Title 21--Food and Drugs



TEXT PDF862.1 Scope.
TEXT PDF862.2 Regulation of calibrators.
TEXT PDF862.3 Effective dates of requirement for premarket approval.
TEXT PDF862.9 Limitations of exemptions from section 510(k) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the act).
TEXT PDF862.1020 Acid phosphatase (total or prostatic) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1025 Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1030 Alanine amino transferase (ALT/SGPT) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1035 Albumin test system.
TEXT PDF862.1040 Aldolase test system.
TEXT PDF862.1045 Aldosterone test system.
TEXT PDF862.1050 Alkaline phosphatase or isoenzymes test system.
TEXT PDF862.1055 Newborn screening test system for amino acids, free carnitine, and acylcarnitines using tandem mass spectrometry.
TEXT PDF862.1060 Delta-aminolevulinic acid test system.
TEXT PDF862.1065 Ammonia test system.
TEXT PDF862.1070 Amylase test system.
TEXT PDF862.1075 Androstenedione test system.
TEXT PDF862.1080 Androsterone test system.
TEXT PDF862.1085 Angiotensin I and renin test system.
TEXT PDF862.1090 Angiotensin converting enzyme (A.C.E.) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1095 Ascorbic acid test system.
TEXT PDF862.1100 Aspartate amino transferase (AST/SGOT) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1110 Bilirubin (total or direct) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1113 Bilirubin (total and unbound) in the neonate test system.
TEXT PDF862.1115 Urinary bilirubin and its conjugates (nonquantitative) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1117 B-type natriuretic peptide test system.
TEXT PDF862.1118 Biotinidase test system.
TEXT PDF862.1120 Blood gases (PCO2, PO2) and blood pH test system.
TEXT PDF862.1130 Blood volume test system.
TEXT PDF862.1135 C-peptides of proinsulin test system.
TEXT PDF862.1140 Calcitonin test system.
TEXT PDF862.1145 Calcium test system.
TEXT PDF862.1150 Calibrator.
TEXT PDF862.1155 Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1160 Bicarbonate/carbon dioxide test system.
TEXT PDF862.1165 Catecholamines (total) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1170 Chloride test system.
TEXT PDF862.1175 Cholesterol (total) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1177 Cholylglycine test system.
TEXT PDF862.1180 Chymotrypsin test system.
TEXT PDF862.1185 Compound S (11-deoxycortisol) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1187 Conjugated sulfolithocholic acid (SLCG) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1190 Copper test system.
TEXT PDF862.1195 Corticoids test system.
TEXT PDF862.1200 Corticosterone test system.
TEXT PDF862.1205 Cortisol (hydrocortisone and hydroxycorticosterone) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1210 Creatine test system.
TEXT PDF862.1215 Creatine phosphokinase/creatine kinase or isoenzymes test system.
TEXT PDF862.1225 Creatinine test system.
TEXT PDF862.1230 Cyclic AMP test system.
TEXT PDF862.1235 Cyclosporine test system.
TEXT PDF862.1240 Cystine test system.
TEXT PDF862.1245 Dehydroepiandrosterone (free and sulfate) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1250 Desoxycorticosterone test system.
TEXT PDF862.1255 2,3-Diphosphoglyceric acid test system.
TEXT PDF862.1260 Estradiol test system.
TEXT PDF862.1265 Estriol test system.
TEXT PDF862.1270 Estrogens (total, in pregnancy) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1275 Estrogens (total, nonpregnancy) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1280 Estrone test system.
TEXT PDF862.1285 Etiocholanolone test system.
TEXT PDF862.1290 Fatty acids test system.
TEXT PDF862.1295 Folic acid test system.
TEXT PDF862.1300 Follicle-stimulating hormone test system.
TEXT PDF862.1305 Formiminoglutamic acid (FIGLU) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1310 Galactose test system.
TEXT PDF862.1315 Galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase test system.
TEXT PDF862.1320 Gastric acidity test system.
TEXT PDF862.1325 Gastrin test system.
TEXT PDF862.1330 Globulin test system.
TEXT PDF862.1335 Glucagon test system.
TEXT PDF862.1340 Urinary glucose (nonquantitative) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1345 Glucose test system.
TEXT PDF862.1360 Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase and isoenzymes test system.
TEXT PDF862.1365 Glutathione test system.
TEXT PDF862.1370 Human growth hormone test system.
TEXT PDF862.1375 Histidine test system.
TEXT PDF862.1377 Urinary homocystine (nonquantitative) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1380 Hydroxybutyric dehydrogenase test system.
TEXT PDF862.1385 17-Hydroxycorticosteroids (17-ketogenic steroids) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1390 5-Hydroxyindole acetic acid/serotonin test system.
