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Resource Guide

United States Environmental Protection Agency
Pollution Prevention And Toxics (7406)
EPA 744-K-98-005
June 2001

Design for the Environment

Introduction to this document

This booklet is part of a series of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) publications on garment and textile care industry issues, new technologies, and research initiatives. The organizational, printed and electronic resources listed in this booklet provide information on issues currently facing the professional garment and textile care industry. Although this is not an exhaustive list, it does offer a starting point from which to explore issues relevant to today's garment and textile care industry professional.

By joining EPA in its commitment to safer, cleaner technologies, drycleaners can maintain a competitive edge in the marketplace. With an enhanced awareness of available technology options and by offering environmentally-preferable cleaning process choices to their customers, drycleaners can improve their operations and bottom line while contributing to a safer workplace and cleaner environment.

As consumers increasingly opt for environmentally-sound products and services, drycleaners that consider the health and environmental impacts of their business decisions are more likely to sustain solid support from their customers, neighbors, and community.

EPA Design for the Environment Program

The EPA Design for the Environment (DFE) Program harnesses EPA's expertise and leadership to facilitate information exchange and research on risk reduction and pollution prevention efforts. Working with businesses and industries on a voluntary basis, DFE strives to:

  • Incorporate environmental concerns into business decisions along with 'cost' and 'performance.'
  • Build incentives for behavior change to encourage continuous environmental improvement.
  • Encourage green chemistry and green engineering approaches that reduce or eliminate environmental concerns.

The DFE Garment and Textile Care Program is a voluntary collaboration among the garment and textile care industry, environmental groups, and the U.S. EPA, dedicated to reducing risks and preventing pollution associated with drycleaning chemicals. DFE partners include representatives from industry, professional institutions and associations, academia, environmental, labor, and public interest groups, and other government agencies. The program has focused on the risks, costs, and performance of traditional drycleaning processes in an effort to help garment and textile care professionals incorporate environmental concerns into their day-to-day and long term business decisions. Toward this end, EPA promotes the development, evaluation, and increased use of cleaner technologies.


EPA Publications

Single copies of the following publications can be obtained from EPA at no charge by contacting the:
Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse, U.S. EPA
1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW (7407-T)
Washington, DC 20460-0001
Phone: 202-566-0799
FAX: 202-566-0794 Email: ppic@epa.gov

These documents are also available at:

DFE Garment and Textile Care Program Fact Sheet
EPA 744-F-98-012 (June 2001) 2 pages

This fact sheet provides an up-to-date description of EPA's DFE Garment and Textile Care Program. A previous version is also available in Korean (EPA 744-F-98-012K) and Spanish (EPA 744-F-98-012S).

Frequently Asked Questions About Drycleaning
EPA 744-K-98-002 (June 1998) 8 pages

This plain English document answers common questions about drycleaning. Korean (EPA 744-K-98-002K) and Spanish (EPA 744-K-98-002S).

List of Major Federal Regulations Affecting Petroleum Cleaners Fact Sheet
EPA 744-F-99-005 (May 1999) 4 pages

This document serves as a guide to EPA and OSHA regulations and standards affecting petroleum drycleaners. It also provides a list of EPA and OSHA contacts by geographic region.

Military Uniform Cleaning Study Fact Sheet
EPA 744-F-01-003 (June 2001) 2 pages

This document provides an overview of DOD's evaluation of wetcleaning and liquid carbon dioxide processes for cleaning military uniforms, as part of their Pollution Prevention and Waste Minimization Programs.

Industrial Ecology Fact Sheet
EPA 744-F-99-001 (May 1999) 2 pages

This document provides information on EPA's Industrial Ecology approach to examining the garment care industry.

100% Wetcleaning Facility: Route-only Service, Case Study
EPA 744-F-01-004 (June 2001) 4 pages
This case study provides information on a Virginia wetcleaner, The Laundry Club.

Liquid Carbon Dioxide Surfactant System for Garment Care, Case Study
EPA 744-F-99-002 (May 1999) 8 pages

This case study provides information on the MiCare TM process.

