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Mission Director: Skip Waskin

American Embassy/USAID/Moscow
PSC 77
APO AE 09721
Tel: 7-495-728-5000
Fax: 7-495-960-2141


The U.S. and Russia need to engage each other on global issues that require international collaboration. As Russia grows economically, it is increasingly able to invest in improving the well-being of its citizens and to make a growing contribution to global welfare. The USAID program in Russia plays an important role by cooperating with both governmental and non-governmental (NGO) actors to promote a healthy, inclusive, and well-governed society.

Since 1992, USAID has devoted more than $2.6 billion to Russia’s development. Today, USAID supports projects in the areas of health, civil society, rule of law, local governance, and conflict mitigation. USAID is also building alliances with Russian government agencies and the corporate sector to mobilize new resources and expand the reach and impact of successful development models.

Russia in Action

Andrey Zaytsev (far right) of the Fund for Sustainable Development consults with Luchegorsk municipal officials.USAID Improves Local Living Conditions in Primoriye

On November 28, 2008, experts from USAID/Russia and the Fund for Sustainable Development (FSD) conducted a site visit and financial training in the town of Luchegorsk in the Pazharskiy Raion of Primoriye... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Infrastructure

During their visit to Seattle, Russian delegates met with the Honorable John C. Coughenour, Federal District Court Judge for the Western District of Washington.IVLP Alumni, USAID Partner to Coordinate on Domestic Violence

On December 8, 2008, participants of the recent International Visitor Program “Improving Law Enforcement and Judicial Response to Domestic Violence” met with USAID and Moscow-based representatives... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

Ambassador Beyrle and Consul General Armbruster with young leaders participating in USAID's LIDER program.Ambassador Beyrle Meets with Youth Activists in Vladivostok

On November 18, 2008, Ambassador John Beyrle and Consul General Thomas Armbruster visited a USAID-funded youth leadership workshop in Vladivostok... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

Demonstration of a new water supply system in Nagornoye that was co-funded by USAID, the Pozharsky Raion Administration, and local residents.USAID Supports Development in Rural Primorye

On November 28, 2008, a USAID representative visited the villages of Nagornoye and Pozharsky in the Pozharsky Raion of Primorye to learn about the impact of USAID’s Municipal Community Alliances Program... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Infrastructure

Disabled dancers performed during the closing ceremony of the film festival.USAID Disability Rights Partner Holds Fourth International Film Festival

The USAID-funded disability rights group Perspektiva attracted several hundred human rights activists and filmmakers to Moscow on November 14-17, 2008 for its Fourth International Film Festival... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

Ambassador Beyrle and Vladivostok Consul General Armbruster with youth participants of the Healthy Russia 2020 project.Healthy Lifestyles for Youth Project Eyes Expansion

USAID’s project on healthy lifestyles for vulnerable youth, implemented by the Healthy Russia Foundation in cooperation with Johns Hopkins University, garnered new support from several regions during the Ministry of Education’s All-Russia Congress of Schools on November 18-19, 2008... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

Russian religious leaders gathered in Moscow to collectively address efforts to stem the spread of HIV/AIDS.PEPFAR Supports Russian Interfaith Conference on HIV/AIDS

On November 18-19, 2008, more than 200 religious leaders, government officials, and representatives from faith-based and other organizations convened in Moscow for a national conference... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

Representatives from the Central Bank of Russia participate in a USAID-supported study tour in the U.S. on cash management.Central Bank of Russia Studies U.S. Practices

On November 17-21, 2008, 12 representatives from the cash management, payments, and accounting departments of the Central Bank of Russia (CBR) took part in a study tour to New York and Washington, DC... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Financial Markets

Russian children's choir performing at an interfaith HIV/AIDS event in St. Petersburg.HIV/AIDS Interfaith Event Held in St. Petersburg

On November 29, 2008, U.S. Consul General Sheila Gwaltney spoke at “From Family Traditions to a Healthy Future,” an interfaith event for youth and families hosted by Russian charitable foundation Diaconia... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Social Programs

Russian emergency responders participate in an exchange program in San Diego.EMERCOM Officials Visit San Diego Counterparts

Ten professionals from the St. Petersburg branch of the Russian Ministry for Emergency Management (EMERCOM) took part in a Community Connections exchange program on “Disaster Response and Emergency Preparedness in the U.S.” from September 25–October 17, 2008... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Education

USAID's Mark Hannafin (far left) and Jim Carlson (far right) participate in a tree planting in Dagestan to commemorate a new partnership among the International Rescue Committee, a dairy cooperative, and a dairy processing plant that will open new markets for the products of local farmers.USAID/Russia Assesses North Caucasus Program

Following a recent two-day conflict programming training in Moscow led by experts from USAID/Washington, USAID/Russia sent an eight-member team to the North Caucasus to conduct an on-the-ground assessment of program opportunities in the region... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia

SANAM Director Sergey Dubovsky and a clinic nurse demonstrate the equipment used for rapid testing of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.Moscow Clinic Offers Free HIV Rapid Testing

On December 1, 2008, USAID/Russia Mission Director Skip Waskin visited a partially USAID-funded private clinic in Moscow for groups at highest risk of HIV infection... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

U.S. Embassy Deputy Chief of Mission Eric Rubin speaking at the Stars Against AIDS event in Moscow on World AIDS Day 2008.Stars Against AIDS Exhibit Opens in Moscow

