USGS - science for a changing world

U.S. Geological Survey Manual

Department of the Interior

U.S. Geological Survey Manual

Subject Index


Radioactivity, Fallout and Monitoring, 1000.1

Radiocommunications, 313.13

   Frequency Assignments, 313.13

Radio Maintenance, 313.13

Reactor Operations Committee, 308.44

Real Property

   Acquisition, Assignment and Release, 427.1

   Alterations and Repair, 427.1

   Disposal, 427.1

   Easement, Rights-of-Way, Leases and Permits, 427.1

   Quarters, Establishment of Rental Rates, 427.1

   Sale to Employees, 427.1

   Valuation 423.1

Reassignments, Temporary, 370.300.8

Receiving Reports, 403.15

Receiving Stations, 403.15

Record Communications, 313.10

Records Creation and Management, 431.1

   Correspondence Management, 431.2

   Directives Management, 431.5

   Electronic Mail (E-Mail), 431.3

   Federal Register Documents, 431.8

   Files Management, 432.1

   Forms Management, 431.4

   Information Storage and Retrieval Technology - Micrographics, 431.9

   Paperwork Management Program, General, 431.1

   Vital Records Disposition, 433.3

Recruitment Bonuses, 370.575.1

Recycled Products, 402.5

Redelegations of Authority, 200.2

   Cash Awards and Quality Increases, 205.1

   Certification of Long-distance Telephone Calls, 205.5

   Collection of Erroneous Payments, 205.10

   Court Testimony, Official Personnel Folders, 205.9

   Equal Employment Opportunity, 205.16

   Personal Property Management, 205.3

   Personnel Management, 205.1

   Policy and Limitation, 200.2

   Procurement, 205.4

   Travel, 205.2

Refreshments, 402.3.7C

Refunds, Publications and Other Products, 338.5

Rehabilitation Act, Implementation and Administration of Section 508, 600.6

Reimbursement, Professional Liability Insurance, 335.7

Reimbursement, Travel, 340.12

Reimbursement, Use of Privately-owned Conveyance, 340.4

Relatives, Employment of, 370.338.2

Release of Information to News Media, 500.5

Release of Official Records, 450.2

Releasing Groups of Employees, 370.630.11

Relocation Bonuses, 370.575.1

Relocation Procedures, Travel, 340.6

Rental System, Motor Vehicles, 409.1

Repair of Electric Typewriters and Office Equipment, 403.2

Reporting, Acquisition, 403.2

Reporting Policy, 500.10

Reports, Financial, 332.1

Reproduction and Office Copying Equipment, 314.3

Reproduction and Printing Services

   Certification of USGS Reproductions, 301.3

   Field Printing, 314.1

Repromotion Consideration Program, 370.536.1

Request for Procurement Services, 402.3

Request for Quotations, 403.2

Requisitions, Procurement 402.3

Research Associate Program, 500.21

Research Committee, 308.42

Resource Conservation, 402.5

Retention Allowances, 370.575.1

Routing Identifier Code, GSA, 403.3

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