Flexible Options for Acquiring Furniture

GSA makes it easy for agencies to acquire office and household furniture, while offering flexible options designed to accommodate specific requirements. Together, these benefits present comprehensive and flexible choices suitable for meeting any furniture requirement.

Requisitions from GSA – GSA Global Supply™ procures furniture meeting the ongoing and recurring needs of federal agencies. Since GSA has already procured these items in accordance with federal acquisition regulations, an order through GSA Global Supply is a simple requisition. That means no comparison shopping is necessary, regardless of the dollar amount being ordered.

Purchasing from a GSA Vendor – By offering items that cover the breadth of the commercial marketplace, the GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) program enables agencies to choose from thousands of products available from hundreds of vendors. This method is quicker and easier than open-market procurements, but is more involved than a requisition.

Re-using Existing Furniture – Screening other agencies’ excess personal property inventories is the federal government’s priority source of supply. GSA offers GSAXcess®, the personal property reporting tool for the federal government. At GSAXcess®, reporting, searching and selecting excess property – including furniture – is convenient and user-friendly.

Last Reviewed 2/2/2009