On December 1, 2008, the 20th anniversary of World AIDS Day, a photo exhibit of “Stars Against AIDS” opened at the Library of Foreign Literature in Moscow... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

NGO leaders form a heart: the logo for the public relations campaign.Groundbreaking Campaign Aims to Boost Charitable Giving, Service

The Agency for Social Information unveiled a new public relations strategy to significantly raise public recognition of the work of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Russia... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Social Programs

Participants in the VRF training on diagnosis of Hib in Vladivostok.USAID Project Pilots Hib Vaccine in Vladivostok

With USAID support, the Vishnevskaya-Rostropovich Foundation (VRF) is piloting a vaccine for Haemophilus Influenzae Type B (Hib) in Vladivostok... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

Dr. Irina Odintsova, Acting Director of the Vladimir Oblast Health Department, and USAID/Russia Mission Director Skip Waskin at the opening of the Vladimir TB Center.Vladimir TB Center Opens its Doors

On October 28, 2008, USAID Mission Director Skip Waskin joined officials from the Vladimir City Administration and the Oblast Ministry of Health at the opening of a new Center of Excellence for Tuberculosis (TB) Infection Control... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

American political consultant Ann Stone spoke with Russian women leaders and activists about expanding women's participation in politics in Russia.USAID Partners in Russia Discuss Women in Politics

In collaboration with the U.S. Embassy Public Affairs Section’s Speaker Program, USAID brought together an impressive group of its implementing partners to participate in a session on “Women in Politics” that was led by Ann Stone... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

Patrick Murphy (wearing his medal of honor) stands with Yuriy Sidorenko, Chairman of the Russian Council of Judges.Russian Judiciary Honors USAID Rule of Law Advisor

On September 2, 2008, the Council of Judges of the Russian Federation presented USAID/Russia’s Senior Rule of Law Advisor William Patrick Murphy, Jr. with its highest award... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Rule of Law

USAID's Community Development Support Project worked with local residents to make Topolevo a healthier, safer, and more active communityUSAID Partner Community in RFE Wins Quality of Life Contest

Topolevo, one of 16 communities receiving funding through USAID’s Community Development Support Program (CDSP), recently won first prize in a national contest for rural municipalities on healthy environment and quality of life... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Environment

Winners of the 'Together Radio' festival in Moscow118 Russian Radio Stations Compete at Together Radio Festival

More than 250 radio professionals from 118 radio stations in 67 cities across Russia competed for recognition at Together Radio, the sixth annual festival for regional radio stations... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

USAID installed information kiosks in pilot courts to improve public transparency and access.Russian Judiciary Praises Decade of Cooperation with USAID

The USAID Judicial Reform and Partnerships Program held its final event on June 20, 2008 marking more than a decade of cooperation with the Russian judiciary... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Rule of Law

Teens YDCP's Youth Empowerment Road Show in Petrozavodsk.Russian Youth Take Best Practices on the Road

The USAID-supported Youth Development Competencies Program (YDCP) organized a Youth Empowerment Road Show for May 17-18, 2008 in Petrozavodsk to showcase the winners of a national contest for the best youth-driven projects being implemented across Russia... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Education

USAID/Russia's Eugene Levkin (left) meets with Bob Jean, City Manager of University Place, Washington. Through the Municipal Partnership Program, University Place will be paired with the city of Slavyanka in the Russian Far East to strengthen local government administration.Washington State, Russian Far East Cities To Build Partnerships

The U.S.-Russian Far East Municipal Partnership Program, implemented by the Foundation for Russian American Economic Cooperation (FRAEC) and funded by USAID, announced the creation in April of four new partnerships... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

ICNL's Doug Rutzen presents at the Public Chamber.USAID Partner Delivers First Public Lecture at Russia’s Public Chamber

On May 20, 2008, Douglas Rutzen, President of the USAID-supported International Center of Non-for-Profit Law (ICNL), delivered the first-ever public lecture at Russia’s Federal Public Chamber... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Rule of Law

Russian child welfare specialists discuss foster care best practices with U.S. experts during a week-long exchange to New York City in May 2008.Russian Child Welfare Specialists Visit New York

In early May 2008, the USAID-supported Assistance to Russian Orphans (ARO) program sponsored a week-long study tour to New York City for six Russian child welfare professionals to observe U.S. models and share lessons learned... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Social Programs

USAID/Russia Mission Director Skip Waskin (right) presents at the World Bank workshop.USAID, Russia Collaborate on Development Aid

On May 27-28, 2008, USAID participated in an international workshop organized jointly by the Russian Ministry of Finance and the World Bank, in coordination with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

U.S. Consul General Thomas Armbruster with Youth Activists in KhabarovskUSAID Launches New Youth Program in the Russian Far East

On April 14-15, USAID and Winrock International launched a new two-year program, LIDER: Youth Advocacy and Social Networks (using the Russian acronym for Leadership, Initiative, Action, Unity, and Results)... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Education

The new Folk Crafts Center on Valaam Island hosted an auction of traditional pottery hand-made by local children in April 2008.Local Leaders Pledge to Sustain Valaam Island Development Success

On April 11-13, 2008 the final conference of the Valaam–Our Common Home Project implemented by the Fund for Sustainable Development under the USAID-funded Community Development Support Project... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

U.S. Consul General Thomas Armbruster quizzes Russian law students on jury trials as part of a USAID-supported seminar in Vladivostok.U.S. Judges Participate in Jury Trial Training in Vladivostok

