Title 21--Food and Drugs



TEXT PDF601.2 Applications for biologics licenses; procedures for filing.
TEXT PDF601.4 Issuance and denial of license.
TEXT PDF601.5 Revocation of license.
TEXT PDF601.6 Suspension of license.
TEXT PDF601.7 Procedure for hearings.
TEXT PDF601.8 Publication of revocation.
TEXT PDF601.9 Licenses; reissuance.
TEXT PDF601.12 Changes to an approved application.
TEXT PDF601.14 Regulatory submissions in electronic format.
TEXT PDF601.15 Foreign establishments and products: samples for each importation.
TEXT PDF601.20 Biologics licenses; issuance and conditions.
TEXT PDF601.21 Products under development.
TEXT PDF601.22 Products in short supply; initial manufacturing at other than licensed location.
TEXT PDF601.25 Review procedures to determine that licensed biological products are safe, effective, and not misbranded under prescribed, recommended, or suggested conditions of use.
TEXT PDF601.26 Reclassification procedures to determine that licensed biological products are safe, effective, and not misbranded under prescribed, recommended, or suggested conditions of use.
TEXT PDF601.27 Pediatric studies.
TEXT PDF601.28 Annual reports of postmarketing pediatric studies.
TEXT PDF601.29 Guidance documents.
TEXT PDF601.30 Scope.
TEXT PDF601.31 Definition.
TEXT PDF601.32 General factors relevant to safety and effectiveness.
TEXT PDF601.33 Indications.
TEXT PDF601.34 Evaluation of effectiveness.
TEXT PDF601.35 Evaluation of safety.
TEXT PDF601.40 Scope.
TEXT PDF601.41 Approval based on a surrogate endpoint or on an effect on a clinical endpoint other than survival or irreversible morbidity.
TEXT PDF601.42 Approval with restrictions to assure safe use.
TEXT PDF601.43 Withdrawal procedures.
TEXT PDF601.44 Postmarketing safety reporting.
TEXT PDF601.45 Promotional materials.
TEXT PDF601.46 Termination of requirements.
TEXT PDF601.50 Confidentiality of data and information in an investigational new drug notice for a biological product.
TEXT PDF601.51 Confidentiality of data and information in applications for biologics licenses.
TEXT PDF601.70 Annual progress reports of postmarketing studies.
TEXT PDF601.90 Scope.
TEXT PDF601.91 Approval based on evidence of effectiveness from studies in animals.
TEXT PDF601.92 Withdrawal procedures.
TEXT PDF601.93 Postmarketing safety reporting.
TEXT PDF601.94 Promotional materials.
TEXT PDF601.95 Termination of requirements.