Wetcleaning Systems for Garment Care, Case Study
EPA 744-F-98-016 (May 1999) 8 pages

This case study provides information on wetcleaning.

Water-Based Cleaning System for Suede and Leather, Case Study
EPA 744-K-98-017 (May 1999) 4 pages

This case study provides information on the Kirk's Suede-Life, Inc. cleaning process.

Plain English Guide for Perc Drycleaners: A Step-by-Step Approach to Understanding Federal Environmental Regulations
EPA 305-B-96-002 (August 1996) 50 pages

This document summarizes the national environmental regulations that apply to drycleaners who use perc, and provides a step-by-step approach to compliance. Also available in Korean (EPA 305-B-97-001).

The Cleaner Guide A List of Professional Cleaners Offering Wetcleaning, Liquid Carbon Dioxide, and Liquid Silicone Cleaning Processes
EPA 744-F-01-007 (June 2001) Web Only

This booklet offers a list of U.S. professional cleaners that offer environmentally-preferable cleaning services.

Training Curriculum for Alternative Clothes Cleaning
EPA 744-R-97-004a (Volume I: Curriculum) 115 pages
EPA 744-R-97-004b (Volume II: Instructor's Manual and Overheads) 192 pages

This training course teaches garment care professionals about wetcleaning, how it works, how to operate a wetcleaning facility, and how to convert a drycleaning facility to a wetcleaning facility.

Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment for Professional Fabricare Processes (CTSA)
EPA 744-B-98-001 (June 1998) 474 pages

The CTSA was developed to provide professional cleaners with a compendium of technical information on available cleaning processes. The CTSA presents comparisons of relative risk, cost, and performance in an effort to encourage cleaners to consider environmental issues along with traditional parameters of cost and performance when making business decisions.

Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment for Professional Fabricare Processes: SUMMARY
EPA 744-S-98-001 (June 1998) 56 pages

This document is a summary version of the CTSA.

Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment for Professional Fabricare Processes Fact Sheet
EPA 744-F-98-011 (June 1998) 2 pages

This document provides an overview of the CTSA. Korean (EPA 744-F-98-011K ) and Spanish (EPA 744-F-98-011S).

Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment for Professional Fabricare Processes: Peer Review Process
EPA 744-S-98-002 (June 1998) 146 pages

This document summarizes the independent technical peer review process used for the fabricare CTSA.

Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment for Professional Fabricare Processes: Response to Peer Review Comments
EPA 744-P-98-001 (June 1998) 410 pages

This document contains the Agency's response to the fabricare CTSA Peer Review Panel's comments.

Garment and Textile Care: An Eye To the Future, 1998 Conference Proceedings
EPA 744-R-98-006 (October 1998) 360 pages

This proceedings document is a record of a conference held among key stakeholders in March 1998 to discuss the changes in cleaning technologies, science issues, and taking an industrial ecology approach to garment care.

Apparel Care and the Environment-Alternative Technologies and Labeling, 1996 Conference Proceedings
EPA 744-R-96-002 (September 1996) 219 pages

This proceedings documents a September 1996 conference where key stakeholders met to discuss new garment care technologies and care labeling.

Multimedia Inspection Guidance for Drycleaning Facilities
EPA 305-F-96-001 (August 1996) 100 pages

This inspection manual and video were developed to assist field personnel in state, local, and EPA regional offices to conduct multimedia inspections of drycleaning facilities that use perc.

Drycleaning Sector Compliance Strategy
EPA 305-F-96-003 (August 1996) 80 pages

This document outlines EPA's strategy to provide compliance assistance to the perc drycleaning industry and is meant to help federal, state, and local regulators understand compliance needs of the garment care industry.

Profile of the Drycleaning Industry
EPA 310-R-95-001 (September 1995) 84 pages

This document provides information on all aspects of the garment care industry, including general information, processes, pollution prevention techniques, regulatory requirements, and examples of relevant EPA programs.