In late April 2008, the Russian American Rule of Law Consortium (RAROLC) hosted a week-long USAID-supported seminar in Vladivostok, Russia on Jury Trial Litigation for judges, prosecutors and defense attorneys from the Primorskiy Krai Court... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Rule of Law

Youth LINX's presentation booth at a fair in VoronezhYouth Fair Provides Valuable Forum to Share Best Practices

At a Youth Fair in Voronezh, Russia on April 24, 2008 the USAID-funded Youth LINX (Learning, Involvement, Networking and EXchange) program showcased the successful projects it has developed during the past three years... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Education

This Chechen parliamentarian was among nearly two dozen deputies who participated in a USAID training to advance public benefit programsUSAID Partner Empowers Elected Local Officials

During the week of March 17, 2008, more than 20 deputies of local legislative and representative bodies from the North Caucasus’ republics and Southern Russia participated in a training conducted by USAID partner Southern Regional Resource Center... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

Russian health experts visited an HIV laboratory in Botswana as part of USAID's Strategic Health Partnership Initiative in March 2008Short-Term Deployments To Help Strengthen Third Country Labs

In early March 2008, a Russian assessment team visited Botswana and Tanzania as part of USAID's Strategic Health Partnership Initiative, an expansion of the US-Russian Federation Presidential Bratislava Initiative on HIV/AIDS... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

Mikhail Veligodsky (far right) of Golos Association discusses elections and the operating environment in Krasnodar Kray.Democracy Review Delegation Meets with Russian NGOs

Staff from USAID/Washington and the State Department visited Krasnodar, Russia on March 30-31, 2008 to meet with a variety of NGOs, human rights activists, journalists, and judicial officials... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

USFS delegation works with Russian fire and climate specialists at the Sukachev Forestry InstituteUSAID, U.S. Forest Service Partner with Krasnoyarsk Regional Administration

During a U.S. Forest Service (USFS) visit to Krasnoyarsk February 22–March 4, 2008, USFS representatives agreed with USAID and the Krasnoyarsk Krai Administration to add a new program component assessing opportunities... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Environment

Voronezh students are learning religious and ethnic tolerance thanks to a USAID programVoronezh Students Unite Against Racial Violence

Racial tensions run high in the southern Russian town of Voronezh, where foreign students have become the target of racially-motivated killings. In October 2005, local youths severely beat and killed a Peruvian student... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Education

Birlant looks after a satisfied customer in her salon in Urus-Martan, Chechnya. Using the practical skills she learnt on a vocational training course, run by IRC and its local partner, supported by USAID, Birlant is now able to support her family of seven.Vocational Training Opens Doors for Chechen Entrepreneur

In Chechnya they say “Every man wants to receive food from a beautiful hand” – and so the logic follows that a good manicurist will always have work... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Business Development

A new state-of-the-art TB training center is helping the Orel Oblast further reduce TB casesRussia, U.S. Partner to Open New Tuberculosis Training Center

On August 27, 2007, the Central TB Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, with support from the World Health Organization (WHO) and USAID, opened a new demonstration center... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

Golos-trained observers watch an electronic voting computer tally votes at a polling station in NovgorodRussian Election Commission Modernizes Voting Process

In 2006, the Russian Central Election Commission (CEC) decided to go electronic. In a country as geographically vast as Russia, with 140 million citizens stretched across seven time zones and 90,000 electoral districts... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

Vakha and his students outside Aslanbek's factory in Urus-Martan. The young men were able to practice their skills and are now finding they are in high demand throughout the district as reconstruction expands in ChechnyaMarketable Skills Give Young Chechen Men a Future

For the community of Urus-Martan, Chechnya, unemployment is a grave issue. Unemployment rates in the republic have reached nearly 80 percent following two successive wars... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Labor Markets

Many Russian officials, including the Vyazemsky mayor and Khabarovsky Kray development ministers, attended the symposiumRemote U.S., Russian Cities Linked for Economic Progress

The USAID-funded CityLinks Alaska-Russian Far East (RFE) Partnership held a best practices symposium August 3–5, 2007 in Vladivostok to mark the culmination of the two-year program... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Business Development

PEPFAR team members visiting a maternity hospital in OrskU.S. Officials Visit Orenburg HIV/AIDS Programs

On July 24-26, members of an U.S. Government interagency team visited health facilities and met with local government officials in the city of Orenburg and in Orsk, a smaller city in Orenburg Oblast... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

Delegates met with Chief U.S. District Judge Thomas Hogan in Washington, DCRussian Officials Visit U.S. on Judicial Study Tour

From July 20-28, the USAID-supported Russian-American Judicial Partnership and the Open World program hosted a group of five judicial officials from the Russian Supreme Court's Judicial Department in Washington, D.C. and Portland, Maine... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Rule of Law

Participants at the International Partnership FestivalInternational Partnership Festival Caps Six-Year Program

From July 17-18, the USAID-supported Foundation for Russian American Economic Cooperation (FRAEC), hosted its final International Partnership Festival, marking the end of a USAID-funded six-year program to support U.S.-Russian... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Social Programs

Acting USAID Director Janina Jaruzelski exchanges signed originals of MOC with St. Petersburg officialsUSAID and Russian Government to Cooperate in Combating HIV/AIDS

On July 20, USAID and the Government of St. Petersburg signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) to combat HIV/AIDS. USAID and the city of St. Petersburg have had a successful partnership for a number of years... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

Hundreds of displaced children from the North Caucasus are able to benefit from USAID-funded educational programs in RussiaDisplaced Youth Celebrate International Children’s Day

