[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 3, Volume 1]
[Revised as of January 1, 2005]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 3CFRSep15]

[[Page 290]]

Presidential Determination No. 2004-47 of September 15, 2004

Presidential Determination on Major Drug Transit or Major Illicit Drug 
Producing Countries for FY05

Memorandum for the Secretary of State

          Pursuant to section 706(1) of the Foreign Relations 
          Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 2003 (Public Law 107	228) 
          (FRAA), I hereby identify the following countries as major 
          drug-transit or major illicit drug producing countries: 
          Afghanistan, The Bahamas, Bolivia, Brazil, Burma, China, 
          Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, 
          India, Jamaica, Laos, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, 
          Paraguay, Peru, Venezuela, and Vietnam.
          The Majors List applies by its terms to ``countries.'' The 
          United States Government interprets the term broadly to 
          include entities that exercise autonomy over actions or 
          omissions that could lead to a decision to place them on the 
          list and, subsequently, to determine their eligibility for 
          certification. A country's presence on the Majors List is not 
          necessarily an adverse reflection of its government's 
          counternarcotics efforts or level of cooperation with the 
          United States. Consistent with the statutory definition of a 
          major drug-transit or drug-producing country set forth in 
          section 481(e)(5) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as 
          amended (FAA), one of the reasons that major drug-transit or 
          illicit drug producing countries are placed on the list is the 
          combination of geographical, commercial, and economic factors 
          that allow drugs to transit or be produced despite the 
          concerned government's most assiduous enforcement measures.
          Pursuant to section 706(2)(A) of the FRAA, I hereby designate 
          Burma as a country that has failed demonstrably during the 
          previous 12 months to adhere to its obligations under 
          international counternarcotics agreements and take the 
          measures set forth in section 489(a)(1) of the FAA. Attached 
          to this report is a justification (statement of explanation) 
          for the determination on Burma, as required by section 
          I have removed Thailand from the list of major drug-transit or 
          major illicit drug producing countries. Thailand's opium poppy 
          cultivation is well below the levels specified in the FRAA; no 
          heroin processing laboratories have been found in Thailand for 
          several years, and Thailand is no longer a significant direct 
          source of illicit narcotic or psychotropic drugs or other 
          controlled substances significantly affecting the United 
          States; nor is it a country through which such drugs or 
          substances are transported.
          In contrast to the Government of Haiti's dismal performance 
          last year under the Aristide regime, the new Interim 
          Government of Haiti (IGOH), headed by Prime Minister Latortue, 
          has taken substantive_if limited_counternarcotics actions in 
          the few months it has been in office. Nevertheless, we remain 
          deeply concerned about the ability of Haitian law enforcement 
          to reorganize and restructure sufficiently to carry out 
          sustained counternarcotics efforts.
          The decreased use of MDMA (Ecstasy) among young people in the 
          United States is a hopeful sign, but we continue to place 
          priority on stopping the threat of club drugs, including MDMA, 
          of which The Netherlands continues to be the dominant source 
          country. The Government of The Netherlands is an enthusiastic 
          and capable partner, and we commend its efforts.

[[Page 291]]

          We continue to be concerned, however, by obstacles to mutual 
          legal assistance and extradition from The Netherlands. There 
          is a need to work more deliberately to disrupt the criminal 
          organizations responsible for the production and trafficking 
          of synthetic drugs. Specifically, we urge enhanced use of 
          financial investigation, including full exploitation of anti-
          money laundering statutes and financial investigators to 
          identify and dismantle trafficking organizations, and to seize 
          and forfeit the assets acquired from the drug trade.
          While the vast majority of illicit drugs entering the United 
          States continue to come from South America and Mexico, we 
          remain concerned about the substantial flow of illicit drugs 
          from Canada. I commend Canada for its successful efforts to 
          curb the diversion of precursor chemicals used in 
          methamphetamine production. We are now working intensively 
          with Canadian authorities to address the increase in the 
          smuggling of Canadian-produced marijuana into the United 
          States; however we are concerned the lack of significant 
          judicial sanctions against marijuana producers is resulting in 
          greater involvement in the burgeoning marijuana industry by 
          organized criminal groups. Canada has expressed concern to us 
          about the flow of cocaine and other illicit substances through 
          the United States into Canada. United States and Canadian law 
          enforcement personnel have collaborated on a number of 
          investigations that have led to the dismantling of several 
          criminal organizations. The two governments will continue to 
          work closely in the year ahead to confront these shared 
          Nigeria put measures in place to increase the effectiveness of 
          the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency, and also arrested a 
          trafficker wanted by the United States, which met the agreed-
          upon interdiction targets. However, Nigeria must take 
          significant and decisive action to investigate and prosecute 
          political corruption, which continues to undermine the 
          transparency of its government. President Obasanjo took steps 
          to address corruption at the G	8 meetings in Sea Island, 
          Georgia, by entering into a Compact to Promote Transparency 
          and Combat Corruption. Positive transparent measures will in 
          turn benefit Nigeria's anti-narcotics efforts, the rule of 
          law, and all democratic institutions.
          Despite good faith efforts on the part of the central 
          Afghanistan government, we are concerned about increased opium 
          crop production in the provinces.
          We are deeply concerned about heroin and methamphetamine 
          linked to North Korea being trafficked to East Asian 
          countries. We consider it highly likely that state agents and 
          enterprises in North Korea are involved in the narcotics 
          trade. While we know that some opium poppy is cultivated in 
          North Korea, reliable information confirming the extent of 
          opium production is currently lacking. There are also clear 
          indications that North Koreans traffic in, and probably 
          manufacture, methamphetamine. In recent years, authorities in 
          the region have routinely seized shipments of methamphetamine 
          and/or heroin that had been transferred to traffickers' ships 
          from North Korean vessels. The April 2003 seizure of 125 
          kilograms of heroin smuggled to Australia aboard the North 
          Korean-owned vessel ``Pong Su'' is the latest and largest 
          seizure of heroin pointing to North Korean complicity in the 
          drug trade. Although there is no evidence that narcotics 
          originating in or transiting North Korea reach the United 
          States, we are

[[Page 292]]

          working closely with our partners in the region to stop North 
          Korean involvement in illicit narcotics production and 
          We appreciate the efforts of China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and 
          others in the region to stop the diversion of pseudoephedrine 
          and ephedrine used to manufacture methamphetamine. However, 
          considering the growing methamphetamine problem in North 
          America and Asia, additional collaborative efforts to control 
          these precursor chemicals are necessary.
          You are hereby authorized and directed to submit this report 
          under section 706 of the FRAA, transmit it to the Congress, 
          and publish it in the Federal Register.



Washington, September 15, 2004.