Title 14--Aeronautics and Space



TEXT PDF1274.101 Purpose.
TEXT PDF1274.102 Scope.
TEXT PDF1274.103 Definitions.
TEXT PDF1274.104 Effect on other issuances.
TEXT PDF1274.105 Review requirements.
TEXT PDF1274.106 Deviations.
TEXT PDF1274.107 Publication of requirements.
TEXT PDF1274.201 Purpose.
TEXT PDF1274.202 Methods of award.
TEXT PDF1274.203 Solicitations/cooperative agreement notices.
TEXT PDF1274.204 Costs and payments.
TEXT PDF1274.205 Consortia as recipients.
TEXT PDF1274.206 Metric Conversion Act.
TEXT PDF1274.207 Extended agreements.
TEXT PDF1274.208 Intellectual property.
TEXT PDF1274.209 Evaluation and selection.
TEXT PDF1274.210 Unsolicited proposals.
TEXT PDF1274.211 Award procedures.
TEXT PDF1274.212 Document format and numbering.
TEXT PDF1274.213 Distribution of cooperative agreements.
TEXT PDF1274.214 Inquiries and release of information.
TEXT PDF1274.215 Federal and federally funded construction projects.
TEXT PDF1274.301 Delegation of administration.
TEXT PDF1274.302 Transfers, novations, and change of name agreements.
TEXT PDF1274.401 Government furnished property.
TEXT PDF1274.402 Contractor acquired property.
TEXT PDF1274.501 Purpose of procurement standards.
TEXT PDF1274.502 Recipient responsibilities.
TEXT PDF1274.503 Codes of conduct.
TEXT PDF1274.504 Competition.
TEXT PDF1274.505 Procurement procedures.
TEXT PDF1274.506 Cost and price analysis.
TEXT PDF1274.507 Procurement records.
TEXT PDF1274.508 Contract administration.
TEXT PDF1274.509 Contract provisions.
TEXT PDF1274.510 Subcontracts.
TEXT PDF1274.601 Retention and access requirements for records.
TEXT PDF1274.701 Suspension or termination.
TEXT PDF1274.801 Adjustments to performance costs.
TEXT PDF1274.802 Modifications.
TEXT PDF1274.803 Closeout procedures.
TEXT PDF1274.804 Subsequent adjustments and continuing responsibilities.
TEXT PDF1274.901 Other provisions and special conditions.
TEXT PDF1274.902 Purpose.
TEXT PDF1274.903 Responsibilities.
TEXT PDF1274.904 Resource sharing requirements.
TEXT PDF1274.905 Rights in data.
TEXT PDF1274.906 Designation of New Technology Representative and Patent Representative.
TEXT PDF1274.907 Disputes.
TEXT PDF1274.908 Milestone payments.
TEXT PDF1274.909 Term of agreement.
TEXT PDF1274.910 Authority.
TEXT PDF1274.911 Patent rights.
TEXT PDF1274.912 Patent rights--retention by the recipient (large business).
TEXT PDF1274.913 Patent rights--retention by the recipient (small business).
TEXT PDF1274.914 Requests for waiver of rights--large business.
TEXT PDF1274.915 Restrictions on sale or transfer of technology to foreign firms or institutions.
TEXT PDF1274.916 Liability and risk of loss.
TEXT PDF1274.917 Additional funds.
TEXT PDF1274.918 Incremental funding.
TEXT PDF1274.919 Cost principles and accounting standards.
TEXT PDF1274.920 Responsibilities of the NASA technical officer.
TEXT PDF1274.921 Publications and reports: non-proprietary research results.
TEXT PDF1274.922 Suspension or termination.
TEXT PDF1274.923 Equipment and other property.
TEXT PDF1274.924 Civil rights.
TEXT PDF1274.925 Subcontracts.
TEXT PDF1274.926 Clean Air-Water Pollution Control Acts.
TEXT PDF1274.927 Debarment and suspension and Drug-Free Workplace.
TEXT PDF1274.928 Foreign national employee investigative requirements.
TEXT PDF1274.929 Restrictions on lobbying.
TEXT PDF1274.930 Travel and transportation.
TEXT PDF1274.931 Electronic funds transfer payment methods.
TEXT PDF1274.932 Retention and examination of records.
TEXT PDF1274.933 Summary of recipient reporting responsibilities.
TEXT PDF1274.934 Safety.
TEXT PDF1274.935 Security classification requirements.
TEXT PDF1274.936 Breach of safety or security.
TEXT PDF1274.937 Security requirements for unclassified information technology resources.
TEXT PDF1274.938 Modifications.
TEXT PDF1274.939 Application of Federal, State, and Local laws and regulations.
TEXT PDF1274.940 Changes in recipient's membership.
TEXT PDF1274.941 Insurance and indemnification.
TEXT PDF1274.942 Export licenses.
TEXT PDF1274.943 Investigation of research misconduct.
TEXT PDF Appendix Appendix to Part 1274--Listing of Exhibits.
