Title 48--Federal Acquisition Regulations System



TEXT PDF522.000 Scope of part.
TEXT PDF522.001 Definition.
TEXT PDF522.101 Labor relations.
TEXT PDF522.101-1 General.
TEXT PDF522.101-3 Reporting labor disputes.
TEXT PDF522.103 Overtime.
TEXT PDF522.103-4 Approvals.
TEXT PDF522.103-5 Contract clause.
TEXT PDF522.302 Liquidated damages and overtime pay.
TEXT PDF522.404 Davis-Bacon Act wage determinations.
TEXT PDF522.404-6 Modifications of wage determinations.
TEXT PDF522.406 Administration and enforcement.
TEXT PDF522.406-1 Policy.
TEXT PDF522.406-6 Payrolls and statements.
TEXT PDF522.406-7 Compliance checking.
TEXT PDF522.406-8 Investigations.
TEXT PDF522.406-9 Withholding from or suspension of contract payments.
TEXT PDF522.406-11 Contract terminations.
TEXT PDF522.406-13 Semiannual enforcement reports.
TEXT PDF522.470 Forms.
TEXT PDF522.608 Procedures.
TEXT PDF522.608-2 Determination of eligibility.
TEXT PDF522.608-3 Protests against eligibility.
TEXT PDF522.608-4 Award pending final determination.
TEXT PDF522.608-6 Postaward.
TEXT PDF522.803 Responsibilities.
TEXT PDF522.804 Affirmative action programs.
TEXT PDF522.804-1 Nonconstruction.
TEXT PDF522.804-70 Reports and other required information.
TEXT PDF522.804-71 Furnishing information to contractors.
TEXT PDF522.805 Procedures.
TEXT PDF522.807 Exemptions.
TEXT PDF522.1003 Applicability.
TEXT PDF522.1003-3 Statutory exemptions.
TEXT PDF522.1003-4 Administrative limitations, variations, tolerances, and exemptions.
TEXT PDF522.1003-7 Questions concerning applicability of the Act.
TEXT PDF522.1005 Clause for contracts of $2,500 or less.
TEXT PDF522.1006 Clauses for contracts over $2,500.
TEXT PDF522.1011 Response to notice by Department of Labor.
TEXT PDF522.1011-2 Requests for status or expediting of response.
TEXT PDF522.1013 Review of wage determination.
TEXT PDF522.1014 Delay of acquisition dates over 60 days.
TEXT PDF522.1021 Substantial variance hearings.
TEXT PDF522.1303 Waivers.
TEXT PDF522.1306 Complaint procedures.
TEXT PDF522.1403 Waivers.
TEXT PDF522.1406 Complaint procedures.