TEXT PDF862.1395 17-Hydroxyprogesterone test system.
TEXT PDF862.1400 Hydroxyproline test system.
TEXT PDF862.1405 Immunoreactive insulin test system.
TEXT PDF862.1410 Iron (non-heme) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1415 Iron-binding capacity test system.
TEXT PDF862.1420 Isocitric dehydrogenase test system.
TEXT PDF862.1430 17-Ketosteroids test system.
TEXT PDF862.1435 Ketones (nonquantitative) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1440 Lactate dehydrogenase test system.
TEXT PDF862.1445 Lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes test system.
TEXT PDF862.1450 Lactic acid test system.
TEXT PDF862.1455 Lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio in amniotic fluid test system.
TEXT PDF862.1460 Leucine aminopeptidase test system.
TEXT PDF862.1465 Lipase test system.
TEXT PDF862.1470 Lipid (total) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1475 Lipoprotein test system.
TEXT PDF862.1485 Luteinizing hormone test system.
TEXT PDF862.1490 Lysozyme (muramidase) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1495 Magnesium test system.
TEXT PDF862.1500 Malic dehydrogenase test system.
TEXT PDF862.1505 Mucopolysaccharides (nonquantitative) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1509 Methylmalonic acid (nonquantitative) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1510 Nitrite (nonquantitative) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1515 Nitrogen (amino-nitrogen) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1520 5′-Nucleotidase test system.
TEXT PDF862.1530 Plasma oncometry test system.
TEXT PDF862.1535 Ornithine carbamyl transferase test system.
TEXT PDF862.1540 Osmolality test system.
TEXT PDF862.1542 Oxalate test system.
TEXT PDF862.1545 Parathyroid hormone test system.
TEXT PDF862.1550 Urinary pH (nonquantitative) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1555 Phenylalanine test system.
TEXT PDF862.1560 Urinary phenylketones (nonquantitative) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1565 6-Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase test system.
TEXT PDF862.1570 Phosphohexose isomerase test system.
TEXT PDF862.1575 Phospholipid test system.
TEXT PDF862.1580 Phosphorus (inorganic) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1585 Human placental lactogen test system.
TEXT PDF862.1590 Porphobilinogen test system.
TEXT PDF862.1595 Porphyrins test system.
TEXT PDF862.1600 Potassium test system.
TEXT PDF862.1605 Pregnanediol test system.
TEXT PDF862.1610 Pregnanetriol test system.
TEXT PDF862.1615 Pregnenolone test system.
TEXT PDF862.1620 Progesterone test system.
TEXT PDF862.1625 Prolactin (lactogen) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1630 Protein (fractionation) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1635 Total protein test system.
TEXT PDF862.1640 Protein-bound iodine test system.
TEXT PDF862.1645 Urinary protein or albumin (nonquantitative) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1650 Pyruvate kinase test system.
TEXT PDF862.1655 Pyruvic acid test system.
TEXT PDF862.1660 Quality control material (assayed and unassayed).
TEXT PDF862.1665 Sodium test system.
TEXT PDF862.1670 Sorbitol dehydrogenase test system.
TEXT PDF862.1675 Blood specimen collection device.
TEXT PDF862.1678 Tacrolimus test system.
TEXT PDF862.1680 Testosterone test system.
TEXT PDF862.1685 Thyroxine-binding globulin test system.
TEXT PDF862.1690 Thyroid stimulating hormone test system.
TEXT PDF862.1695 Free thyroxine test system.
TEXT PDF862.1700 Total thyroxine test system.
TEXT PDF862.1705 Triglyceride test system.
TEXT PDF862.1710 Total triiodothyronine test system.
TEXT PDF862.1715 Triiodothyronine uptake test system.
TEXT PDF862.1720 Triose phosphate isomerase test system.
TEXT PDF862.1725 Trypsin test system.
TEXT PDF862.1730 Free tyrosine test system.
TEXT PDF862.1770 Urea nitrogen test system.
TEXT PDF862.1775 Uric acid test system.
TEXT PDF862.1780 Urinary calculi (stones) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1785 Urinary urobilinogen (nonquantitative) test system.
TEXT PDF862.1790 Uroporphyrin test system.
TEXT PDF862.1795 Vanilmandelic acid test system.
TEXT PDF862.1805 Vitamin A test system.
TEXT PDF862.1810 Vitamin B&bdi1;&bdi2; test system.
TEXT PDF862.1815 Vitamin E test system.
TEXT PDF862.1820 Xylose test system.
TEXT PDF862.1825 Vitamin D test system.
TEXT PDF862.2050 General purpose laboratory equipment labeled or promoted for a specific medical use.
TEXT PDF862.2100 Calculator/data processing module for clinical use.
