Title 17--Commodity and Securities Exchanges



TEXT PDF3.1 Definitions.
TEXT PDF3.2 Registration processing by the National Futures Association; notification and duration of registration.
TEXT PDF3.4 Registration in one capacity not included in registration in any other capacity.
TEXT PDF3.10 Registration of futures commission merchants, introducing brokers, commodity trading advisors, commodity pool operators and leverage transaction merchants.
TEXT PDF3.11 Registration of floor brokers and floor traders.
TEXT PDF3.12 Registration of associated persons of futures commission merchants, introducing brokers, commodity trading advisors, commodity pool operators and leverage transaction merchants.
TEXT PDF3.13 Registration of agricultural trade option merchants and their associated persons.
TEXT PDF3.21 Exemption from fingerprinting requirement in certain cases.
TEXT PDF3.22 Supplemental filings.
TEXT PDF3.30 Current address for purpose of delivery of communications from the Commission or the National Futures Association.
TEXT PDF3.31 Deficiencies, inaccuracies, and changes, to be reported.
TEXT PDF3.33 Withdrawal from registration.
TEXT PDF3.40 Temporary licensing of applicants for associated person, floor broker or floor trader registration.
TEXT PDF3.42 Termination.
TEXT PDF3.43 Relationship to registration.
TEXT PDF3.44 Temporary licensing of applicants for guaranteed introducing broker registration.
TEXT PDF3.45 Restrictions upon activities.
TEXT PDF3.46 Termination.
TEXT PDF3.47 Relationship to registration.
TEXT PDF3.50 Service.
TEXT PDF3.51 Withdrawal of application for registration.
TEXT PDF3.55 Suspension and revocation of registration pursuant to section 8a(2) of the Act.
TEXT PDF3.56 Suspension or modification of registration pursuant to section 8a(11) of the Act.
TEXT PDF3.57 Proceedings under section 8a(2)(E) of the Act.
TEXT PDF3.60 Procedure to deny, condition, suspend, revoke or place restrictions upon registration pursuant to sections 8a(2), 8a(3) and 8a(4) of the Act.
TEXT PDF3.61 Extensions of time for proceedings brought under 3.55, 3.56, and 3.60 of this part.
TEXT PDF3.63 Service of order issued by an Administrative Law Judge or the Commission.
TEXT PDF3.64 Procedure to lift or modify conditions or restrictions.
TEXT PDF3.70 Notification of certain information regarding associated persons.
TEXT PDF3.75 Delegation and reservation of authority.

