Title 22--Foreign Relations



TEXT PDF123.1 Requirement for export or temporary import licenses.
TEXT PDF123.2 Import jurisdiction.
TEXT PDF123.3 Temporary import licenses.
TEXT PDF123.4 Temporary import license exemptions.
TEXT PDF123.5 Temporary export licenses.
TEXT PDF123.6 Foreign trade zones and U.S. Customs bonded warehouses.
TEXT PDF123.7 Exports to warehouses or distribution points outside the United States.
TEXT PDF123.8 Special controls on vessels, aircraft and satellites covered by the U.S. Munitions List.
TEXT PDF123.9 Country of ultimate destination and approval of reexports or retransfers.
TEXT PDF123.10 Non-transfer and use assurances.
TEXT PDF123.11 Movements of vessels and aircraft covered by the U.S. Munitions List outside the United States.
TEXT PDF123.12 Shipments between U.S. possessions.
TEXT PDF123.13 Domestic aircraft shipments via a foreign country.
TEXT PDF123.14 Import certificate/delivery verification procedure.
TEXT PDF123.15 Congressional notification for licenses.
TEXT PDF123.16 Exemptions of general applicability.
TEXT PDF123.17 Exports of firearms and ammunition.
TEXT PDF123.18 Firearms for personal use of members of the U.S. Armed Forces and civilian employees of the U.S. Government.
TEXT PDF123.19 Canadian and Mexican border shipments.
TEXT PDF123.20 Nuclear related controls.
TEXT PDF123.21 Duration, renewal and disposition of licenses.
TEXT PDF123.22 Filing of export licenses and Shipper's Export Declarations with District Directors of Customs.
TEXT PDF123.23 Monetary value of shipments.
TEXT PDF123.24 Shipments by mail.
TEXT PDF123.25 Amendments to licenses.
TEXT PDF123.26 Recordkeeping requirement for exemptions.
TEXT PDF123.27 Special licensing regime for export to U.S. allies of commercial communications satellite components, systems, parts, accessories, attachments and associated technical data.