Soil Screening Guidance: Fact Sheet
EPA 540-F-95-041 (June 1996) 12 pages

This fact sheet summarizes key aspects of EPA's Soil Screening Guidance which was developed by EPA to help standardize and accelerate the evaluation and cleanup of contaminated soils at sites on the National Priorities List.

Soil Screening Guidance: User's Guide
EPA 540-R-96-018 (July 1996) 49 pages

This User's Guide provides a step-by-step method for professionals to calculate risk-based, site-specific soil contaminant screening levels to identify areas needing further investigation at National Priorities list sites. The guidance doc and a fact sheet are available only from the National Technical Information Service (800) 553-6847, or they can be downloaded from the following EPA web site.

EPA Resources

Design for the Environment
Garment and Textile Care Program

Cindy Stroup, Program Manager
EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics (7406)
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20460
(202) 260-3889
Email: stroup.cindy@epa.gov

Office of Air and Radiation (NESHAP)
Fred Porter, Emissions Standards Division
EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (MD-13)
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711
(919) 541-5251
Email: porter.fred@epa.gov

Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20460
(202) 564-2310

Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance and Office of Research and Development offer technical information at:

Fact Sheet: Drycleaning and Waste Reduction
Drycleaning Industry

Office of Water

Superfund Program

EPA's Regional Drycleaning Contacts

EPA's 10 regional offices work closely with garment care professionals, state and local governments, and EPA headquarters. Listed below are contacts within EPA's regional offices that can answer questions about garment care regulatory compliance, management of garment care solvents, and pollution prevention options.

Region 1 [Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont]
1 Congress Street, Suite, 1100 (SEA), Boston, Massachusetts 02114-2023

Doug Koopman, Compliance (617) 918-1747

Region 2 [New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands]
290 Broadway, New York, NY 10007-1866 (2DECA-CAPS)

Ronald Lockwood, Drycleaning Compliance (212) 637-3413
Carl Plossl, RCRA Compliance (2DECA-RCB) (212) 637-4137
Venkata Rao, Air Compliance (2DECA-ACB) (212) 637-4053

Region 3 [Delaware, DC, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia]
1650 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103-2029

David Byro, Drycleaning Compliance (3EI00) (215) 814-5563
Andy Clibanoff, Enforcement (3AP12) (215) 814-3391

Region 4 [Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee]
61 Forsyth Street, Southwest, Atlanta, Georgia 30303-3415

Rosalyn Hughes, Compliance (4APT-AEEB) (404) 562-9206

Region 5 [Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin]
77 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IL 60604-3590

John Kelly, Compliance (AR-18J) (312) 886-4882
Phil Kaplan, Pollution Prevention (DW-8J) (312) 353-4669

Region 6 [Arizona, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas]
1445 Ross Avenue (6EN-AA), Dallas, TX 75202-2733

Donna Ascenzi, Compliance and Enforcement (214) 665-2725
Loretta Finklin, Drycleaning Contact (6EN-AA) (214) 665-7293

Region 7 [Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska]
901 North 5th Street, Kansas City, KS 66101-2907

Gary Schlicht, MACT Standard/Permits (ARTD/APCO) (913) 551-7097
Jennifer Anderson, Drycleaning Sector (ARTD/SWPP) (913) 551-7644
Gary Bertram, DFE (ARTD/SWPP) (913) 551-7533
Alma Moreno-Lahm, Compliance (ENSV/ARCM) (913) 551-5232

Region 8 [Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming]
999 18th Street, Denver Place, Suite 300, Denver, Colorado 80202-2045

Scott Whitmore, Enforcement (8ENF-T) (303) 312-6317
Tami Thomas-Burton, Enf/Compliance MACT (8ENF-T) (303) 312-6581
Anne-Marie Patrie, Small Business Assistance (8P-AR) (303) 312-6524

Region 9 [Arizona, California, Nevada, Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam]
75 Hawthorne Street, San Francisco, CA 94105

Angela Baranco, Compliance Asst Program (AIR-6) (415) 744-1196
Eileen Sheehan, Drycleaning P2 Project (WST-1-1) (415) 744-2190

