Title 41--Public Contracts and Property Management



TEXT PDF102-34.5 Preamble.
TEXT PDF102-34.10 What definitions apply to motor vehicle management?
TEXT PDF102-34.15 What motor vehicles are not covered by this part?
TEXT PDF102-34.20 What types of motor vehicle fleets are there?
TEXT PDF102-34.25 What sources of supply are available for obtaining motor vehicles?
TEXT PDF102-34.30 Who must comply with motor vehicle fuel efficiency requirements?
TEXT PDF102-34.35 What are the procedures for purchasing and leasing motor vehicles?
TEXT PDF102-34.40 How are passenger automobiles classified?
TEXT PDF102-34.45 What size motor vehicles may we purchase and lease?
TEXT PDF102-34.50 What are fleet average fuel economy standards?
TEXT PDF102-34.55 What are the minimum fleet average fuel economy standards?
TEXT PDF102-34.60 How do we calculate the average fuel economy for our fleet?
TEXT PDF102-34.65 How may we request an exemption from the fuel economy standards?
TEXT PDF102-34.70 How does GSA monitor the fuel economy of purchased and leased motor vehicles?
TEXT PDF102-34.75 How must we report fuel economy data for passenger automobiles and light trucks we purchase or commercially lease?
TEXT PDF102-34.80 Do we report fuel economy data for passenger automobiles and light trucks purchased for our agency by the GSA Automotive Division?
TEXT PDF102-34.85 Do we have to submit a negative report if we don't purchase or lease any motor vehicles in a fiscal year?
TEXT PDF102-34.90 Are any motor vehicles exempted from these reporting requirements?
TEXT PDF102-34.95 Does fleet average fuel economy reporting affect our acquisition plan?
TEXT PDF102-34.100 Where may we obtain help with our motor vehicle acquisition plans?
TEXT PDF102-34.105 What motor vehicles require motor vehicle identification?
TEXT PDF102-34.110 What motor vehicle identification must we put on motor vehicles we purchase or lease?
TEXT PDF102-34.115 What motor vehicle identification must the Department of Defense (DOD) put on motor vehicles it purchases or leases?
TEXT PDF102-34.120 Where is motor vehicle identification placed on purchased and leased motor vehicles?
TEXT PDF102-34.125 Before we sell a motor vehicle, what motor vehicle identification or markings must we remove?
TEXT PDF102-34.130 Must our motor vehicles use Government license plates?
TEXT PDF102-34.135 Do we need to register motor vehicles owned or leased by the Government?
TEXT PDF102-34.140 Where may we obtain U.S. Government license plates?
TEXT PDF102-34.145 How do we display license plates on motor vehicles?
TEXT PDF102-34.150 What do we do about a lost or stolen license plate?
TEXT PDF102-34.155 What records do we need to keep on U.S. Government license plates?
TEXT PDF102-34.160 How are U.S. Government license plates coded and numbered?
TEXT PDF102-34.165 How can we get a new license plate code designation?
TEXT PDF102-34.170 Are there special licensing procedures for motor vehicles operating in the District of Columbia (DC)?
TEXT PDF102-34.175 What types of exemptions are there?
TEXT PDF102-34.180 May we have a limited exemption from displaying U.S. Government license plates and other motor vehicle identification?
TEXT PDF102-34.185 What information must the certification contain?
TEXT PDF102-34.190 For how long is a limited exemption valid?
TEXT PDF102-34.195 What agencies have an unlimited exemption from displaying U.S. Government license plates and motor vehicle identification?
TEXT PDF102-34.200 What agencies have a special exemption from displaying U.S. Government license plates and motor vehicle identification?
TEXT PDF102-34.205 What license plates and motor vehicle identification do we use on motor vehicles that are exempt from motor vehicle identification and U.S. Government license plates?
TEXT PDF102-34.210 What special requirements apply to exempted motor vehicles operating in the District of Columbia?
TEXT PDF102-34.215 Can GSA ask for a listing of exempted motor vehicles?
TEXT PDF102-34.220 What is official use of a motor vehicle owned or leased by the Government?
TEXT PDF102-34.225 May I use a motor vehicle owned or leased by the Government for transportation between my residence and place of employment?
TEXT PDF102-34.230 May Government contractors use motor vehicles owned or leased by the Government?
TEXT PDF102-34.235 What does GSA do if it learns of unofficial use of a motor vehicle owned or leased by the Government?
TEXT PDF102-34.240 How are Federal employees disciplined for misuse of motor vehicles owned or leased by the Government?
TEXT PDF102-34.245 How am I responsible for protecting motor vehicles?
TEXT PDF102-34.250 Am I bound by State and local traffic laws?
TEXT PDF102-34.255 Who pays for parking fees and fines?
TEXT PDF102-34.260 Do Federal employees in motor vehicles owned or leased by the government have to use safety belts?
TEXT PDF102-34.265 What are motor vehicle replacement standards?
TEXT PDF102-34.270 May we replace a Government-owned motor vehicle sooner?
TEXT PDF102-34.275 May we keep a Government-owned motor vehicle even though the standard permits replacement?
TEXT PDF102-34.280 How long must we keep a Government-owned motor vehicle?
TEXT PDF102-34.285 What kind of maintenance programs must we have?
TEXT PDF102-34.290 Must our motor vehicles pass State inspections?
TEXT PDF102-34.295 Where can we obtain help in setting up a maintenance program?
TEXT PDF102-34.300 What forms do I use to report an accident involving a motor vehicle owned or leased by the Government?
TEXT PDF102-34.305 To whom do we send accident reports?
TEXT PDF102-34.310 How do we dispose of a motor vehicle in any State, Commonwealth, territory or possession of the United States, or the District of Columbia?
TEXT PDF102-34.315 What forms do we use to transfer ownership when selling a motor vehicle?
TEXT PDF102-34.320 How do we distribute the completed Standard Form 97?
TEXT PDF102-34.325 How do we obtain fuel for motor vehicles?
TEXT PDF102-34.330 What Government-issued charge cards may I use to purchase fuel and motor vehicle related services?
TEXT PDF102-34.335 What type of fuel do I use in motor vehicles?
TEXT PDF102-34.340 Do I have to use self-service fuel pumps?
TEXT PDF102-34.345 What is the Federal Motor Vehicle Fleet Report?
TEXT PDF102-34.350 What records do we need to keep?
TEXT PDF102-34.355 When and how do we report motor vehicle data?
TEXT PDF102-34.360 How do we obtain the forms prescribed in this part?

