[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 3, Volume 1]
[Revised as of January 1, 2005]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 3CFR13327]

EO 13327

Federal Real Property Asset Management

          By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution 
          and the laws of the United States of America, including 
          section 121(a) of title 40, United States Code, and in order 
          to promote the efficient and economical use of Federal real 
          property resources in accordance with their value as national 
          assets and in the best interests of the Nation, it is hereby 
          ordered as follows:
          Section 1. Policy. It is the policy of the United States to 
          promote the efficient and economical use of America's real 
          property assets and to assure management accountability for 
          implementing Federal real property management reforms. Based 
          on this policy, executive branch departments and agencies 
          shall recognize the importance of real property resources 
          through increased management attention, the establishment of 
          clear goals and objectives, improved policies and levels of 
          accountability, and other appropriate action.
          Sec. 2. Definition and Scope. (a) For the purpose of this 
          executive order, Federal real property is defined as any real 
          property owned, leased, or otherwise managed by the Federal 
          Government, both within and outside the United States, and 
          improvements on Federal lands. For the purpose of this order, 
          Federal real property shall exclude: interests in real 
          property assets that have been disposed of for public benefit 
          purposes pursuant to section 484 of title 40, United States 
          Code, and are now held in private ownership; land easements or 
          rights-of-way held by the Federal Government; public domain 
          land (including lands withdrawn for military purposes) or land 
          reserved or dedicated for national forest, national park, or 
          national wildlife refuge purposes except for improvements on 
          those lands; land held in trust or restricted fee status for 
          individual Indians or Indian tribes; and land and interests in 
          land that are withheld from the scope of this order by agency 
          heads for reasons of national security, foreign policy, or 
          public safety.
          (b) This order shall not be interpreted to supersede any 
          existing authority under law or by executive order for real 
          property asset management, with the exception of the 
          revocation of Executive Order 12512 of April 29, 1985, in 
          section 8 of this order.
          Sec. 3. Establishment and Responsibilities of Agency Senior 
          Real Property Officer. (a) The heads of all executive branch 
          departments and agencies cited in sections 901(b)(1) and 
          (b)(2) of title 31, United States Code, and the Secretary of 
          Homeland Security, shall designate among their senior 
          management officials, a Senior Real Property Officer. Such 
          officer shall have the education, training, and experience 
          required to administer the necessary functions of the position 
          for the particular agency.
          (b) The Senior Real Property Officer shall develop and 
          implement an agency asset management planning process that 
          meets the form, content, and other requirements established by 
          the Federal Real Property Council established in section 4 of 
          this order. The initial agency asset management plan will be 
          submitted to the Office of Management and Budget on a date 
          determined by the Director of the Office of Management and 
          Budget. In developing this plan, the Senior Real Property 
          Officer shall:

[[Page 136]]


 identify and categorize all real property owned, leased, or otherwise 
managed by the agency, including, where applicable, those properties 
outside the United States in which the lease agreements and arrangements 
reflect the host country currency or involve alternative lease plans or 
rental agreements;


 prioritize actions to be taken to improve the operational and financial 
management of the agency's real property inventory;


 make life-cycle cost estimations associated with the prioritized actions;


 identify legislative authorities that are required to address these 


 identify and pursue goals, with appropriate deadlines, consistent with and 
supportive of the agency's asset management plan and measure progress 
against such goals;


 incorporate planning and management requirements for historic property 
under Executive Order 13287 of March 3, 2003, and for environmental 
management under Executive Order 13148 of April 21, 2000; and


 identify any other information and pursue any other actions necessary to 
the appropriate development and implementation of the agency asset 
management plan.

          (c) The Senior Real Property Officer shall be responsible, on 
          an ongoing basis, for monitoring the real property assets of 
          the agency so that agency assets are managed in a manner that 


 consistent with, and supportive of, the goals and objectives set forth in 
the agency's overall strategic plan under section 306 of title 5, United 
States Code;


 consistent with the real property asset management principles developed by 
the Federal Real Property Council established in section 4 of this order; 


 reflected in the agency asset management plan.

          (d) The Senior Real Property Officer shall, on an annual 
          basis, provide to the Director of the Office of Management and 
          Budget and the Administrator of General Services:


 information that lists and describes real property assets under the 
jurisdiction, custody, or control of that agency, except for classified 
information; and


 any other relevant information the Director of the Office of Management 
and Budget or the Administrator of General Services may request for 
inclusion in the Government-wide listing of all Federal real property 
assets and leased property.

          (e) The designation of the Senior Real Property Officer shall 
          be made by agencies within 30 days after the date of this 
          Sec. 4. Establishment of a Federal Real Property Council. (a) 
          A Federal Real Property Council (Council) is established, 
          within the Office of Management and Budget for administrative 
          purposes, to develop guidance for, and facilitate the success 
          of, each agency's asset management plan. The Council shall be 
          composed exclusively of all agency Senior Real Property 
          Officers, the Controller of the Office of Management and 
          Budget, the Administrator of General Services, and any other 
          full-time or permanent part-time Federal officials or 
          employees as deemed necessary by the Chairman of the Council. 
          The Deputy Director for Management of the Office of Management 

[[Page 137]]