More than 300 children enrolled in World Vision Russian Federation programs participated in educational events to celebrate International Children’s Day in early June 2007... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Social Programs

For the first time, refugee families are able to cook hot meals at homeGas Makes Refugee Homes Happier in North Ossetia

In June 2007, more than 20 refugee families from Georgia, Tajikistan, and North Ossetia were at last able to boil water for tea in their homes. Thanks to a USAID-funded program that brought a gas pipeline to a remote village in North Ossetia... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Energy

Hospitals receive UNICEF/WHO's 'Baby-Friendly Hospital' titleConference Highlights Dramatic Maternal and Child Health Gains

In June 2007, the regional administration in Omsk, Russia, in partnership with the USAID’s Maternal and Child Health Initiative (MCHI), held an international conference... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

Children promote inclusive education at a rally in MoscowUSAID Partner Organizes Moscow Education Rally

On May 31, over 200 people participated in a rally organized by USAID partner Perspektiva, to raise awareness about inclusive education in Russia. Rally participants promoted the idea that all children regardless of their physical, intellectual and other needs... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Education

Primorskiy Kray commission members discuss the human trafficking campaignPrimorskiy Kray Requests Trafficking, Domestic Violence Training

At a June 2007 meeting, a government commission established to combat human trafficking and domestic violence in Primorskiy Kray, Russia, called upon law enforcement agencies and the tourism board to invite NGOs to organize trainings for their staff... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Social Programs

(From left) Ambassador Burns and First Deputy Minister Tsalikov signed the memorandum committing to disaster relief cooperationU.S., Russia Sign 10-Year MOU on International Cooperation

On June 26, Ambassador Nicholas Burns and First Deputy Minister Ruslan Khadzhismelovich Tsalikov of the Russian Federation’s Ministry of Emergency Situations (EMERCOM) signed a new, 10-year Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

More than 150 Samara NGO leaders and local government officials were certified in the practical application of Russia’s local self-government lawGrassroots Democracy Blossoming in Samara Oblast

On May 31, USAID partner Povolzhye held an awards ceremony in Samara, Russia for participants who completed a ten-month training course on the enforcement of Federal Law 131 on Local Self-Government... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Rule of Law

More than 10,000 citizens attended the health-themed festival, sponsored jointly by the USAID-funded Healthy Russia Foundation and EuroChemHealthy Russia Foundation, EuroChem Launch Public Health Program

The USAID-funded Healthy Russia Foundation, in partnership with the Russian firm EuroChem, launched a new public health program “Healthy Family—Healthy Country!” on May 27 during a city health festival in Nevinomyssk... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

Domestic Violence OfficerDomestic Violence Centers Meet Strong Demand

Police officers reported increased public interest in informational materials on domestic violence at a recent conference in Chelyabinsk, Russia... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

Aid Helps Residents Improve Life in Remote Mountain Community

On March 3, representatives from USAID and the Foundation for Sustainable Development (FSD) visited the Agulskiy District in Dagestan, Russia to lay the groundwork for a new community development project... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

The President of Chuvash Republic, Nikolay Fedorof, addressing the festival participantsCompetition Draws Media Attention to Social Issues

More than 96 journalists representing 61 regional TV companies from 46 cities across western Russia gathered in Cheboksary, the capital of the Chuvash Republic, for the third regional round of the All-Russia TV competition, “Time to Act”... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

Conference participants share views on philanthropy developmentUSAID Partner Holds First Samara Oblast Forum on Philanthropy

On January 30, USAID partner Povolzje hosted the first-ever conference on charity development in Russia’s Samara Oblast. The event, widely attended by government officials, corporate donors, NGOs and the media... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

Cadets listen to reproductive health messageCouples Health Program Achieves Sustainability

On December 6, the Healthcare Department of Primorskiy Kray officially launched the Couples’ Campaign. This program, originally implemented by the USAID-funded Healthy Russia Foundation (HRF)... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

Lively roundtable discussions followed the screenings of five documentaries which spoke to different aspects of the HIV epidemic“Cinema Against AIDS” Draws Crowds

More than one thousand people attended “Cinema Against AIDS,” hosted by ten United Nations agencies and co-funders of the Joint United Nationas Programme on AIDS (UNAIDS) in Moscow... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

HIV/AIDS counselors in Irkutsk have received professional training, thanks to USAID supportMedical Faculty Build HIV Counseling Skills

On November 6-10, USAID grantee Healthy Russia Foundation carried out a three-day “train the trainers” session to disseminate updated information on HIV counseling techniques for teachers and professors at Irkutsk Medical University... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

Student volunteers prepare to take to the streets to educate the public on domestic violenceSaratov Youth Unite Against Family Violence

The Saratov Crisis Center, a former USAID grantee currently celebrating ten years of service, led the city’s participation in the international “16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence” campaign from November 25 to December 10... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Social Programs

US Consul General Mary Kruger (center) congratulated the Russian and American colleagues on their collaboration in opening the AETC (from left: Nikolay Belyayev, Rector of the Medical Academy for Postgraduate Studies; Vladimir Zholobov, First Deputy of the St. Petersburg Health Committee; Mary Kruger, US Consul General; Jim Smith, Executive Director of the AIHA)New Center Promises Expanded HIV/AIDS Services

On November 18, the American International Health Alliance (AIHA) and the St. Petersburg Medical Academy for Post Graduate Studies (MAPS) opened an AIDS Education and Training Center (AETC) in St. Petersburg... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

