Title 14--Aeronautics and Space



TEXT PDF1267.100 What does this part do?
TEXT PDF1267.105 Does this part apply to me?
TEXT PDF1267.110 Are any of my Federal assistance awards exempt from this part?
TEXT PDF1267.115 Does this part affect the Federal contracts that I receive?
TEXT PDF1267.200 What must I do to comply with this part?
TEXT PDF1267.205 What must I include in my drug-free workplace statement?
TEXT PDF1267.210 To whom must I distribute my drug-free workplace statement?
TEXT PDF1267.215 What must I include in my drug-free awareness program?
TEXT PDF1267.220 By when must I publish my drug-free workplace statement and establish my drug-free awareness program?
TEXT PDF1267.225 What actions must I take concerning employees who are convicted of drug violations in the workplace?
TEXT PDF1267.230 How and when must I identify workplaces?
TEXT PDF1267.300 What must I do to comply with this part if I am an individual recipient?
TEXT PDF1267.400 What are my responsibilities as a(n) NASA awarding official?
TEXT PDF1267.500 How are violations of this part determined for recipients other than individuals?
TEXT PDF1267.505 How are violations of this part determined for recipients who are individuals?
TEXT PDF1267.510 What actions will the Federal Government take against a recipient determined to have violated this part?
TEXT PDF1267.515 Are there any exceptions to those actions?
TEXT PDF1267.605 Award.
TEXT PDF1267.610 Controlled substance.
TEXT PDF1267.615 Conviction.
TEXT PDF1267.620 Cooperative agreement.
TEXT PDF1267.625 Criminal drug statute.
TEXT PDF1267.630 Debarment.
TEXT PDF1267.635 Drug-free workplace.
TEXT PDF1267.640 Employee.
TEXT PDF1267.645 Federal agency or agency.
TEXT PDF1267.650 Grant.
TEXT PDF1267.655 Individual.
TEXT PDF1267.660 Recipient.
TEXT PDF1267.665 State.
TEXT PDF1267.670 Suspension.
