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What is the TSCA Interagency Testing Committee (ITC)?

The Interagency Testing Committee (ITC) is mandated under Section 4 of TSCA and has representatives from the following U.S. Government agencies:

Environmental Protection Agency

Consumer Product Safety Commission

Food and Drug Administration

Department of Commerce

Department of the Interior

Department of Defense

National Cancer Institute

National Science Foundation

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Council on Environmental Quality

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

National Library of Medicine

Department of Agriculture

In recent years, the ITC has coordinated extensively with EPA and other Federal Agencies in identifying their specific testing and data needs. For example, in recent ITC reports, approximately 80 chemicals were designated for dermal absorption rate testing to support a data need of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Chemicals that are formally designated by ITC to EPA to develop testing actions are immediately added to OPPT's MTL and can be added to automatically effective TSCA Section 8(a) and 8(d) rules to gather data to support development of that testing action. Chemicals that are recommended by the ITC for testing are not immediately added to OPPT's MTL but are ususally made subject to automatically effective Section 8(a)/8(d) rules to gather data to support an ITC decision to formally designate a chemical to EPA for testing action development.

The statute specifies that EPA should give priority consideration to chemical that the ITC places on its TSCA Section 4(e) "Priority Testing List" and initiate a "proceeding" within 12 months. The significant time and resource burden on EPA to develop formal test rules under Section 4 of TSCA has not allowed this to occur except in rare instances. Two major lawsuits have provided guidance in this area but have not lessened EPA's burden to any great extent. As a result, EPA has developed and currently utilizes other types of testing action "tools" in order to obtain needed test data.

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