Title 5--Administrative Personnel



TEXT PDF890.101 Definitions; time computations.
TEXT PDF890.102 Coverage.
TEXT PDF890.103 Correction of errors.
TEXT PDF890.104 Initial decision and reconsideration on enrollment.
TEXT PDF890.105 Filing claims for payment or service.
TEXT PDF890.106 Delegation of authority for resolving certain contract disputes.
TEXT PDF890.107 Court review.
TEXT PDF890.108 Will OPM waive requirements for continued coverage during retirement?
TEXT PDF890.109 Exclusion of certain periods of eligibility when determining continued coverage during retirement.
TEXT PDF890.110 Enrollment reconciliation.
TEXT PDF890.201 Minimum standards for health benefits plans.
TEXT PDF890.202 Minimum standards for health benefits carriers.
TEXT PDF890.203 Application for approval of, and proposal of amendments to, health benefit plans.
TEXT PDF890.204 Withdrawal of approval of health benefits plans or carriers.
TEXT PDF890.205 Nonrenewal of contracts of health benefits plans.
TEXT PDF890.301 Opportunities for employees who are not participants in premium conversion to enroll or change enrollment; effective dates.
TEXT PDF890.302 Coverage of family members.
TEXT PDF890.303 Continuation of enrollment.
TEXT PDF890.304 Termination of enrollment.
TEXT PDF890.305 Reinstatement of enrollment after military service.
TEXT PDF890.306 When can annuitants or survivor annuitants change enrollment or reenroll and what are the effective dates?
TEXT PDF890.307 Waiver or suspension of annuity or compensation.
TEXT PDF890.308 Disenrollment.
TEXT PDF890.401 Temporary extension of coverage and conversion.
TEXT PDF890.501 Government contributions.
TEXT PDF890.502 Withholdings, contributions, LWOP, premiums, and direct premium payment.
TEXT PDF890.503 Reserves.
TEXT PDF890.504 Disposition of contingency reserves upon reorganization or merger of plans.
TEXT PDF890.505 Recurring premium payments to carriers.
TEXT PDF890.601 Coverage.
TEXT PDF890.602 Opportunity to change enrollment.
TEXT PDF890.603 Effective date.
TEXT PDF890.605 Persons confined on effective date.
TEXT PDF890.701 Definitions.
TEXT PDF890.702 Payment to any licensed practitioner.
TEXT PDF890.801 Introduction.
TEXT PDF890.802 Definition.
TEXT PDF890.803 Who may enroll.
TEXT PDF890.804 Coverage.
TEXT PDF890.805 Application time limitations.
TEXT PDF890.806 When can former spouses change enrollment or reenroll and what are the effective dates?
TEXT PDF890.807 When do enrollments terminate, cancel or suspend?
TEXT PDF890.808 Employing office responsibilities.
TEXT PDF890.901 Purpose.
TEXT PDF890.902 Definition.
TEXT PDF890.903 Covered services.
TEXT PDF890.904 Determination of FEHB benefit payment.
TEXT PDF890.905 Limits on inpatient hospital and physician charges.
TEXT PDF890.906 Retired enrolled individuals coinsurance payments.
TEXT PDF890.907 Effective dates.
TEXT PDF890.908 Notification of HHS.
TEXT PDF890.909 End-of-year settlements.
TEXT PDF890.910 Provider information.
TEXT PDF890.1001 Scope and purpose.
TEXT PDF890.1002 Use of terminology.
TEXT PDF890.1003 Definitions.
TEXT PDF890.1004 Bases for mandatory debarments.
TEXT PDF890.1005 Time limits for OPM to initiate mandatory debarments.
TEXT PDF890.1006 Notice of proposed mandatory debarment.
TEXT PDF890.1007 Minimum length of mandatory debarments.
TEXT PDF890.1008 Mandatory debarment for longer than the minimum length.
TEXT PDF890.1009 Contesting proposed mandatory debarments.
TEXT PDF890.1010 Debarring official's decision of contest.
TEXT PDF890.1011 Bases for permissive debarments.
TEXT PDF890.1012 Time limits for OPM to initiate permissive debarments.
TEXT PDF890.1013 Deciding whether to propose a permissive debarment.
TEXT PDF890.1014 Notice of proposed permissive debarment.
TEXT PDF890.1015 Minimum and maximum length of permissive debarments.
TEXT PDF890.1016 Aggravating and mitigating factors used to determine the length of permissive debarments.
TEXT PDF890.1017 Determining length of debarment based on revocation or suspension of a provider's professional licensure.
TEXT PDF890.1018 Determining length of debarment for an entity owned or controlled by a sanctioned provider.
TEXT PDF890.1019 Determining length of debarment based on ownership or control of a sanctioned entity.
TEXT PDF890.1020 Determining length of debarment based on false, wrongful, or deceptive claims.
TEXT PDF890.1021 Determining length of debarment based on failure to furnish information needed to resolve claims.
TEXT PDF890.1022 Contesting proposed permissive debarments.
TEXT PDF890.1023 Information considered in deciding a contest.
TEXT PDF890.1024 Standard and burden of proof for deciding contests.