Educators learn to encourage and empower youth as antidote to trafficking riskTeachers Talk Trafficking in Russia’s Far East

On October 24, more than 60 teachers from Amurskaya Oblast, Primorskiy and Khabarovsky Kray, along with representatives of school administrations and the Ministry of Education... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Education

Julia Ormond's video address at the 'STOP Trafficking' ForumPrimorskiy Kray Fights Human Trafficking

On August 30, the Primorskiy Kray administration and local NGOs, including the USAID-funded Path to Success! program partners, combined forces to host the “STOP Trafficking" Asia-Pacific International Forum... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Social Programs

ICNL's Natalia Bourjaily reports to world leaders gathered at the UN on global trends in regulating civil societyUSAID Partner Briefs World Leaders on State of NGOs

At the invitation of the White House, the International Center for Non-Profit Law (ICNL) participated in a technical session on global civil society issues at the United Nations moderated by President Bush on September 19... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

Participants pose for the camera at an anti-trafficking forum in NakhodkaPrimorskiy Kray Funds Anti-Trafficking Event

As a follow-up to NGO/local government collaboration this summer in Nakhodka, NGO and local officials participated in an anti-trafficking conference in Vladivostok on August 30... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

Delivery of equipment to the Chechen MoH CenterUSAID-Donated Equipment Upgrades Health Centers in Grozny, Nazran

In July 2006, under the USAID-funded “Strengthening Primary Health Care (PHC) in the North Caucasus” program, the World Health Organization (WHO) provided computers... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

The Polyclinic was among the stops on Medvedev's itinerary in the Russian Far EastOfficials Lauds Work of RFE Breastfeeding Center

On July 18, First Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev led a high-level delegation including Russian Far East (RFE) Plenipotentiary Representative Kamil Ishakov... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

NGOs gathered signatures for anti-trafficking petitionsGovernor of Primory’e Joins NGOs in Fighting Human Trafficking

More than 4,000 people participated in anti-trafficking street fairs in Vladivostok, Artyom, Ussuriysk and Partizansk, as a part of the USAID-funded PATH To Success! program... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Social Programs

Located on the Dniepr River, Zaporozhye produces more than half of Ukraine's stainless steel and ball bearings, a third of its cold-rolled steel sheets, and about half of its transformersSocial Partnership Looks to Replicate Russian Success in Ukraine

From June 14th – 16th, representatives from USAID/Russia, USAID/Ukraine, and from USAID/Russia’s implementing partners participated in the annual meeting of the Coordination Council on Social Partnership of the SUAL Company... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Ukraine, Business Development

Poster reads 'Amendments for a New Duma'Golos Marks Duma Anniversary with Civic Action

On May 18-19, 2006, the USAID-supported Golos Association conducted activities intended to increase citizens’ awareness of the electoral amendments made last year and to stimulate interest in elections... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

Igor Ivanov, age 14, had his mother beside him as he accepted the award from renowned artist Zurab TsereteliJunior Achievement Russia Honors Essay Winners

On May 24, 2006, finalists in the fourth Junior Achievement Russia “Simple Words” essay contest assembled at the Zurab Tsereteli Art Museum in Moscow to honor this year’s winners... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Education

A featured speaker engages a lively audience at the 'Time To Act Festival'Festival Explores the Role of Journalists in Russian Society

From May 23-25, 2006, USAID-supported Internews Russia, the National Association of Tele-Broadcasters, and the Alliance of Regional Media Executives hosted “Time to Act”, a festival of regional journalism in Moscow... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

USAID/Russia Mission Director Terry Myers and EuroChem Administrative Director Kirill Kravchanko agreed to create a partnership designed to improve the quality of life for citizens of a community that is home to one of the company's largest facilitiesUSAID, EuroChem Establish Global Development Alliance

On May 23, 2006, USAID/Russia Director Terry Myers and EuroChem Administrative Director Kirill Kravchenko signed a Memorandum of Understanding to establish a Global Development Alliance (GDA)... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Environment

MSPS students pose on the steps of U.S. Supreme Court before meeting with Justice ScaliaRussian Students Learn About U.S. Federalism

From May 1-7, 2006, the Moscow School of Political Studies (MSPS) and University of Missouri conducted an annual seminar on American federalism and public policy... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Education

USAID/Russia Mission Director Terry Myers (right) looks on as Maestro Rostropovich speaks at the close-out celebrationHepatitis B Vaccination Initiative Adopted by Russian Government

On May 16, 2006, the USAID-supported Vishnevskaya-Rostropovich Foundation (VRF) held a celebration in the Yaroslavl to mark the conclusion of the VRF hepatitis B children’s vaccination initiative... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

Father Grigoriy Chekmenyov, Rabbi Nison Mendl Ruppo, Imam-Khatab Marat Zhalyaletdinov, and Father Mikhail Nasonov of Kostoma discuss the day's eventDiscussion on Religious Tolerance Receives Broad Attention in Kostroma

Between April 16 and 27, the USAID-supported Youth LINX program facilitated dialogues in Ivanovo, Kostoma, and Moscow among religious leaders in an effort to increase interfaith communication and understanding... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia

Two students paint over racially motivated messages on a wall to be redecorated by students and orphans June 1Theater for a Change Takes the Fight Against Intolerance to the Streets

On April 30, the Theater for a Change, a USAID-supported partner implementing the Value of Tolerance Program, sponsored an event to celebrate "the Colors of Nizhniy."... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Social Programs

