Title 48--Federal Acquisition Regulations System



TEXT PDF514.201 Preparation of invitations for bids.
TEXT PDF514.201-1 Uniform contract format.
TEXT PDF514.201-2 Part I--The Schedule.
TEXT PDF514.201-6 Solicitation provisions.
TEXT PDF514.201-7 Contract clauses.
TEXT PDF514.201-70 GSA forms.
TEXT PDF514.201-71 Request for brand name information limitation.
TEXT PDF514.202 General rules for solicitation of bids.
TEXT PDF514.202-4 Bid samples.
TEXT PDF514.202-7 Facsimile bids.
TEXT PDF514.203 Methods of soliciting bids.
TEXT PDF514.203-1 Transmittal to prospective bidders.
TEXT PDF514.204 Records of invitations for bids and records of bids.
TEXT PDF514.205 Solicitation mailing lists.
TEXT PDF514.205-1 Establishment of lists.
TEXT PDF514.211 Release of acquisition information.
TEXT PDF514.213 Annual submission of representations and certifications.
TEXT PDF514.270 Bid acceptance period.
TEXT PDF514.271 Aggregate awards.
TEXT PDF514.271-1 General.
TEXT PDF514.271-2 Weighting of items for aggregate award.
TEXT PDF514.271-3 Grouping of line items for aggregate award.
TEXT PDF514.272 Price list method.
TEXT PDF514.272-1 Supply contracts.
TEXT PDF514.272-2 Repair and alteration contracts.
TEXT PDF514.301 Responsiveness of bids.
TEXT PDF514.303 Modification or withdrawal of bids.
TEXT PDF514.304 Late bids, late modifications of bids, or late withdrawal of bids.
TEXT PDF514.304-1 General.
TEXT PDF514.370 Copies of bids required in submission.
TEXT PDF514.401 Receipt and safeguarding of bids.
TEXT PDF514.402 Opening of bids.
TEXT PDF514.402-1 Unclassified bids.
TEXT PDF514.403 Recording of bids.
TEXT PDF514.404 Rejection of bids.
TEXT PDF514.404-1 Cancellation of invitations after opening.
TEXT PDF514.404-2 Rejection of individual bids.
TEXT PDF514.405 Minor informalities or irregularities in bids.
TEXT PDF514.407 Mistakes in bids.
TEXT PDF514.407-3 Other mistakes disclosed before award.
TEXT PDF514.407-4 Mistakes after award.
TEXT PDF514.407-7 Documentation of award.
TEXT PDF514.408 Award.
TEXT PDF514.408-1 General.
TEXT PDF514.408-6 Equal low bids.
TEXT PDF514.408-70 Preaward inquiries.
TEXT PDF514.408-71 Awards involving related cases referred to higher authority.
TEXT PDF514.408-72 Forms for recommending award(s) (Supplies and services).
TEXT PDF514.409 Information to bidders.
TEXT PDF514.409-1 Award of unclassified contracts.
TEXT PDF514.409-70 Restriction on disclosure of inspection or test data.
TEXT PDF514.471 Multiple bidding.