Region 10 [Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington]
1200 Sixth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101

Kai Shum, Compliance (MC OAQ-107) (206) 553-2117

Other Government Resources

Department of Commerce
Office of Textiles and Apparel
International Trade Administration Room H3100
14th and Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20230
(202) 482-3737

Department of Defense, Defense Logistics Agency, Defense Supply Center Philadelphia is responsible for procuring a variety of supplies and services for all armed forces and is currently evaluating environmental cleaning technologies for military uniforms.
700 Robins Ave NE, Building 6D430, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19111
(215) 737-2405

Federal Trade Commission is responsible for the Care Labeling Rule, which informs consumers and professional cleaners about proper cleaning methods.
FTC Textile Section, 600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20580
(202) 326-3553

National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health is charged with researching health and safety aspects of industry and generating information from its findings. In its work with the garment care industry, NIOSH has evaluated drycleaning machines, potential retrofits, associated work practices, and the effects of perc exposure.
(800) 35-NIOSH (356-4674)

Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulates permissible occupational exposure levels of chemicals for drycleaning workers, does research on reducing worker exposure to perc, assesses technologies in terms of exposure levels, and investigates viable substitutes.
200 Constitution Avenue, NW., Room 3718
Washington, DC 20210
Office of Health Standards- (202) 693-1950
Office of Regulatory Analysis - (202) 693-1960

Small Business Administration offers assistance to small businesses in a variety of areas including finance, management, environmental issues, and technology.

Small Business Administration's Small Business Development Centers Program offer one-stop assistance to small businesses by providing a variety of information and guidance available through a national network of centers.
(202) 205-6766

The following Small Business Development Centers specialize in environmental assistance.

California Trade and Commerce
801 K Street Suite 1700, Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 324-5068

Iowa State University
137 Lynn Ave, Ames, Iowa 50014
(515) 292-6351

Dept. of Commerce and Community Affairs
620 East Adams, Springfield, IL 62701
(217) 524-5856

University of Kentucky
Business and Economics Building, Room 227, Lexington, KY 40506
(859) 257-1131

Nebraska Business Development Center
1313 Farnam Street, Suite 230, Omaha, Nebraska 68102
(402) 595-2381

Department of Development
77 South High St, 28th Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215
(614) 466-2711

University of Nevada in Reno
College of Business Administration
Reno, Nevada 89557-0100
(800) 882-3233

University of Pennsylvania
3733 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104
(215) 898-1219

Dallas County Community College
1402 Corinth Street, Suite 1520, Dallas, TX 75215
(214) 860-5822

Vermont Technical College
PO Box 188, Randolph Center, Vermont 05061
(802) 728-9101

Department of Business Assistance
707 East Main Street, Suite 300, Richmond, Virginia 23219
(804) 371-8253

University of Wisconsin
432 North Lake Street, Room 423, Madison WI 53706
(608) 263-7794

International Resources

Environment Canada, the Canadian equivalent of EPA, disseminates environmental assessments, national water research, pollution data, and climate information. It also has published a workbook for garment care professionals called The Green Team, which outlines pollution prevention ideas to reduce garment care workers' exposures to perc.
351 St. Joseph Boulevard, Hull, Quebec K1A 0H3, Canada
(819) 997-2800 or (800) 668-6767
Email: enviroinfo@ec.gc.ca

Hohenstein Institutes is an internationally-recognized independent research and service center with more than 150 experienced scientists and staff. In state-of-the-art laboratories and facilities, basic and applied research focuses on innovative products and processes for the textile, apparel, and the textile care industries. The institutes performed the first comprehensive research and field studies that led to the evolution of environmentally friendly textile care technologies.
Hohenstein Institutes
Schloss Hohenstein, D-74357 Boennigheim, Germany
Doctor Maximilian Swerev, Director
+49-7143-271-0 or +49-7143-271-51
Email: info@hohenstein.de

International Drycleaners Congress is a worldwide organization that promotes international good will and professional information exchange for leaders in the textile care industry.
Doctor Manfred Wentz, Executive Director
9016 Oak Branch Drive, Apex, NC 27502
(919) 363-5062
Email: mwentz@nc.rr.com

