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Training and Certification Program for Lead-Based Paint Activities in Buildings and Structures - Section 402

On August 29, 1996 when EPA finalized regulations for lead-based paint activities in target housing and child-occupied facilities, EPA indicated that it was delaying finalizing regulations for lead-based paint activities in buildings and structures (61 FR 45778). Based on comments received on the 1994 proposed rule, which had included requirements for target housing and buildings and structures, EPA determined that it needed time to gain additional information before completing the regulations for buildings and structures (59 FR 45672). On August 22, 1997, EPA published a notice announcing a public meeting and discussing several issues that EPA needed to consider before proceeding with the regulations for buildings and structures.

After gathering additional information and reviewing existing Federal and state regulations that could cover buildings and structures, EPA has determined that it has sufficient information to move forward and develop a proposed rule on bridges and structures. More information, however, is needed to characterize LBP activities in public and commercial buildings. Therefore, it has been decided to develop a proposed rule on bridges and structures at this time and delay a rule addressing public and commercial buildings until a later date. For more information on the development of the regulations for lead-based paint activities in buildings and structures, explore the items listed below:

Contact the National Lead Information Center (NLIC) to speak with an information specialist.

    Proposed Rules and Other Notices

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