Title 31--Money and Finance: Treasury


TEXT PDF8.1 Scope.
TEXT PDF8.2 Persons who may practice.
TEXT PDF8.3 Conference and practice requirements.
TEXT PDF8.4 Director of Practice.
TEXT PDF8.5 Records.
TEXT PDF8.6 Special orders.
TEXT PDF8.11 Meaning of terms.
TEXT PDF8.21 Eligibility for enrollment.
TEXT PDF8.22 Application for enrollment.
TEXT PDF8.23 Denial of enrollment; appeal.
TEXT PDF8.24 Enrollment cards.
TEXT PDF8.25 Renewal of enrollment card.
TEXT PDF8.26 Change in enrollment.
TEXT PDF8.27 Enrollment registers.
TEXT PDF8.28 Termination of enrollment.
TEXT PDF8.29 Limited practice without enrollment.
TEXT PDF8.31 Furnishing of information.
TEXT PDF8.32 Prompt disposition of pending matters.
TEXT PDF8.33 Accuracy.
TEXT PDF8.34 Knowledge of client's omission.
TEXT PDF8.35 Assistance from disbarred or suspended persons and former Treasury employees.
TEXT PDF8.36 Practice by partners of Government employees.
TEXT PDF8.37 Practice by former Government employees.
TEXT PDF8.38 Notaries.
TEXT PDF8.39 Fees.
TEXT PDF8.40 Conflicting interests.
TEXT PDF8.41 Solicitation.
TEXT PDF8.42 Practice of law.
TEXT PDF8.51 Authority to disbar or suspend.
TEXT PDF8.52 Disreputable conduct.
TEXT PDF8.53 Initiation of disciplinary proceedings.
TEXT PDF8.54 Conferences.
TEXT PDF8.55 Contents of complaint.
TEXT PDF8.56 Service of complaint and other papers.
TEXT PDF8.57 Answer.
TEXT PDF8.58 Supplemental charges.
TEXT PDF8.59 Proof; variance; amendment of pleadings.
TEXT PDF8.60 Motions and requests.
TEXT PDF8.61 Representation.
TEXT PDF8.62 Administrative Law Judge.
TEXT PDF8.63 Hearings.
TEXT PDF8.64 Evidence.
TEXT PDF8.65 Depositions.
TEXT PDF8.66 Transcript.
TEXT PDF8.67 Proposed findings and conclusions.
TEXT PDF8.68 Decision of Administrative Law Judge.
TEXT PDF8.69 Appeal to the Secretary.
TEXT PDF8.70 Decision of the Secretary.
TEXT PDF8.71 Effect of disbarment or suspension.
TEXT PDF8.72 Petition for reinstatement.