International Drycleaning Research Committee is an organization of textile care research institutes.
Hohenstein Institutes
Schloss Hohenstein, D-74357 Boennigheim, Germany
Petra Klein
Email: p.klein@hohenstein.de

International Textile and Apparel Association maintains a web-based resource for faculty and students in fiber, textiles, apparel and related disciplines.

wfk-Forschungsinstitut fur Reinigungstechnology
(wfk-Cleaning Technology Research Institute) is a group of institutes conducting cleaning technology research projects for small and medium enterprises.
Adlerstrasse 42, Postfach 13 07 62
D-47798 Krefeld, Germany
Doctor Helmut Kruessmann, Institute Director
Email: info@wfk.de

Industry Resource

Many industry organizations such as trade associations provide helpful services for garment care professionals and others interested in garment care issues.

National Trade Associations

American Apparel and Footwear Association
2500 Wilson Blvd, Suite 301, Arlington, Virginia 22201
(800) 520-2262

American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists
1 Davis Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Doctor John Daniels, Executive Director, (919) 549-8141

American Fibers Manufacturers Association
1150 17th Street, NW, Suite 310, Washington, DC 20036
(202) 296-6508

Canadian Cleaners and Launderers Allied Trade Association
299 Mill Rd, #2108, Toronto, ON M9C 4V9 Canada
(416) 622-7442

Canadian Fabricare Association
PO Box 24026, Kitchener, ON N2M 5P1 Canada
V.W. (Vic) Vandermolen, Executive Director

Cleaners and Launderers Association
4603 Fox Hollow Blvd, Spring, Texas 77389
Jean Warnke, Secretary (281) 288-2144 (tmatjean@aol.com)

Coin Laundry Association
1315 Butterfield R, #212, Downers Grove, IL 60515
(630) 963-5547

Halogenated Solvents Institute of America
2001 L Street NW, Suite 506A, Washington, DC 20036
(202) 775-0232 or (888) 594-4742

International Fabricare Institute
12251 Tech Road, Silver Spring, Maryland 20904
(800) 638-2627

Korean Drycleaners Business Group
4715 Commerce Lane, Bethesda, Maryland 20814
(301) 770-7733

National Coalition of Petroleum Drycleaners
PO Box 651, Lyons, IL 60534
(708) 447-6430

The Professional Wetcleaners Network
Ann Hargrove, Executive Director
PO Box 1, Lyons, IL 60534
(708) 447-0879
Email: ahargr7630@aol.com

Neighborhood Cleaners Association-International
252 West 29th Street, New York, NY 10001
Nora Nealis, Executive Director, (212) 967-3002

Uniform and Textile Service Association
1300 North 17th Street, Suite 750, Arlington, Virginia 22209
(703) 247-2600

Regional Trade Associations

California Cleaners Association
530 Bercut Drive, Suite G, Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 443-0986 / (800) 390-8409

Illinois State Fabricare Association
350 Houbolt Road, Suite 100, Joliet, IL 60431
(815) 729-0137

Mid-America Fabricare Association
8080 Watson Rd, Saint Louis, Missouri 63119
Mark Bartnett, Executive Director, (314) 843-3458 (msb487@aol.com)

Mid-Atlantic Cleaners and Launderers Association
7430 Little Chatterton Lane, King George, Virginia 22485
(540) 775-2525

Northeast Fabricare Association
580 Main Street, Reading, Massachusetts 01867
(800) 442-6848

Northwest Drycleaners Association
3425 Vernhardson Street, Gig Harbor, WA 98332
(253) 851-6327

Rocky Mountain Fabricare Association
11166 Huron Street #27, Denver, Colorado 80234
(303) 433-4446

South Central Fabricare Association
812 North President Street, Jackson, Mississippi 39202
Darienne Wilson, President, (601) 352-4291 (dwilson@mstourism.com)

