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Phase I Report

The CLI Phase I Report summarizes all of the comments received and research work performed during 1996, including EPA's direct interviews with consumers and its review of existing studies on labeling. You can scan the Table of Contents for the Report and read the Executive Summary, the Introduction and Background, and the Next Steps and Recommendations chapters on-line. If you are interested, you can choose to download the complete 180-page report.

The CLI Phase II Report, summarizing all of the research and other activity undertaken from 1997 through 1999, is now available both electronically and in hard copy. You can view or download the electronic version from this website, or order a print copy by contacting the Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse (PPIC) by telephone at 202-260-1023 or by email addressed to ppic@epa.gov. You can request the Report from the PPIC by name or by its publication number, EPA742-R-99-004.

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