students pose on the steps of U.S. Supreme Court before meeting with Justice Scalia

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