Southeastern Fabricare Association
7373 Hodgson Memorial Dr, Building 3, Suite C, Savanna, Georgia 31406
(912) 355-3364 (sefa.clnrs@worldnet.att.net)

Southwest Drycleaners Association
1800 NE Loop 410, Suite 308, San Antonio, TX 78210
(210) 826-4684

Textile Care Allied Trades Association
271 Route 46 West, Suite D203, Fairfield, NJ 07004
David Cotter, Executive Director , (973) 244-1790 (tcata@ix.netcom.com)

Wisconsin Fabricare Institute
9910 West Layton Avenue, Greenfield, WI 53228
Joe Phillips (414) 529-4707

Other Industry

FabricLink's mission is to provide an educational forum for retailers, consumers, manufacturers and fiber producers to share information on fabrics, apparel and clothing care products, and mills.

Textile Industry Affairs, a unit of the Clorox Company, provides assistance to apparel and textile professionals in implementing the FTC Care Label Rule and educating apparel trade and consumers about care symbols and instructions.

TextileWeb is dedicated to promoting the goods and services of the textile industry via the Internet.

Organizational Resources

Labor Unions

United Needleworkers and Industrial Textile Employees
275 Seventh Avenue, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10001
(212) 691-1691

Public Interest Groups

Better Business Bureau offers drycleaning related information on its web site

Business and Professional People for the Public Interest
25 East Washington, Suite 1515, Chicago, IL 60602
(312) 641-5570

Consumers Union, publisher of Consumer Reports, is a nonprofit organization established to provide consumers with information and advice on goods, services, health, and finance to enhance the quality of consumers' lives.
101 Truman Avenue, Yonkers, NY 10703-1057
(914) 378-2000

Greenpeace, a nonprofit research and advocacy organization supports the use of alternatives such as wetcleaning and liquid carbon dioxide as environmentally-preferable choices to perc and other chlorinated hydrocarbons.
702 H Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20001
Rick Hind, (202) 462-1177

Korean Youth and Community Center Cleaners Assistance Program is committed to providing Korean American drycleaners with accurate, timely, and bilingual information on new technologies in the industry including demonstration tours, intensive workshops on the wetcleaning process, distributing information packets, wetcleaning videos, resources for financing, training and general business assistance.
680 South Wilton Place, Los Angeles, CA 90005
(213) 365-7400

Research and Technical Assistance Organizations

Textile Care International, Ltd
9016 Oak Branch Drive, Apex, NC 27502
Dr. Manfred Wentz, Executive Director
(919) 363-5062 (mwentz@nc.rr.com)

Ann Hargrove and Associates is a new technologies consultant specializing in wetcleaning.
8132 Salisbury Avenue, Lyons, IL 60534
(708) 447-0879 (ahargr7630@aol.com)

Center for Neighborhood Technology, a nonprofit educational and technical assistance organization, provides information on its web site about wetcleaning and other garment care issues. The site offers a list of resources that can be requested by email.

2125 West North Avenue, Chicago, IL 60647
Anthony Star, (773) 278-4800 extension 117 (info@cnt.org)

Ecology Action a private, nonprofit organization working with businesses and local governments to reduce hazardous and solid waste and conserve material resources. They provide technical assistance for drycleaners on reducing perc usage and new technologies.
PO Box 1188, Santa Cruz, CA 95061
Anna Hirst, (831) 426-5925 (info@ecoact.org)

Tellus Institute, a research organization, has developed reports on drycleaning issues under EPA grants.
11 Arlington Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02116-3411
(617) 266-5400

Toxics Use Reduction Institute, a research, education, policy, and technical support organization, has developed garment care publications under EPA grants.
The Massachusetts Toxics Use Reduction Institute
University of Massachusetts Lowell
One University Avenue, Lowell, Massachusetts 01854-2866
(978) 934-3275

Academic Programs

Auburn University Textile Engineering Dept, working cooperatively with the Department of Consumer Affairs, prepares students to work in the integrated textile industry by assisting with technical support, continuing education, and in building relations with the community and general public.
Department of Textile Engineering
115 Textile Building, Auburn University, Alabama 36849-5327
(334) 844-4123

