Guide to Buying Systems Furniture

The planning of a typical office environment can be complex, as it impacts the ability of the agency to achieve its mission. Properly planned systems furniture can help address workplace issues such as: employee retention/attraction, productivity, morale, communication, and technology.

This guide encourages the consideration of these and other issues when designing a new workspace. It has been prepared to guide agency project managers through the major phases of a systems project. Following the outlined steps can help ensure that furniture will be delivered and installed on time, and will be the best valued product that meets an agency’s requirements. 

The guide is divided into several phases of a systems furniture purchase. It provides responses to frequently asked questions as well as some helpful hints. The guide also includes a sample request for quotation and typical workstation designs to assist agencies in planning and acquiring the furniture.

The Guide to Buying Systems Furniture is currently available as a downloadable Adobe PDF file. 

Last Reviewed 4/28/2009