USGS - science for a changing world

U.S. Geological Survey Manual

Department of the Interior

U.S. Geological Survey Manual

Subject Index


Paperwork Management, 431.1

Parking Management, 429.7

Partial Delivery Receipt, 403.15


     Allotments and Assignments, 370.550.3; 370.550.12

     Classified Positions, 370.531.1

     Collection of Erroneous Payments to U.S. Employees, 338.3

     Differential, 370.550.9; 370.550.10

     Dual Federal Employment, 370.550.5

     FC Schedule, 370.534.1

     FC Schedule Employees, 370.534.1

     Foreign Differentials and Allowances, 370.592.1

     Hazard Pay Differential, 370.550.9

     Highest Previous Rate Criteria, 370.531.1

     Holiday Work, 370.610.2

     Night Work, 370.550.2

     Nonforeign Differentials and Allowances, 370.591.1

     Overtime, 370.550.1

     Salary Retention Benefits, 370.531.1

     Scales, 370.531.1

     Sunday Work, 370.550.8

     Supervisors of Wage System Employees, 370.531.1

     Waiver of Claims for Erroneous Payments of Pay, 205.10

     Within Grade Increases, 370.531.1

Payment Discounts, 403.5

Payments to Gage Readers, Samplers, and Observers, 342.1

Payments, Waiver of, 338.7

Payroll and Accounting, 344.1

Payroll Deductions for Savings Bonds, 344.2

Pay Differential, Environmental, 370.550.10

Per Diem, 340.7; 370.410.5

Personal Property

     Accountability and Responsibility, 408.2; 205.3

     Sale of, 338.9

     Utilization and Disposal, 408.9


   Actions, Effective Date, 370.296.3

   Association Membership, Professional or other, 370.252.1

   Delegation of Authority, 205.1

   Folders, Authority to Release for Court Use, 450.2

   Intergovernmental Assignments, 370.334.1, 370.334.2, 370.334.3, 370.334.4

Personnel Actions

   Details, 370.300.8

   Effective Date, 370.296.3

Personnel Management Delegations, 205.1

Personnel Management Evaluation, 370.275.1

Personnel Management Inspection, 370.275.1

  Program Evaluation, 370.275.1

Photocopy Equipment, 314.3

Personnel Suitability- Low Risk and Public Trust Positions, 370.371.1

Physical Fitness Program, 370.792.4

Physical Security Program, 440.2

Policy Council, 308.2

Policy Council on Work for Non-Federal Agencies, 500.2

Policy - Sensitive Issues, 502.4

Political Activity, 370.733.1

Pre-employment Transportation Agreement, 370.572.1

Press Releases, 500.5

Premium Pay for Sunday Work, 370.550.8

Prescription Goggles or Glasses, 402.13

Preventive Medical Treatment, 370.792.1

Printing, Field, 314.1

Privacy Act, 319.1 (also, see Acts)

Private Lands, Obtaining Permission for Access to, 500.11

Private Automatic Branch Exchange (PABX), 600.3

Probationary Period for Supervisors and Managers, 315.9

Proceeds from the Sale of Personal Property and Motor Vehicles, 338.9

Procurement, 403.3 (also, see Purchasing)

Procurement/Assistance Awards to Former USGS Employees, 404.5

Procurement Delegations, 205.4

Procurement Evaluations, 401.2

Procurement of Goods and Services, Requisition for, 402.3

Procurement Planning, Advance, 404.2

Procurement Specifications, 402.5

Professional Liability Insurance Reimbursement, 335.7

Program Policies, USGS, 500.1 through 1000.1

   Acceptance of Volunteer Service, 500.23

   Cooperative Work With States, Counties, Municipalities, etc., 500.1

   Credits and Acknowledgements in Reports by USGS Authors, 1100.5

   Director Approval of Outside Publication and Oral Presentation, 500.9

   Fundamental Science Practices: Foundation Policy, 502.1

   Fundamental Science Practices: Planning and Conducting Data Collection and Research, 502.2

   Fundamental Science Practices: Peer Review 502.3

   Fundamental Science Practices: Review, Approval, and Release of Information Products, 502.4

   Industrial Research Associate Program, 500.21

   Information Systems Security and Control, 600.5

   Mapping Responsibility and Policy, 800.1

   National Mapping Program, 800.2

   Networking of Computer Resources, 600.3

   Obtaining Permission for Access to Private Lands, 500.11

   Policy for Release of Computer Databases and Computer Programs, 500.24

   Policy on Work For Non-Federal Agencies, 500.2

   Protection and Enhancement of Environmental Quality, 516.2

   Release of Written Information to the News Media, 500.5

   Safeguard and Release of USGS Information, 500.14
   Use of Facilities by Non-Government People, 500.12

   Work for Other Federal Agencies, 500.3

Property, Personal

   Accountability and Responsibility, 408.2

   Acquisition and Utilization of Excess, 408.4

Property, Controlled

   Custodians, 408.2; 408.9

   Disposal - Survey Board Actions, 408.9; 409.1

   Establishment of Accountability Records, 408.2

   List of Accountable Property, 408.2, Appendix A

   Loss or Damage, Employee's Personal, 451.5

   Loss, Theft or Damage, 408.2

   Motor Vehicles, 409.1

   Negotiated Sale, 408.9

   Noncontrolled, Disposal of, 408.9

   Reporting Acquisitions, 408.2

Property Custodians, 408.2; 408.9

Property Transfer Procedures

   Receiving and Reporting, 408.2

   Sale to Government Employees, 408.9; 408.11

   Special Inventory, 408.2

   Surplus or Excess, Reporting of Acquisition of, 408.4

   Use, Official Purpose, 408.4

   Utilization of Excess Personal Property, 408.4

   Vehicles, 409.1 (also, see Motor Vehicles)

   Watercraft, 412.1

Property, Real, (see Real Property)

Property Passes, 408.2

Proposals, 401.8

Proprietary Information From Private Sources, Safeguarding, 500.14


   Credits, 1100.5
   Sales of, 338.2

   U.S. Geological Survey Publication Series, 1100.3

   Use of Copyrighted Material, 450.3

Publicly Available Databases, 500.24

Public Trust and Low Risk Positions - Personnel Suitability, 370.371.1

Publishing, U.S. Geological Survey Publication Series, 1100.3


   Advance Procurement Planning, 404.2

   Alcohol, 402.12

   Blanket Purchase Agreements, 403.6

   Books and Library Subscriptions, 403.2

   Canceling and Amending Purchase Orders, 403.5

   Employee Claim for Official Business Expenditures, 335.4

   FEDSTRIP Requisitioning Procedures, 403.3

   Gasoline Credit Cards, 403.10

   Goggles or Glasses, Prescription, 402.13

   Partial Delivery, Receipt for, 335.4

Personal Expenditures, Reimbursement for 335.4

Purchase Orders, 403.5; 403.2

   Receipt for Goods and Services, 403.15

   Requisition for Procurement of Goods and Services, 402.3

   Small Purchases of Supplies and Services, 403.2

   Tires, 403.12

   Utilities, 403.9

   Watercraft, 412.1

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