          Budget shall also be a member and shall chair the Council. The 
          Office of Management and Budget shall provide funding and 
          administrative support for the Council, as appropriate.
          (b) The Council shall provide a venue for assisting the Senior 
          Real Property Officers in the development and implementation 
          of the agency asset management plans. The Council shall work 
          with the Administrator of General Services to establish 
          appropriate performance measures to determine the 
          effectiveness of Federal real property management. Such 
          performance measures shall include, but are not limited to, 
          evaluating the costs and benefits involved with acquiring, 
          repairing, maintaining, operating, managing, and disposing of 
          Federal real properties at particular agencies. Specifically, 
          the Council shall consider, as appropriate, the following 
          performance measures:


 life-cycle cost estimations associated with the agency's prioritized 


 the costs relating to the acquisition of real property assets by purchase, 
condemnation, exchange, lease, or otherwise;


 the cost and time required to dispose of Federal real property assets and 
the financial recovery of the Federal investment resulting from the 


 the operating, maintenance, and security costs at Federal properties, 
including but not limited to the costs of utility services at unoccupied 


 the environmental costs associated with ownership of property, including 
the costs of environmental restoration and compliance activities;


 changes in the amounts of vacant Federal space;


 the realization of equity value in Federal real property assets;


 opportunities for cooperative arrangements with the commercial real estate 
community; and


 the enhancement of Federal agency productivity through an improved working 
environment. The performance measures shall be designed to enable the heads 
of executive branch agencies to track progress in the achievement of 
Government-wide property management objectives, as well as allow for 
comparing the performance of executive branch agencies against industry and 
other public sector agencies.

          (c) The Council shall serve as a clearinghouse for executive 
          agencies for best practices in evaluating actual progress in 
          the implementation of real property enhancements. The Council 
          shall also work in conjunction with the President's Management 
          Council to assist the efforts of the Senior Real Property 
          Officials and the implementation of agency asset management 
          (d) The Council shall be organized and hold its first meeting 
          within 60 days of the date of this order. The Council shall 
          hold meetings not less often than once a quarter each fiscal 
          Sec. 5. Role of the General Services Administration. (a) The 
          Administrator of General Services shall, to the extent 
          permitted by law and in consultation with the Federal Real 
          Property Council, provide policy oversight and guidance for 
          executive agencies for Federal real property management; 
          manage selected properties for an agency at the request of 
          that agency and with the consent of the Administrator; 
          delegate operational responsibilities

[[Page 138]]

          to an agency where the Administrator determines it will 
          promote efficiency and economy, and where the receiving agency 
          has demonstrated the ability and willingness to assume such 
          responsibilities; and provide necessary leadership in the 
          development and maintenance of needed property management 
          information systems.
          (b) The Administrator of General Services shall publish common 
          performance measures and standards adopted by the Council.
          (c) The Administrator of General Services, in consultation 
          with the Federal Real Property Council, shall establish and 
          maintain a single, comprehensive, and descriptive database of 
          all real property under the custody and control of all 
          executive branch agencies, except when otherwise required for 
          reasons of national security. The Administrator shall collect 
          from each executive branch agency such descriptive 
          information, except for classified information, as the 
          Administrator considers will best describe the nature, use, 
          and extent of the real property holdings of the Federal 
          (d) The Administrator of General Services, in consultation 
          with the Federal Real Property Council, may establish data and 
          other information technology (IT) standards for use by Federal 
          agencies in developing or upgrading Federal agency real 
          property information systems in order to facilitate reporting 
          on a uniform basis. Those agencies with particular IT 
          standards and systems in place and in use shall be allowed to 
          continue with such use to the extent that they are compatible 
          with the standards issued by the Administrator.
          Sec. 6. General Provisions. (a) The Director of the Office of 
          Management and Budget shall review, through the management and 
          budget review processes, the efforts of departments and 
          agencies in implementing their asset management plans and 
          achieving the Government-wide property management policies 
          established pursuant to this order.
          (b) The Office of Management and Budget and the General 
          Services Administration shall, in consultation with the 
          landholding agencies, develop legislative initiatives that 
          seek to improve Federal real property management through the 
          adoption of appropriate industry management techniques and the 
          establishment of managerial accountability for implementing 
          effective and efficient real property management practices.
          (c) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or 
          otherwise affect the authority of the Director of the Office 
          of Management and Budget with respect to budget, 
          administrative, or legislative proposals.
          (d) Nothing in this order shall be construed to affect real 
          property for the use of the President, Vice President, or, for 
          protective purposes, the United States Secret Service.
          Sec. 7. Public Lands. In order to ensure that Federally owned 
          lands, other than the real property covered by this order, are 
          managed in the most effective and economic manner, the 
          Departments of Agriculture and the Interior shall take such 
          steps as are appropriate to improve their management of public 
          lands and National Forest System lands and shall develop 
          appropriate legislative proposals necessary to facilitate that 
          Sec. 8. Executive Order 12512 of April 29, 1985, is hereby 
          Sec. 9. Judicial Review. This order is intended only to 
          improve the internal management of the executive branch and is 
          not intended to, and does not,

[[Page 139]]

          create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, 
          enforceable at law or in equity, against the United States, 
          its departments, agencies, or other entities, its officers or 
          employees, or any other person.

George W. Bush

The White House,

February 4, 2004.

Executive Order 13328 of February 6, 2004