Title 14--Aeronautics and Space



TEXT PDF11.1 To what does this part apply?
TEXT PDF11.3 What is an advance notice of proposed rulemaking?
TEXT PDF11.5 What is a notice of proposed rulemaking?
TEXT PDF11.7 What is a supplemental notice of proposed rulemaking?
TEXT PDF11.9 What is a final rule?
TEXT PDF11.11 What is a final rule with request for comments?
TEXT PDF11.13 What is a direct final rule?
TEXT PDF11.15 What is a petition for exemption?
TEXT PDF11.17 What is a petition for rulemaking?
TEXT PDF11.19 What is a special condition?
TEXT PDF11.21 What are the most common kinds of rulemaking actions for which FAA follows the Administrative Procedure Act?
TEXT PDF11.23 Does FAA follow the same procedures in issuing all types of rules?
TEXT PDF11.25 How does FAA issue rules?
TEXT PDF11.27 Are there other ways FAA collects specific rulemaking recommendations before we issue an NPRM?
TEXT PDF11.29 May FAA change its regulations without first issuing an ANPRM or NPRM?
TEXT PDF11.31 How does FAA process direct final rules?
TEXT PDF11.33 How can I track FAA's rulemaking activities?
TEXT PDF11.35 Does FAA include sensitive security information and proprietary information in the Docket Management System (DMS)?
TEXT PDF11.37 Where can I find information about an Airworthiness Directive, an airspace designation, or a petition handled in a region?
TEXT PDF11.38 What public comment procedures does the FAA follow for Special Conditions?
TEXT PDF11.39 How may I participate in FAA's rulemaking process?
TEXT PDF11.40 Can I get more information about a rulemaking?
TEXT PDF11.41 Who may file comments?
TEXT PDF11.43 What information must I put in my written comments?
TEXT PDF11.45 Where and when do I file my comments?
TEXT PDF11.47 May I ask for more time to file my comments?
TEXT PDF11.51 May I request that FAA hold a public meeting on a rulemaking action?
TEXT PDF11.53 What takes place at a public meeting?
TEXT PDF11.61 May I ask FAA to adopt, amend, or repeal a regulation, or grant relief from the requirements of a current regulation?
TEXT PDF11.63 How and to whom do I submit my petition for rulemaking or petition for exemption?
TEXT PDF11.71 What information must I include in my petition for rulemaking?
TEXT PDF11.73 How does FAA process petitions for rulemaking?
TEXT PDF11.75 Does FAA invite public comment on petitions for rulemaking?
TEXT PDF11.77 Is there any additional information I must include in my petition for designating airspace?
TEXT PDF11.81 What information must I include in my petition for an exemption?
TEXT PDF11.83 How can I operate under an exemption outside the United States?
TEXT PDF11.85 Does FAA invite public comment on petitions for exemption?
TEXT PDF11.87 Are there circumstances in which FAA may decide not to publish a summary of my petition for exemption?
TEXT PDF11.89 How much time do I have to submit comments to FAA on a petition for exemption?
TEXT PDF11.91 How does FAA inform me of its decision on my petition for exemption?
TEXT PDF11.101 May I ask FAA to reconsider my petition for rulemaking or petition for exemption if it is denied?
TEXT PDF11.201 Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control numbers assigned under the Paperwork Reduction Act.
