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Draft Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment (CTSA): Screen Reclamation - Contents

EPA 744R-94-005a
September 1994

Cover, Notice, Preface, and Acknowledgements [55 K PDF]

Executive Summary

Chapter I: Profile of Screen Reclamation Use Cluster

Profile of Screen Printing
Definition and Overview of Screen Reclamation
Identification of Screen Reclamation Functional Groups
Identification of Screen Printing Substitute Trees for Screen Reclamation
Potential Screen Reclamation Technologies
Alternative Sodium Bicarbonate Screen Reclamation Technology

Chapter II: Screen Reclamation Chemicals

Categorization of Screen Reclamation Chemicals
Federal Environmental Regulations that Affect Screen Reclamation Chemicals
Summary of the Environmental Hazard Assessment for the Screen Reclamation Chemicals
Summary of Human Hazard Information for Screen Reclamation Chemicals

Chapter III: Background Information on Methodologies Used in Screen Reclamation

Risk, Performance and Cost Evaluation
Overview of Data from the Screen Printing Industry Used in Risk Assessment
Environmental Releases and Occupational Exposure Assessment
Population Exposure Assessment for Screen Reclamation Processes
Background on Risk Assessment for Screen Reclamation Processes
Background and Methodology for Performance Demonstrations
Chemical Volume Estimates
Cost Analysis Methodology

Chapter IV: Screen Reclamation Products: Functional Groups

Ink Removal Function
Emulsion Removal Function
Haze Removal Function
Manufacturing of Screen Reclamation Chemical Products

Chapter V: Substitute Comparative Assessment, Screen Reclamation Methods

Method 1: Traditional Reclamation
Method 2: Traditional Reclamation With Haze Remover
Method 3: SPAI Workshop Process
Method 4: Alternative Screen Reclamation Technology using High-Pressure Water Blaster
Method 5: Automatic Screen Reclamation Technology

Chapter VI: Overall Pollution Prevention Opportunities for Screen Reclamation

Screen Disposal as a Method of Pollution Prevention
Pollution Prevention through Improved Workpractices
Pollution Prevention through Equipment Modifications

Chapter VII: Macroeconomic Issues

International Trade Issues
Energy and Natural Resource Issues
Cost/Benefit Analysis of Alternative Screen Reclamation Processes


Appendix A. Glossary of Terms Used in the Environmental Fate Summaries
Appendix B. Workplace Practices Questionnaire for Screen Printers
Appendix C. Summary of Responses to Workplace Practices Questionnaire for Screen Printers
Appendix D. Densities of Solutes in Aqueous Mixtures
Appendix E. Review of Air Release Models
Appendix F. Screen Printers Technical Foundation Testing Methodology
Appendix G. Facility Bacground Questionnaire
Appendix H. Observers' Evaluation Sheet
Appendix I. Ink Remover Evaluation Sheet for Printers
Appendix J. Emulstion Remover and Haze Remover Evaluation Sheet
Appendix K. Weekly Follow-up Call Guidance
Appendix L. Screen Printing Performance Demonstration Methodology
Appendix M. Ecological Hazard Profile Methodology

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