More than 120 students from the Vyazemsk Forest College attended the USAID- sponsored educational sessionStudents Headed for a Career in Forestry Learn How to Control Illegal Logging

On April 2-6, 2006, the Russia Far East Forest Certification Center, under the auspices of USAID’s FOREST Project, held an educational public hearing... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Environment

Miss Universe Natalie Glebova is part of a public health campaign to fight HIV among Russia's youthMiss Universe Raises HIV/AIDS Awareness in Russia

On March 30, 2006, the Russian Association for the Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (SANAM), a vital partner in USAID’s efforts to address STD/HIV prevention... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

Presidential Advisor Samoilov presents the third prize to journalist Veronika Latypova from Kazan, as Senator Raketskiy (left) waits his turn to presentOutstanding Russian Journalism on Local Governance Celebrated

On March 4, 2006, the USAID-supported Foundation for Information Policy Development held a high-profile awards ceremony at the Federation Council to recognize the winners of its third annual “Vlast’ Narodnaya” (Power of the People) Contest... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

Extensive repairs of old machinery at the boiler plantEnergy Efficiency Project Supports Sustainable Community Development

To date, the “Nevyansk-Favorite City” Project, implemented under the USAID-funded Replication of Lessons Learned (ROLL) Program for sustainable development of model communities in Russia has already saved Nevyansk a total of 500,000 rubles... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Energy

A lab technician works with Tuberculosis bacteria under the protection of a testing cabinet funded by USAID at the new Bacteriological Laboratory of BelgorodOpening of State-of-the-Art Lab Raises Hopes for Improved TB Treatment

On January 25, 2006 Belgorod Oblast’s Central Bacteriological Laboratory celebrated its official opening. Vice Governor of the Belgorod Oblast, Dimitriy Khudaev, USAID/Russia Director, Terry Myers... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

A Dentist examines a childJoint USAID/SUAL Program Attracts New Partner

The joint USAID/Siberian Ural Aluminum Company (SUAL) program, Environment and Public Health in Regions with Aluminum Plants, has recently attracted the multinational corporation Colgate-Palmolive... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

USAID-sponsored t-shirt sends a clear message: 'Don't Sell People'Training Extends Knowledge of Human Trafficking Issues in Russia

On January 27, 2006, The Center for the Prevention of Social Problems, a recipient of a grant given by the USAID-supported Winrock International Path to Success! Program... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Social Programs

Teens repair the doorway of a pensioner's apartmentUSAID Program Helps Pensioners and World War II Veterans

As part of civic participation program in Pushchino, Russia, 60 teens volunteered their time to help single pensioners and World War II veterans prepare for winter... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Social Programs

Healthcare providers received hands-on instruction on how to perform HIV test counselingHealthy Russia Foundation Trains Medical Professionals for Counseling

From December 13-15, 2005, the USAID-supported Healthy Russia Foundation conducted training on Communication and Counseling on HIV/AIDS in Togliatti... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

The barrel race, performed here by an athlete, was one of the 3 equestrian eventsFirst Inter-Russian Special-Olympics Equestrian Championship Held in Moscow

The First All-Russia Equestrian Competition (Spartakiada) of Disabled Children and Children with Limited Abilities... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Social Programs

Domestic Monitoring of Moscow Elections Underway

In early November, the Golos Association began monitoring election campaigns for the December 4th Moscow City Duma elections... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

Media Executives Commit to AIDS Awareness TV Spots in Russia and Ukraine

In a meeting last week in Moscow, Media Executives from Russia and Ukraine bolstered their commitment to fight HIV/AIDS in their countries using their strong public/private sector image and identity... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Ukraine, Health

USAID’s Tuberculosis Control Program Garners Global Attention

The USAID-funded Tuberculosis Control program received notable attention at the 36th World Conference of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases (IUATLD) in Paris on October 22... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

USAID, Russian Orthodox Church to Partner on AIDS Care

The Russian Orthodox Church nursing staff presented the new palliative care program for terminal AIDS patients to USAID representatives earlier last week... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

Screenshot of http:www.ForestLaw.ruWorld Wild Fund Launches Forest Law Website

In October 2005, USAID’s FOREST II project, in cooperation with WWF Moscow office, launched a website dedicated to the development of Russia’s new Forest Code... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Environment

USAID Administrator Natsios observes a performance at the Drop-in Center for Street Children in St. PetersburgNatsios Heads to Russia for Avian Flu Talks, USAID Program Review

USAID Administrator Andrew S. Natsios visited Russia October 5-9, 2005 to discuss collaboration in combating Avian Influenza (AI) and to review USAID’s overall program... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

Training for Moscow oblast election observers USAID Partner Golos Provides Expertise to Moscow Oblast Election Observers

Recently, the USAID-supported Golos Association provided training for 300 volunteer observers who monitored community-level elections in the Moscow Oblast on Sunday, September 4... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

Khabarovskiy Kray Applies New Fire Prevention Advocacy Knowledge

Khabarovsk region has suffered from many forest fires during this year; the south-east and central part of the region have been damaged by large forest fires... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Environment

Moscow School Hosts Seminar To Build Interest in Democracy

On July 24-31, 2005 the USAID-supported Moscow School of Political Studies held its second annual seminar “Law, Politics, Economics and Mass Media.”... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

