USGS - science for a changing world

U.S. Geological Survey Manual

Department of the Interior

U.S. Geological Survey Manual

Subject Index


Safeguard and Release of USGS Information, 500.14

Safety Policy and Responsibilities, 445.1

Safety Program, 445.1

Safety Committee, Handbook 445-2-H, Chapter 1

Safety Glasses, 402.13

Salary (see Pay)

Salary Retention Benefits, 370.531.1

Salary Rates Setting - General Schedule Employees, 370.531.1

Sale of Personal Property and Motor Vehicles, 338.9

Sale of Publications, Products, Refunds, 338.5

Sales to Employees of Federal Government, 408.11

Samplers, Payments to, 342.1

Savings Bonds, 344.2

Science Council, 308.6

Scientific Integrity, 500.25

Security, 440.1; 600.5

   ADP, 600.5

   Building Passes/Identification Cards, 440.1

   Clearance, 440.7

   National Security Information, 440.3

   National Security Position Program, 440.7

   Physical Security Program, 440.2

Separation, Employee

   Clearance Procedures, 344.16

   Effective Date, 370.296.3

Serious Incidents, Unusual Events and Emergency Conditions, 451.1

Shipments, 410.1

   Discrepancies and Claims, 410.5

   Domestic, 410.1

   Freight, 410.2

   Hazardous Material, 410.7

   Household Goods, 340.9; 410.2

   Small, 410.6

Ships, 412.1

Shore Leave, 370.630.12

Simplified Acquisition, 403.2

Small Purchase, 403.2

Sick Leave, 370.630.4

Smoking in USGS-Occupied Buildings and Facilities, 370.792.3

Soil Conservation Service/USGS Interagency

   Coordinating Committee for Data Exchange and Program Coordination, 308.35

Sole Source, 404.3

Space, Lease Management, 429.1

Space Management and Maintenance, 429.1

Special Redelegations of Authority

   Acceptance of Conveyance (220.5), (incorporated into SM Real Property Management 205.12)

   Certification of USGS Reproductions, 301.3

   Delegations, 200.1

   Federal Register Notices, 220.7

Special Emphasis Program Advisory Committee, 308.59

Specific Make and Model, 402.5

Specification, 402.5

Speeches, Lectures and Illustrated Talks, 370.735.4

Spirits, Distilled, 402.12

Standard Filing System, 431.1; 431.2

Standard Form 44, 403.2

Standard Form 281, SCAR, 403.2

Standard Vouchers, 336.3

Standards for Digital Spatial Data Released to the Public, 504.1

Statement of Work, 402.5

Storage of Goods, 340.6

Student Career Experience Program, 370.308.3

Student Loan Repayment Benefit, 370.537.1

Subsistence, 340.8

Succession, 302.1 , 302.2 (also, see Officials)

Suits Against Federal Employees in Operation of Motor Vehicles, 451.4

Sunday Work, Premium Pay for, 370.550.8

Supervisors' Pay if Less than Wage System, 370.531.1

Supervisors' Probationary Period, 370.315.9

Supervisory, Management, and Executive Development

   General Provisions, 370.412.1

   Management Development, 370.412.3

   Supervisory Development, 370.412.2

Survey Committees

   Alaska, 308.10

Survey Manual 431.5

   Distribution Plan, 301.2

   Purpose and Scope, 431.5

   Policy, 431.5

   Responsibilities, 431.5

Survey Program, Employee, 370.400.1

Survey Program Policies (see Program Policies, USGS)

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