TEXT PDF862.2140 Centrifugal chemistry analyzer for clinical use.
TEXT PDF862.2150 Continuous flow sequential multiple chemistry analyzer for clinical use.
TEXT PDF862.2160 Discrete photometric chemistry analyzer for clinical use.
TEXT PDF862.2170 Micro chemistry analyzer for clinical use.
TEXT PDF862.2230 Chromatographic separation material for clinical use.
TEXT PDF862.2250 Gas liquid chromatography system for clinical use.
TEXT PDF862.2260 High pressure liquid chromatography system for clinical use.
TEXT PDF862.2270 Thin-layer chromatography system for clinical use.
TEXT PDF862.2300 Colorimeter, photometer, or spectrophotometer for clinical use.
TEXT PDF862.2310 Clinical sample concentrator.
TEXT PDF862.2320 Beta or gamma counter for clinical use.
TEXT PDF862.2400 Densitometer/scanner (integrating, reflectance, TLC, or radiochromatogram) for clinical use.
TEXT PDF862.2485 Electrophoresis apparatus for clinical use.
TEXT PDF862.2500 Enzyme analyzer for clinical use.
TEXT PDF862.2540 Flame emission photometer for clinical use.
TEXT PDF862.2560 Fluorometer for clinical use.
TEXT PDF862.2570 Instrumentation for clinical multiplex test systems.
TEXT PDF862.2680 Microtitrator for clinical use.
TEXT PDF862.2700 Nephelometer for clinical use.
TEXT PDF862.2720 Plasma oncometer for clinical use.
TEXT PDF862.2730 Osmometer for clinical use.
TEXT PDF862.2750 Pipetting and diluting system for clinical use.
TEXT PDF862.2800 Refractometer for clinical use.
TEXT PDF862.2850 Atomic absorption spectrophotometer for clinical use.
TEXT PDF862.2860 Mass spectrometer for clinical use.
TEXT PDF862.2900 Automated urinalysis system.
TEXT PDF862.2920 Plasma viscometer for clinical use.
TEXT PDF862.3030 Acetaminophen test system.
TEXT PDF862.3035 Amikacin test system.
TEXT PDF862.3040 Alcohol test system.
TEXT PDF862.3050 Breath-alcohol test system.
TEXT PDF862.3080 Breath nitric oxide test system.
TEXT PDF862.3100 Amphetamine test system.
TEXT PDF862.3110 Antimony test system.
TEXT PDF862.3120 Arsenic test system.
TEXT PDF862.3150 Barbiturate test system.
TEXT PDF862.3170 Benzodiazepine test system.
TEXT PDF862.3200 Clinical toxicology calibrator.
TEXT PDF862.3220 Carbon monoxide test system.
TEXT PDF862.3240 Cholinesterase test system.
TEXT PDF862.3250 Cocaine and cocaine metabolite test system.
TEXT PDF862.3270 Codeine test system.
TEXT PDF862.3280 Clinical toxicology control material.
TEXT PDF862.3300 Digitoxin test system.
TEXT PDF862.3320 Digoxin test system.
TEXT PDF862.3350 Diphenylhydantoin test system.
TEXT PDF862.3360 Drug metabolizing enzyme genotyping system.
TEXT PDF862.3380 Ethosuximide test system.
TEXT PDF862.3450 Gentamicin test system.
TEXT PDF862.3520 Kanamycin test system.
TEXT PDF862.3550 Lead test system.
TEXT PDF862.3555 Lidocaine test system.
TEXT PDF862.3560 Lithium test system.
TEXT PDF862.3580 Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) test system.
TEXT PDF862.3600 Mercury test system.
TEXT PDF862.3610 Methamphetamine test system.
TEXT PDF862.3620 Methadone test system.
TEXT PDF862.3630 Methaqualone test system.
TEXT PDF862.3640 Morphine test system.
TEXT PDF862.3645 Neuroleptic drugs radioreceptor assay test system.
TEXT PDF862.3650 Opiate test system.
TEXT PDF862.3660 Phenobarbital test system.
TEXT PDF862.3670 Phenothiazine test system.
TEXT PDF862.3680 Primidone test system.
TEXT PDF862.3700 Propoxyphene test system.
TEXT PDF862.3750 Quinine test system.
TEXT PDF862.3830 Salicylate test system.
TEXT PDF862.3840 Sirolimus test system.
TEXT PDF862.3850 Sulfonamide test system.
TEXT PDF862.3870 Cannabinoid test system.
TEXT PDF862.3880 Theophylline test system.
TEXT PDF862.3900 Tobramycin test system.
TEXT PDF862.3910 Tricyclic antidepressant drugs test system.
TEXT PDF862.3950 Vancomycin test system.
