Title 50--Wildlife and Fisheries



TEXT PDF20.1 Scope of regulations.
TEXT PDF20.2 Relation to other provisions.
TEXT PDF20.11 What terms do I need to understand?
TEXT PDF20.20 Migratory Bird Harvest Information Program.
TEXT PDF20.21 What hunting methods are illegal?
TEXT PDF20.22 Closed seasons.
TEXT PDF20.23 Shooting hours.
TEXT PDF20.24 Daily limit.
TEXT PDF20.25 Wanton waste of migratory game birds.
TEXT PDF20.26 Emergency closures.
TEXT PDF20.31 Prohibited if taken in violation of subpart C.
TEXT PDF20.32 During closed season.
TEXT PDF20.33 Possession limit.
TEXT PDF20.34 Opening day of a season.
TEXT PDF20.35 Field possession limit.
TEXT PDF20.36 Tagging requirement.
TEXT PDF20.37 Custody of birds of another.
TEXT PDF20.38 Possession of live birds.
TEXT PDF20.39 Termination of possession.
TEXT PDF20.40 Gift of migratory game birds.
TEXT PDF20.41 Prohibited if taken in violation of subpart C.
TEXT PDF20.42 Transportation of birds of another.
TEXT PDF20.43 Species identification requirement.
TEXT PDF20.44 Marking package or container.
TEXT PDF20.51 Prohibited if taken in violation of subpart C.
TEXT PDF20.52 Species identification requirement.
TEXT PDF20.53 Marking package or container.
TEXT PDF20.61 Importation limits.
TEXT PDF20.62 Importation of birds of another.
TEXT PDF20.63 Species identification requirement.
TEXT PDF20.64 Foreign export permits.
TEXT PDF20.65 Processing requirement.
TEXT PDF20.66 Marking of package or container.
TEXT PDF20.71 Violation of Federal law.
TEXT PDF20.72 Violation of State law.
TEXT PDF20.73 Violation of foreign law.
TEXT PDF20.81 Tagging requirement.
TEXT PDF20.82 Records required.
TEXT PDF20.83 Inspection of premises.
TEXT PDF20.91 Commercial use of feathers.
TEXT PDF20.92 Personal use of feathers or skins.
TEXT PDF20.100 General provisions.
TEXT PDF20.101 Seasons, limits and shooting hours for Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
TEXT PDF20.102 Seasons, limits, and shooting hours for Alaska.
TEXT PDF20.103 Seasons, limits, and shooting hours for mourning and white-winged doves and wild pigeons.
TEXT PDF20.104 Seasons, limits, and shooting hours for rails, woodcock, and common (Wilson's) snipe.
TEXT PDF20.105 Seasons, limits and shooting hours for waterfowl, coots, and gallinules.
TEXT PDF20.106 Seasons, limits, and shooting hours for sandhill cranes.
TEXT PDF20.107 Seasons, limits, and shooting hours for tundra swans.
TEXT PDF20.108 Nontoxic shot zones.
TEXT PDF20.109 Extended seasons, limits, and hours for taking migratory game birds by falconry.
TEXT PDF20.110 Seasons, limits, and other regulations for certain Federal Indian reservations, Indian Territory, and ceded lands.
TEXT PDF20.131 Extension of seasons.
TEXT PDF20.132 Subsistence use in Alaska.
TEXT PDF20.133 Hunting regulations for crows.
TEXT PDF20.134 Nontoxic shot.
TEXT PDF20.151 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF20.152 Definitions.
TEXT PDF20.153 Regulations committee.
TEXT PDF20.154 Flyway Councils.
TEXT PDF20.155 Public file.
