Title 18--Conservation of Power and Water Resources



TEXT PDF1301.1 General provisions.
TEXT PDF1301.2 Public reading rooms.
TEXT PDF1301.3 Requirements for making requests.
TEXT PDF1301.4 Responsibility for responding to requests.
TEXT PDF1301.5 Timing of responses to requests.
TEXT PDF1301.6 Responses to requests.
TEXT PDF1301.7 Exempt records.
TEXT PDF1301.8 Business information.
TEXT PDF1301.9 Appeals.
TEXT PDF1301.10 Fees.
TEXT PDF1301.11 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF1301.12 Definitions.
TEXT PDF1301.13 Procedures for requests pertaining to individual records in a record system.
TEXT PDF1301.14 Times, places, and requirements for identification of individuals making requests.
TEXT PDF1301.15 Disclosure of requested information to individuals.
TEXT PDF1301.16 Special procedures--medical records.
TEXT PDF1301.17 Requests for correction or amendment of record.
TEXT PDF1301.18 TVA review of request for correction or amendment of record.
TEXT PDF1301.19 Appeals on initial adverse agency determination on correction or amendment.
TEXT PDF1301.20 Disclosure of record to persons other than individual to whom it pertains.
TEXT PDF1301.21 Fees.
TEXT PDF1301.22 Penalties.
TEXT PDF1301.23 General exemptions.
TEXT PDF1301.24 Specific exemptions.
TEXT PDF1301.41 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF1301.42 Definitions.
TEXT PDF1301.43 Open meetings.
TEXT PDF1301.44 Notice of meetings.
TEXT PDF1301.45 Procedure for closing meetings.
TEXT PDF1301.46 Criteria for closing meetings.
TEXT PDF1301.47 Transcripts of closed meetings.
TEXT PDF1301.48 Public availability of transcripts and other documents.

