Title 40--Protection of Environment



TEXT PDF280.10 Applicability.
TEXT PDF280.11 Interim prohibition for deferred UST systems.
TEXT PDF280.12 Definitions.
TEXT PDF280.20 Performance standards for new UST systems.
TEXT PDF280.21 Upgrading of existing UST systems.
TEXT PDF280.22 Notification requirements.
TEXT PDF280.30 Spill and overfill control.
TEXT PDF280.31 Operation and maintenance of corrosion protection.
TEXT PDF280.32 Compatibility.
TEXT PDF280.33 Repairs allowed.
TEXT PDF280.34 Reporting and recordkeeping.
TEXT PDF280.40 General requirements for all UST systems.
TEXT PDF280.41 Requirements for petroleum UST systems.
TEXT PDF280.42 Requirements for hazardous substance UST systems.
TEXT PDF280.43 Methods of release detection for tanks.
TEXT PDF280.44 Methods of release detection for piping.
TEXT PDF280.45 Release detection recordkeeping.
TEXT PDF280.50 Reporting of suspected releases.
TEXT PDF280.51 Investigation due to off-site impacts.
TEXT PDF280.52 Release investigation and confirmation steps.
TEXT PDF280.53 Reporting and cleanup of spills and overfills.
TEXT PDF280.60 General.
TEXT PDF280.61 Initial response.
TEXT PDF280.62 Initial abatement measures and site check.
TEXT PDF280.63 Initial site characterization.
TEXT PDF280.64 Free product removal.
TEXT PDF280.65 Investigations for soil and ground-water cleanup.
TEXT PDF280.66 Corrective action plan.
TEXT PDF280.67 Public participation.
TEXT PDF280.70 Temporary closure.
TEXT PDF280.71 Permanent closure and changes-in-service.
TEXT PDF280.72 Assessing the site at closure or change-in-service.
TEXT PDF280.73 Applicability to previously closed UST systems.
TEXT PDF280.74 Closure records.
TEXT PDF280.90 Applicability.
TEXT PDF280.91 Compliance dates.
TEXT PDF280.92 Definition of terms.
TEXT PDF280.93 Amount and scope of required financial responsibility.
TEXT PDF280.94 Allowable mechanisms and combinations of mechanisms.
TEXT PDF280.95 Financial test of self-insurance.
TEXT PDF280.96 Guarantee.
TEXT PDF280.97 Insurance and risk retention group coverage.
TEXT PDF280.98 Surety bond.
TEXT PDF280.99 Letter of credit.
TEXT PDF280.100 Use of state-required mechanism.
TEXT PDF280.101 State fund or other state assurance.
TEXT PDF280.102 Trust fund.
TEXT PDF280.103 Standby trust fund.
TEXT PDF280.104 Local government bond rating test.
TEXT PDF280.105 Local government financial test.
TEXT PDF280.106 Local government guarantee.
TEXT PDF280.107 Local government fund.
TEXT PDF280.108 Substitution of financial assurance mechanisms by owner or operator.
TEXT PDF280.109 Cancellation or nonrenewal by a provider of financial assurance.
TEXT PDF280.110 Reporting by owner or operator.
TEXT PDF280.111 Recordkeeping.
TEXT PDF280.112 Drawing on financial assurance mechanisms.
TEXT PDF280.113 Release from the requirements.
TEXT PDF280.114 Bankruptcy or other incapacity of owner or operator or provider of financial assurance.
TEXT PDF280.115 Replenishment of guarantees, letters of credit, or surety bonds.
TEXT PDF280.200 Definitions.
TEXT PDF280.210 Participation in management.
TEXT PDF280.220 Ownership of an underground storage tank or underground storage tank system or facility or property on which an underground storage tank or underground storage tank system is located.
TEXT PDF280.230 Operating an underground storage tank or underground storage tank system.