American Bar Association Conducts Gender and Advocacy Training

On August 6-10, 2005, ABA/CEELI’s USAID-funded Gender Justice Program brought together 16 social advocates from across Russia... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Rule of Law

ARO Hosts Conference on Preventing Abandonment of HIV/AIDS Affected Children

The first all-Russia conference to discuss ways to prevent the abandonment of children born to HIV- infected mothers was held in Moscow, July 17-20, 2005s... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Social Programs

PEPFAR delegation in SaratovAIDS Team Visits Russia for First Orientation

On July 11, 2005, the Presidential Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) interagency Team arrived in Russia for their first orientation visit... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

Screenshot of the Open Letter Independent Russian Newspapers Accuse Authorities of Discrimination

The editors-in-chief of three independent newspapers in Sverdlovsk Oblast have published an “open letter” addressed to authorities at all levels... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

Farmer-to-Farmer volunteers educate Russian veterinarians and poultry specialists on U.S. food safety regulationsBuilding Bridges in the Poultry Industry

Two Farmer to Farmer Volunteers, Dr. Alling Yanci and Dr. Beth Krushinsky, recruited by ACDI/VOCA, a USAID-funded program, delivered detailed food safety presentations for the USA Poultry & Egg Export Council (USAPEEC) at a conference in Moscow... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Business Development

Think Tank Considers Strategy for Russian Far East Development

On June 22-24, the Far Eastern Center for Economic Development, a USAID/Russia partner think tank, held a Forum on Regional Strategic Development in Vladivostok... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Business Development

First Telethon on Child Welfare Issues Co-Sponsored by ARO in Magadan

On International Child Welfare Day, June 1, USAID-funded Assistance to Russian Orphans (ARO) Program, its local partners, the Administration of the Magadan Region... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Social Programs

Guests suit up at the opening ceremony for the lab ventilation system in Vladimir TB DispensaryNew Tuberculosis Dispensary Features State-of-the-Art Ventilation System

On July 1, Vladimir’s Oblast Administration held a ceremony to inaugurate its new Tuberculosis (TB) Dispensary. The dispensary includes a new ventilation system financed by USAID as part of a broader... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

A camper raises the Russian flag during opening ceremony of the CIVITAS-sponsored civic youth competitionRussian Summer Camp Addresses Social Issues

On June 23-30, the All-Russian Showcase “I am a Citizen of Russia” was held at a summer camp on the outskirts of Voronezh and united more than 100 students from 20 regions of Russia... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Social Programs

Russian and U.S. Leaders Emphasize Cooperation on HIV/AIDS

From June 5-9, a delegation of senior Russian policy leaders, business executives and media representatives participated in U.S. study tour devoted to HIV/AIDS... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

Participants in the Smolensk Miracle Walk for Foster CareRussia’s Regions Work to Expand Foster Care Programs

The Tomsk Oblast Duma has adopted new legislation as a result of more than four years of cooperation with USAID’s Assistance to Russian Orphans (ARO) program... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Social Programs

Women politicians serving in leadership positions speak about their experience at a multi-party conference in MoscowRussian Political Parties Join Forces to Promote Women Leaders

Approximately 100 participants from more than 20 different regions and representing different Russian political parties gathered in Moscow on June 3 for a two-day conference... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

USRVI volunteer and children at a Cleveland, Ohio internet resource centerVolunteer Exchange Alumna Uses Technology to Promote Social Issues

Anna Vorozheykina, an alumna of the 2004 U.S. Russia Volunteer Initiative (USRVI) program jointly funded by USAID and the U.S. State Department, recently completed a four month project... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Social Programs

Volunteers collected more than 500 signatures on a petition in support of inclusive educationRussian NGOs Stand Up for Disability Rights

The USAID-sponsored disability and human rights NGO Perspektiva organized a demonstration and petition-signing event on June 1 to lobby for equal access to education for children with disabilities. Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Social Programs

Survey Shows Russian Companies Adopting International Accounting Standards

On May 28, the USAID-sponsored Russian Institute of Directors (RID) presented the results of its annual survey of the corporate governance practices of Russian companies... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Business Development

Independent Think Tanks Receive Grants for New Studies on Reform

On April 23, the program board of USAID/Russia’s Strengthening Economic Think Tanks (SETT) activity awarded 12 grants to independent Russian think tanks totaling $500,000... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Democracy

Business Associations in Twelve Regions Promote Reforms

During a five-day workshop in Smolensk last week, business associations from Smolenskaya, Nizhegorodskaya, Kirovskaya, and Kamchatskaya Oblasts each created work plans to improve the business climate in their regions... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Business Development

Shelekhov Town Administration Inspired by Public-Private Partnership

Beginning on April 16, a “Week of Good Deeds” was sponsored by the USAID-SUAL Global Development Alliance (GDA) program in the town of Shelekhov, Irkutskaya Oblast'... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Social Programs

Youth Tolerance Forum Held in Rostov-on-Don

On April 25 and 26, more than 100 youth activists, students, local NGOs, and government representatives from the North Caucasus and other Southern Russia regions gathered in Rostov-on-Don for a forum... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Social Programs

Experts Give High Ratings to Russian Maternal and Child Health Program

During April, a team representing USAID’s Director of Health for the E&E region, USAID/Russia and experts from the program’s implementing partner John Snow International traveled to Russia to conduct a mid-term evaluation... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

President Bush Meets with Russia’s NGO Leaders

As part of a trip to Moscow to participate in events marking the sixtieth anniversary of victory day on May 9, 2005, President Bush met with civic leaders from 18 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) representing... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Social Programs

