Title 5--Administrative Personnel



TEXT PDF9901.101 Purpose.
TEXT PDF9901.102 Eligibility and coverage.
TEXT PDF9901.103 Definitions.
TEXT PDF9901.104 Scope of authority.
TEXT PDF9901.105 Coordination with OPM.
TEXT PDF9901.106 Continuing collaboration.
TEXT PDF9901.107 Relationship to other provisions.
TEXT PDF9901.108 Program evaluation.
TEXT PDF9901.201 Purpose.
TEXT PDF9901.202 Coverage.
TEXT PDF9901.203 Waivers.
TEXT PDF9901.204 Definitions.
TEXT PDF9901.205 Bar on collective bargaining.
TEXT PDF9901.211 Career groups.
TEXT PDF9901.212 Pay schedules and pay bands.
TEXT PDF9901.221 Classification requirements.
TEXT PDF9901.222 Reconsideration of classification decisions.
TEXT PDF9901.231 Conversion of positions and employees to the NSPS classification system.
TEXT PDF9901.301 Purpose.
TEXT PDF9901.302 Coverage.
TEXT PDF9901.303 Waivers.
TEXT PDF9901.304 Definitions.
TEXT PDF9901.305 Bar on collective bargaining.
TEXT PDF9901.311 Major features.
TEXT PDF9901.312 Maximum rates.
TEXT PDF9901.313 National security compensation comparability.
TEXT PDF9901.321 Structure.
TEXT PDF9901.322 Setting and adjusting rate ranges.
TEXT PDF9901.323 Eligibility for pay increase associated with a rate range adjustment.
TEXT PDF9901.331 General.
TEXT PDF9901.332 Local market supplements.
TEXT PDF9901.333 Setting and adjusting local market supplements.
TEXT PDF9901.334 Eligibility for pay increase associated with a supplement adjustment.
TEXT PDF9901.341 General.
TEXT PDF9901.342 Performance payouts.
TEXT PDF9901.343 Pay reduction based on unacceptable performance and/or conduct.
TEXT PDF9901.344 Other performance payments.
TEXT PDF9901.345 Treatment of developmental positions.
TEXT PDF9901.351 Setting an employee's starting pay.
TEXT PDF9901.352 Setting pay upon reassignment.
TEXT PDF9901.353 Setting pay upon promotion.
TEXT PDF9901.354 Setting pay upon reduction in band.
TEXT PDF9901.355 Pay retention.
TEXT PDF9901.356 Miscellaneous.
TEXT PDF9901.361 General.
TEXT PDF9901.371 General.
TEXT PDF9901.372 Creating initial pay ranges.
TEXT PDF9901.373 Conversion of employees to the NSPS pay system.
TEXT PDF9901.401 Purpose.
TEXT PDF9901.402 Coverage.
TEXT PDF9901.403 Waivers.
TEXT PDF9901.404 Definitions.
TEXT PDF9901.405 Performance management system requirements.
TEXT PDF9901.406 Setting and communicating performance expectations.
TEXT PDF9901.407 Monitoring performance and providing feedback.
TEXT PDF9901.408 Developing performance and addressing poor performance.
TEXT PDF9901.409 Rating and rewarding performance.
TEXT PDF9901.501 Purpose.
TEXT PDF9901.502 Scope of authority.
TEXT PDF9901.503 Coverage.
TEXT PDF9901.504 Definitions.
TEXT PDF9901.511 Appointing authorities.
TEXT PDF9901.512 Probationary periods.
TEXT PDF9901.513 Qualification standards.
TEXT PDF9901.514 Non-citizen hiring.
TEXT PDF9901.515 Competitive examining procedures.
TEXT PDF9901.516 Internal placement.
TEXT PDF9901.601 Purpose and applicability.
TEXT PDF9901.602 Scope of authority.
TEXT PDF9901.603 Definitions.
TEXT PDF9901.604 Coverage.
TEXT PDF9901.605 Competitive area.
TEXT PDF9901.606 Competitive group.
TEXT PDF9901.607 Retention standing.
TEXT PDF9901.608 Displacement, release, and position offers.
TEXT PDF9901.609 Reduction in force notices.
TEXT PDF9901.610 Voluntary separation.
TEXT PDF9901.611 Reduction in force appeals.
TEXT PDF9901.701 Purpose.
TEXT PDF9901.702 Waivers.
TEXT PDF9901.703 Definitions.
TEXT PDF9901.704 Coverage.
TEXT PDF9901.711 Standard for action.
TEXT PDF9901.712 Mandatory removal offenses.
TEXT PDF9901.713 Procedures.
TEXT PDF9901.714 Proposal notice.
TEXT PDF9901.715 Opportunity to reply.
TEXT PDF9901.716 Decision notice.
TEXT PDF9901.717 Departmental record.
TEXT PDF9901.721 Savings provision.
TEXT PDF9901.801 Purpose.
TEXT PDF9901.802 Applicable legal standards and precedents.
TEXT PDF9901.803 Waivers.
TEXT PDF9901.804 Definitions.
TEXT PDF9901.805 Coverage.
TEXT PDF9901.806 Alternative dispute resolution.
TEXT PDF9901.807 Appellate procedures.
TEXT PDF9901.808 Appeals of mandatory removal actions.
TEXT PDF9901.809 Actions involving discrimination.
TEXT PDF9901.810 Savings provision.
TEXT PDF9901.901 Purpose.
TEXT PDF9901.902 Scope of authority.
TEXT PDF9901.903 Definitions.
TEXT PDF9901.904 Coverage.
TEXT PDF9901.905 Impact on existing agreements.
TEXT PDF9901.906 Employee rights.
TEXT PDF9901.907 National Security Labor Relations Board.
TEXT PDF9901.908 Powers and duties of the Board.
TEXT PDF9901.909 Powers and duties of the Federal Labor Relations Authority.
TEXT PDF9901.910 Management rights.
TEXT PDF9901.911 Exclusive recognition of labor organizations.
TEXT PDF9901.912 Determination of appropriate units for labor organization representation.
TEXT PDF9901.913 National consultation.
TEXT PDF9901.914 Representation rights and duties.
TEXT PDF9901.915 Allotments to representatives.
TEXT PDF9901.916 Unfair labor practices.
TEXT PDF9901.917 Duty to bargain and consult.
TEXT PDF9901.918 Multi-unit bargaining.
TEXT PDF9901.919 Collective bargaining above the level of recognition.
TEXT PDF9901.920 Negotiation impasses.
TEXT PDF9901.921 Standards of conduct for labor organizations.
TEXT PDF9901.922 Grievance procedures.
TEXT PDF9901.923 Exceptions to arbitration awards.
TEXT PDF9901.924 Official time.
TEXT PDF9901.925 Compilation and publication of data.
TEXT PDF9901.926 Regulations of the Board.
TEXT PDF9901.927 Continuation of existing laws, recognitions, agreements, and procedures.
TEXT PDF9901.928 Savings provisions.
