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Fact Sheet: Partnership Recovers One Million Switches


February 2008

The National Vehicle Mercury Switch Recovery Program (NVMSRP) has collected its millionth mercury-containing automotive switch. This milestone highlights how the NVMSRP partnership is making progress toward reducing the amount of toxic mercury released into the air, water and land. The goal of the NVMSRP is to capture 80 to 90 percent of available vehicle mercury switches by 2017, when the program is scheduled to end.

Vehicles are the most recycled consumer goods in America.  Each year, the steel industry recycles more than 14 million tons of steel from retired vehicles, the equivalent of nearly 13.5 million new automobiles.  As a result, the steel industry is the largest consumer of recycled materials in the world. Most vehicles that have reached the end of their useful life are dismantled, stripped, flattened, shredded and melted to make new steel. If mercury switches are not removed from retired vehicles by dismantlers, a significant amount of that mercury can be released into the environment through air emissions.

EPA estimates that about 8 tons per year of mercury is emitted from electric arc furnaces that melt scrap metal from retired cars, making them the fourth largest source of mercury air emissions. The total amount of mercury currently emitted annually in the U.S. is estimated to be 120 tons per year. Air emissions are considered the primary source of mercury that ultimately concentrates in fish as methylmercury and poses risks to human health and the environment through fish consumption.

Some vehicles manufactured prior to 2003 contain mercury switches. Recovering these switches is an easy, cost effective and energy efficient way to reduce mercury air emissions. Dismantlers can find and remove most switches within a few minutes. It costs far less per pound of mercury than emission controls and it supports many industries that produce and use scrap metal. Finally, it conserves energy and natural resources by promoting automotive steel recycling while reducing mercury contamination.

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NVMSRP provides dismantlers responsible for removing the switches with education, supplies, no-cost shipping and recycling. The NVMSRP also offers automobile dismantlers and scrap recyclers incentives to remove mercury-containing switches from scrap vehicles before they are shredded and used to make new steel.  It's very easy for automobile dismantlers and scrap recyclers to join the NVMSRP.  Automobile dismantlers and scrap recyclers can join the NVMSRP by contacting the End of Life Vehicle Solutions Corporation (ELVS) Exit EPA, a non-profit company formed by the automotive industry. To join NVMSRP, simply fill out ELVS' online contact form Exit EPA or call, toll free, (877) 225-ELVS.  There is no cost to participate in the program.

The following organizations and industry sectors are working together in this effort to encourage the recovery of mercury switches:

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EPA’s Additional Mercury Reduction Efforts

NVMSRP is one of several actions EPA is taking to reduce emissions from mercury-containing switches.  Other actions include:

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Program Partners

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 For More Information

For more information on the NVMSRP and for regularly updated mercury switch collection data, please visit the National Vehicle Mercury Switch Recovery Program home page or End of Life Vehicle Solutions Corporation (ELVS)  Exit EPA .

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