Small Towns Appreciate USAID's Anti-Trafficking Activities

As part of an ongoing anti-trafficking outreach program, representatives from the Russian NGO “Club of the Unemployed,” a partner in USAID’s Trafficking Prevention and Information Dissemination (TIPD) program... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Social Programs

Khabarovsk Youth Learn Critical Thinking Skills in to Prevent Trafficking

On April 28, the Social Psychological Center, a partner in USAID’s Path to Success anti-trafficking program, organized a human trafficking prevention workshop for students at the College of Geodesy in Khabarovsk... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Education

Support to Child Welfare Programs Highlighted in Foreign Adoption Debate

Knowledge of foreign adoptions in Russian is common, but few are aware that USAID’s Assistance to Russian Orphans (ARO) program is working with local, regional and federal governments and NGOs... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Social Programs

USAID Briefing USAID/Russia Meets with Partners for Strategy Briefing

More than 50 visitors representing over 40 different USAID contractors and grantees were welcomed to the U.S. Embassy in Moscow by USAID/Russia Mission Director Terry Myers and his staff on April 21, 2005. The Mission Director briefed the group on the near term strategy for USAID’s program in Russia. Participants shared information about their current challenges, including tax issues that some U.S. Government programs have encountered with the Russian Commission on International Humanitarian and Technical Assistance. USAID staff also briefed the audience on the agency’s new branding requirements and reminded participants of current U.S. Embassy security notices. Read More ...

Related Items: Russia

Famous Russian portrait painter Aleksandr Shilov hosted Judges Magnuson and Williams and his Moscow gallery during their recent visit U.S. Judges Share U.S. Judicial Experience with Russian Colleagues

On April 26, 2005, U.S. Federal Judges Paul Magnuson and Steven Williams met with a working group that is addressing amendments to the Russian Federation (RF) laws on education... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Rule of Law

Ambassador Alexander Vershbow speaking at the Second Russian Business Summit on AIDSGOR Recognizes the Economic Impact of AIDS

On March 30, 2005, senior political and business leaders in Russia, including Deputy Prime Minister Aleksander Zhukov, Health and Social Development Minister Mikhail Zurabov... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

Young Law Enforcement Officers Attend Anti-Trafficking TrainingNGOs and Law Enforcement Combat Human Trafficking in Krasnodar

In February 2005, a local NGO partner in USAID’s Trafficking Prevention and Information Dissemination program organized a training for law enforcement agencies in Krasnodar and the Republic of Adygeya... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Rule of Law

The campaign tagline promoting driving instruction for the disabledLocal Government and Business Contribute to Child Welfare Programs in Tomsk

In early March, the USAID-sponsored Assistance to Russian Orphans (ARO) program signed agreements with two regional social administrations and the oil company Vostokgazprom... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Social Programs

Russian and American JudgesRussian Judges Scheduled to Meet with U.S. Supreme Court Justices

On March 30-31, 2005 U.S. Supreme Court Justices O’Connor, Ginsburg, and Kennedy hosted a delegation of high-ranking Russian judges in Washington, DC for a briefing on the status of rule of law in Russia... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Rule of Law

Trainers lead an interactive HIV/AIDS teaching exercise in IrkutskHealthy Russia 2020 Launches School-Based HIV/AIDS Program

Last month, USAID’s Healthy Russia Project and Project HOPE completed a series of HIV/AIDS trainings for more than 100 teachers who are using the new curriculum “Useful Inoculation” in their classrooms... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

conference USAID Yields Productive Models for Non-Timber Forest Product Training in the Russian Far East

During the month of February, the Russian Far East (RFE) Association of Non Timber Forest Product (NTFP) Producers and the Khabarovskiy Krai Bee-Keepers Society jointly organized special courses... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Environment

Russian Exhibitor Eco-Tourism Expands To Russia’s Far East

During January 18-30, 2005, USAID’s Enhanced Small and Medium Enterprise Development (ESD) Project led a team of six company representatives from Russian Far East (RFE) eco-tourism companies located... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Environment

Painting the side of a building Fradkov Says Home Mortgage System is a “Top Priority”

At a plenary session of the Russian Duma on February 9, 2005, Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov announced that further development and enhancement of the home mortgage system is one of the Russian Government’s top priorities... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Financial Markets

USAID/PSI World AIDS Day Event at Moscow’s Anglo-American School Russian Teens Inspired To Support HIV Services for Those At Risk

Students from Moscow’s Anglo-American School have raised approximately $500 to support the fight against HIV in Russia. The students were inspired to begin a fundraising campaign after 10th and 11th graders... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Social Programs

Mulch loaded onto a truckForest Resources and Technology Project Seeks Solutions for Russia

Promoting Cleaner Biomass Energy in the Russian Far East “USAID is strengthening the wood processing sector while also protecting the value of the resource as well as environment... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Energy

Film Festival Promotional Poster International Film Festival Celebrates People with Disabilities

On November 11, the second annual International Disability Film Festival "Breaking Down Barriers" opened in Moscow. The Festival ran until November 14 at the Salyut Film Theater... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Social Programs

signing MOU to form partnership New USAID-Sponsored Twinning Healthcare Partnership to Create Model HIV/AIDS Programs in Russia

On November 4, 2004, officials from USAID and the American International Health Alliance (AIHA) presided over the signing of a memorandum of understanding to formalize the formation of a new partnership... Read More ...

Related Items: Russia, Health

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