USGS - science for a changing world

U.S. Geological Survey Manual

Department of the Interior

U.S. Geological Survey Manual

Subject Index


Identification Cards/Building Passes, 440.1

Identification Clothing, 408.3

Imprest Funds, 205.4; 403.2

Incentive Awards Committee, 308.18

Incident Reporting, 451.1

Incidental Operator (Motor Vehicle), 409.1

Individual Development Plan, 370.410.2; 370.410.8; 370.412.1; 370.412.2

Industrial Research Associate Program, 500.21

Information Collection Requirements, 431.10

Information Council, 308.5.1

Information Management and Delivery Committee, 308.5.2

Information, National Security, 440.3

Information Product Planning, 1100.1

Information Products, Authority to Approve, 205.18

Information, Release of Press Releases, 500.5

Information Storage and Retrieval Technology, See 431.1 Records Management Program

Information Systems Security, 600.5

Information Technology Infrastructure Committee, 308.5.3

Inspection, 403.15

Instructions, (Directives Management), 431.5


     Liability, Motor Vehicle, 451.4

     Liability, Professional Liability Insurance Reimbursement 335.7

     Storage of Goods, 340.6

Interagency Acquisitions, 405-7

Interagency Agreements, 205.4, 405-7

Interagency Programs, Financing, 321.1

Interest, Late Payment, 403.15.4C

Intergovernmental Assignments, 370.334.1,  2, 3,  & 4,

Intern Program, Federal Career, 370.308.4

Internal Control Systems,401.2

Internal Database, 500.24

International Activities Policy, 308.15

Interviews,Pre-employment, Transportation for, 370.572.1

Inventions by Employees, 453.1

Inventory, Property, 408.2

Investigation, Accident, 451.4

Investigative Processing, 440.7

Investigative Reports, 451.1

Invoice, Approval and Payment of, 403.15

Invoice, Bankcard, 403.15.3H

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