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Download MCCEM

Mccsetup.zip 3.383MB

Download And Install Instructions

The files are now self extracting executables. To install:

1. Save Mccsetup to a directory of your choice
2. By default, when this file is unzipped the files will be extracted to a subdirectory or folder named MCCSETUP.
3. Within the MCCSETUP folder, run SETUP.exe to install the MCCEM software.
4. When installation is finished the MCCSETUP folder can be deleted.
5. By default, the MCCEM software is installed in C:\MCCEM and an icon is placed on the Windows Start Menu.

Description of Updates for MCCEM Version 1.2 (February 2001)

Notify Me Of Future Updates:

If you want to be notified when future updates of the above download are available, please give your correct e-mail address. We will notify you to your e-mail address. A complete e-mail address includes your name and the domain name. Examples are Doe.John@myfavoritechemical.com, Doe.Jane@epa.gov.

Please use the following form:

Your Name:
Your Organization:
Your Mailing Address:
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