Catawba Valley Community College (CVCC)
2550 Highway 70 Southeast, Hickory, NC 20862
(828) 327-7000

Clemson University School of Textiles, Fiber and Polymer Science offers B.S. degree programs in Textile Chemistry, Textile Science and Textile Management.
School of Textiles, Fiber and Polymer Science
161 Sirrine Hall, Box 34097, Clemson, SC 29634-1307
(864) 656-3176

Florida State University's Department of Textiles and Consumer Sciences offers graduate and undergraduate study.
Department of Textiles and Consumer Sciences
Sandels Building, Room 332, College of Human Sciences
Tallahassee, Florida 32306-1492
(850) 644-2498

Georgia Tech School of Textile and Fiber Engineering
801 Ferst Drive, Atlanta, GA 30233-0295

Mississippi State University Extension Service has a web page with information on apparel and textiles.

Ohio State University Extension Page offers several fact sheets on textiles and clothing care.

North Carolina State University College of Textiles is housed in one of the most modern teaching, research and laboratory facilities available. Two departments, the Department of Textile Engineering, Chemistry and Science and the Department of Textile and Apparel Technology and Management graduate more than half of the textile graduates in the United States each year. Innovative programs bridge the gap between traditional education, research and extension activities of the university and the fiber, textile, apparel and retail industries, consumers and the textile care industries.
Box 8301, Raleigh, NC 27695-8301
Doctor Perry Grady, Associate Dean
(919) 515-6651
Email: pgrady@tx.ncsu.edu

Urban and Environmental Policy Institute at Occidental College is a research, education, technical assistance, and community-linked organization of affiliated programs on urban and environmental policy.
1600 Campus Rd, Los Angeles, CA 90041-3314
(323) 259-2991
Email: uepi@oxy.edu

Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science
School of Textile and Materials Technology
Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science
Schoolhouse Lane and Henry Ave, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19144
(215) 951-2700

Texas Research Center for Laundry and Drycleaning, at Texas Woman's University provides a facility for educational programs, research, training in laundering and garment care technology, and applied research relating to cleaning technology with consideration for environmental and quality concerns.
PO Box 425529, Denton, TX 76204
Doctor Charles Riggs
(940) 898-2670
Email: criggs@twu.edu

Testing and Standard Setting Resources

American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists
1 Davis Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Doctor John Daniels, Executive Director
(919) 549-8141

American Society for Testing and Materials
100 Bar Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19428
(610) 832-9585

Trade Press

American Drycleaner
500 North Dearborn Street, Chicago, IL 60610-4901
Ian P. Murphy, Editor
(312) 337-7700

Bobbin World
Bobbin Publishing Group of Bill Communications.
PO Box 1986/1500 Hampton Rd, Columbia, SC 29201
(800) 845-8820 or 803-771-7500

Drycleaners News
70 Edwin Avenue, PO Box 2180
Waterbury, Connecticut 06722-2180
Dave Johnston, Editor
(203) 755-0158 or 800 325-6745

International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology is a referred journal and a key source of new research on clothing technology.

Korean Drycleaners Times
508 C 115th Street, College Point, NY 11356
(718) 888-0802
Email: drycleanerstimes@aol.com

Laundry Today
57 West 57th Street Suite 1410, New York, NY 10019

National Clothesline
PO Box 340, Willow Grove, Pennsylvania 19090-0340
(215) 830-8467
Email: ncled@aol.com

Textile Industries
2100 Powers Ferry Road, Suite 300 Atlanta, GA 30339
(770) 955-5656

Textile World Blue Book
2100 Powers Ferry Rd, Atlanta, GA 30339
(770) 955-8484 or 800 533-8484

Western Cleaner and Launderer
3236 Estado Street, Pasadena, CA 91107-2916
Albane F. Wente, Publisher
(626) 793-2911

Wetcleaning Update
Center for Neighborhood Technology
2125 West North Avenue, Chicago, IL 60647
Anthony Star, Associate Editor
(773) 278-4800 extension 117

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