TEXT PDF890.1025 Cases where additional fact-finding is not required.
TEXT PDF890.1026 Procedures if a fact-finding proceeding is not required.
TEXT PDF890.1027 Cases where an additional fact-finding proceeding is required.
TEXT PDF890.1028 Conducting a fact-finding proceeding.
TEXT PDF890.1029 Deciding a contest after a fact-finding proceeding.
TEXT PDF890.1030 Effect of a suspension.
TEXT PDF890.1031 Grounds for suspension.
TEXT PDF890.1032 Length of suspension.
TEXT PDF890.1033 Notice of suspension.
TEXT PDF890.1034 Counting a period of suspension as part of a subsequent debarment.
TEXT PDF890.1035 Provider contests of suspensions.
TEXT PDF890.1036 Information considered in deciding a contest.
TEXT PDF890.1037 Cases where additional fact-finding is not required.
TEXT PDF890.1038 Deciding a contest without additional fact-finding.
TEXT PDF890.1039 Cases where additional fact-finding is required.
TEXT PDF890.1040 Conducting a fact-finding proceeding.
TEXT PDF890.1041 Deciding a contest after a fact-finding proceeding.
TEXT PDF890.1042 Effective dates of debarments.
TEXT PDF890.1043 Effect of debarment on a provider.
TEXT PDF890.1044 Entities notified of OPM-issued debarments and suspensions.
TEXT PDF890.1045 Informing persons covered by FEHBP about debarment or suspension of their provider.
TEXT PDF890.1046 Effect of debarment or suspension on payments for services furnished in emergency situations.
TEXT PDF890.1047 Special rules for institutional providers.
TEXT PDF890.1048 Waiver of debarment for a provider that is the sole source of health care services in a community.
TEXT PDF890.1049 Claims for non-emergency items or services furnished by a debarred or suspended provider.
TEXT PDF890.1050 Exception to a provider's debarment for an individual enrollee.
TEXT PDF890.1051 Applying for reinstatement when period of debarment expires.
TEXT PDF890.1052 Reinstatements without application.
TEXT PDF890.1053 Table of procedures and effective dates for reinstatements.
TEXT PDF890.1054 Agencies and entities to be notified of reinstatements.
TEXT PDF890.1055 Contesting a denial of reinstatement.
TEXT PDF890.1060 Purpose and scope of civil monetary penalties and assessments.
TEXT PDF890.1061 Bases for penalties and assessments.
TEXT PDF890.1062 Deciding whether to impose penalties and assessments.
TEXT PDF890.1063 Maximum amounts of penalties and assessments.
TEXT PDF890.1064 Determining the amounts of penalties and assessments to be imposed on a provider.
TEXT PDF890.1065 Deciding whether to suspend or debar a provider in a case that also involves penalties and assessments.
TEXT PDF890.1066 Notice of proposed penalties and assessments.
TEXT PDF890.1067 Provider contests of proposed penalties and assessments.
TEXT PDF890.1068 Effect of not contesting proposed penalties and assessments.
TEXT PDF890.1069 Information the debarring official must consider in deciding a provider's contest of proposed penalties and assessments.
TEXT PDF890.1070 Deciding contests of proposed penalties and assessments.
TEXT PDF890.1071 Further appeal rights after final decision to impose penalties and assessments.
TEXT PDF890.1072 Collecting penalties and assessments.
TEXT PDF890.1101 Purpose.
TEXT PDF890.1102 Definitions.
TEXT PDF890.1103 Eligibility.
TEXT PDF890.1104 Notification by agency.
TEXT PDF890.1105 Initial election of temporary continuation of coverage; application time limitations and effective dates.
TEXT PDF890.1106 Coverage.
TEXT PDF890.1107 Length of temporary continuation of coverage.
TEXT PDF890.1108 Opportunities to change enrollment; effective dates.
TEXT PDF890.1109 Premium payments.
TEXT PDF890.1110 Termination of enrollment or coverage.
TEXT PDF890.1111 Employing office responsibilities.
TEXT PDF890.1112 Denial of continuation of coverage due to involuntary separation for gross misconduct.
TEXT PDF890.1113 The administrative charge.
TEXT PDF890.1201 Purpose.
TEXT PDF890.1202 Definitions.
TEXT PDF890.1203 Coverage.
TEXT PDF890.1204 Effective date of coverage.
TEXT PDF890.1205 Change in type of enrollment.
TEXT PDF890.1206 Cancellation of coverage.
TEXT PDF890.1207 Termination of coverage.
TEXT PDF890.1208 Premiums.
TEXT PDF890.1209 Responsibilities of the U.S. Department of State.
TEXT PDF890.1210 Reconsideration and appeal rights.
TEXT PDF890.1301 Purpose.
TEXT PDF890.1302 Duration.
TEXT PDF890.1303 Eligibility.
TEXT PDF890.1304 Enrollment.
TEXT PDF890.1305 Termination and cancellation.
TEXT PDF890.1306 Government premium contributions.
TEXT PDF890.1307 Data collection.
TEXT PDF890.1308 Carrier participation.
