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Guide Dogs

All Health A-Z Results: 11-20 of 22 Web Pages
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Frequently Asked Questions: Guide Dogs for the Blind  External Link

Frequently Asked Questions is the information provided in this page from the Guide Dogs for the Blind.... Details >

Guide Dogs of America  External Link

Guide Dog Schools  External Link

This list of U.S. guide dog schools is compiled by the American Council of the Blind (ACB) for distribution to individuals requesting such information. It is not intended as a complete listing of all ... Details >

American Council of the Blind  External Link

How Should People Behave Around an Assistance Dog?  External Link

Tips to follow when meeting or approaching a working assistance dog and his or her partner, such as refraining from feeding, whistling at, and touching the dog without asking for permission from the p... Details >

Canine Companions for Independence, Inc.  External Link

Interested in Getting A Guide Dog?  External Link

This site provides answers to the most frequently asked questions about the program services.... Details >

Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, Inc.  External Link

Links and Resources: Guide Dogs of America  External Link

The links provided here are for your convenience only. Guide and Assistance Dog Links, Blindness Links, and Disability and Accessibility Links are the links provided in this page. ... Details >

Guide Dogs of America  External Link

Online Application for a Seeing Eye Dog  External Link

Use this online form to apply for a seeing eye dog.... Details >

The Seeing Eye, Inc.  External Link

Program Services - Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, Inc.  External Link

This site provides a list of resources available through this foundation, including an overview, testimonials and more.... Details >

Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind, Inc.  External Link

Raising Seeing Eye Dogs  External Link

Information about the training and preparation of puppies to become seeing eye/guide dogs and the role that participating volunteer families play.... Details >

The Seeing Eye, Inc.  External Link

Resources: Guide Dogs for the Blind  External Link

... Details >

Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc.  External Link

Service Animal Trainers, Organizations & Resources  External Link

Learn about service animal trainers & training programs, professional standards for dog trainers, service animal organizations, and other resources.... Details >

Delta Society®  External Link